Reconnaissance Plan of Action Action and observation

triangulation, investigator triangulation, space triangulation and theoretical triangulation. However, the researcher only used two types of triangulation. a. Time Triangulation The data are collected at a different point in time to know what the changes are. In this research the researcher collected the data about the students’ writing ability improvement through the pretest, writing task Cycle I, Cycle II and then the post-test. b. Investigator Triangulation More than one observer will involve in the same research setting to avoid observer being biased and to provide checks on the reliability of the observation. In this research, the researcher, the collaborator and the English teacher were in charge of observing the teaching and learning process. The reliability of quantitative data obtained by using inter-rather reliability proposed by McKay 2006:12. In inter-rather reliability, the researcher assessed the students’ writing scores together with the English teacher and collaborator to avoid bias and subjectivity.

D. Research Procedure

The researcher conducted this research in two cycles. There were five stages that conducted by the researcher in each cycle.

1. Reconnaissance

In the beginning of this research study, the researcher was doing the observation about the teaching learning process at SMP N 5 Wates especially in the process of teaching writing. This step intended to identify the problems occurring in the process of writing in the class. After the observation was done, the researcher conducted some interviews to ask the students some difficulties they face in the learning process and to ask the teacher about the students’ problem in the writing. After that, the researcher conducted the pretest and then observed the students’ writing they had done in the pretest. Based on the data collected from the observations, interviews, and students’ writing score on pre- test, the researcher then formulated the problems occurring in the teaching and learning process of writing.

2. Plan of Action

After formulating the problems in the teaching and learning process of writing in the reconnaissance, the researcher made a plan of action to solve those problems. The researcher implemented graphic organizers to solve the students’ problems dealing with writing. The students were expected to improve their writing performance especially in the area of generating and organizing ideas through the use of graphic organizers. Moreover, the researcher planned the instruments and also lesson plan which were needed in the implementation of the action. In this research study, there were two cycles to be done to solve the problems on the students’ writing. Each cycle consisted of three meetings.

3. Action and observation

In this step, the action was done in the same time because the action and observation cannot be done separately. As mentioned earlier, the implementation of action in this research study were done in two cycles. Each cycle was done in three meetings. The action conducted based on the lesson plan that has been designed. During the implementation of the technique, the researcher needed to observe the students’ behaviour and progress. The data from the observation described in the field note. Meanwhile, the researcher collected the students and teacher’s opinions and feelings through interview before and after the teaching and learning process.

4. Evaluation and reflection