Identification of the Field Problem



The purpose of this research is to improve the students writing skill through the use of graphic organizers. This chapter discusses the process of the research that consist of reconnaissance, the selection of the problem based on the urgency level, determining the action to overcome the selected problem, research process, research findings and discussion.

A. Reconnaissance

In this step, the researcher did some activities to obtain the preliminary data of the teaching and learning process of recount text in Grade VIII B SMP N 5 Wates, especially writing. First, the researcher did an observation toward the teaching and learning process of recount text in the class. After that, she conducted an interview to acquire the opinion of the students and the teacher toward the teaching and learning process of recount text especially in writing. Last, the researcher organized a pre-test for students to find out the actual problem in students’ writing of recount text.

1. Identification of the Field Problem

In order to identify the field problems toward teaching and learning process of English, especially in writing, in SMP N 5 Wates Grade VIII, the researcher did some observation toward the process of teaching and learning process of recount text in class. The observation was done on April 9 th 2016. The researcher also interviewed the students and the English teacher to get the information related to the problems of the teaching and learning process of writing. The following transcript shows the interview that the researcher did with the English teacher. P : Bagaimana motivasi siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris? How about students’ motivation to learn English? GBI : Tergantung sih mbak. Kalau sekelas itu biasanya yang minat banget cuma 10 anak, yang lainnya biasa saja. Biasanya yang minat tu yang perempuan. Yang laki-laki sih biasanya cuma ramai sendiri. It’s depends. Usually just 10 students who motivated to learn English, the others are just so so. Usually, the girls are more motivated to learn English than the boys. The boys usually just talked to each other in class. Interview Transcript 19-4-16 Meanwhile, the researcher also asked the students about their opinion toward English. Here are some examples of the students views. P : Kalian suka tidak sama Bahasa Inggris? Do you like English? S1 : Lumayan sih Mbak. It’s just so so. S3 : Enggak Mbak I don’t like it. S2 : Kadang suka kadang enggak. Sometimes, I like it, sometimes I don’t. P : Maksudnya gimana Dek? What’s the poin? S2 : Yo kalau pas gampang ya suka, kalau pas ga mudeng ya ga suka. If it’s easy for me I like it but if it is difficult I don’t like it P : Kalau yang bilang ga suka tadi kenapa? Why don’t you like English? S3 : Susah e Mbak. It’s difficult. Interview Transcript 29-4-16 P : Kalian suka Bahasa Inggris ga? Do you like English? S4 : Lumayan suka sih mbak. It’s just so so S5 : Nek aku ora mbak. Lha wong angel le. I don’t like it because it’s difficult. S6 : Enggak sih Mbak. No, I don’t like it. P : Kenapa ga suka? Why don’t you like it? S6 : Ga dong Mbak yang diomongin apa. I don’t understand what they talk about in English S5 : Iya Mbak, ga paham aku. Yes Miss. I don’t understand what they talk about. P : Maksudnya ga paham? What do you mean? S5 : Ya misalnya suruh ngerjain gitu po suruh baca ga tau artine mbak. If the teacher asked us to do the exercise or read something in English, we usually did not understand the meaning of the text. Interview Transcript 39-4-16 From the extract of interview above, we can see that the students’ interest to learn English was low. Many of them did not like English. The teacher stated that the students who motivated to learn usually just around 10 students. She stated that the girls were more motivated to learn English than the boys. This views also supported by the result of students’ interview. Some of the students said that they did not like English because it is difficult. Some of them also stated that they did not understand the meaning of text in English. Furthermore, the following field note shows the activities in the classroom. Today’s topic is recount text. The English teacher asked the students some questions. “ Students, what do you know about recount text?” Most of the students were silent. There were some students who talked to each other. The English teacher asked the question again. “Students, what is recount text?” I had repeated this materials many times. Why did not you understand yet? Please open your LKS. The materials are there. Where is your LKS? Please take it from your bag. Some students started to take out their LKS from their bag and open it to search the related materials about recount text. Field Note 29-4-16 From the field note above, the students seem not too interested in learning English. They did not prepare what should they learn that day. Moreover, they did not open their book once the lesson begins. Some of them chose to keep silent when the teacher asked them some questions, while the other did the other opposite which was talk to each other rather than paid attention to the teacher’s explanation and questions. The other problem found was related to the students’ writing. The interview transcript below showed the problem. P : Apakah siswa pernah menulis satu teks lengkap dalam Bahasa Inggris Bu? Did the students ever write the full text in English Mom? GBI : Kalau itu sih jarang mbak. Materinya saja mereka susah paham jadi susah buat nyuruh mereka yang belum paham untuk menulis. Biasanya, waktu saya suruh mereka latihan soal yang cuma membuat atau melengkapi kalimat saja masih susah kok. Itupun sudah dibimbing lho, kok masih banyak yang salah. Jadi siswa disini itu perlu dibimbing pelan-pelan supaya bisa. Kalau untuk menulis itu pernah sekali-kali tapi saya masih kesulitan untuk membuat mereka mau menulis Mbak, kadang baru mulai waktunya sudah habis jadi menulisnya dijadikan PR. I rarely asked them to write. They still don’t understand the materials so it is difficult to ask them who still don’t fully understand the material to write. Usually, they still had difficulty when I asked them to do the task about making or completing the sentence. I had guided them to do that but some of them still make the mistake in doing the task. I think the students here need to be guided slowly in order them to fully understand. Once a time, I had asked them to write but it is still difficult for me to ask them to write a text. Sometimes, when I started to make them to write, the time is over so they have to finish it at home as homework. Interview Transcript 19-4-16 A person have to practice a lot to be a good writer, however the students in SMPN 5 Wates rarely practice to write in their classroom. The transcript above shows that problem. They usually just did the task on their textbook related to completing the sentences or arranging the jumbled paragraph as the activity for writing. They rarely write a text in English because the teacher thought that they were not able to write a text yet before they fully understood the materials given. In addition, the students also faced the limited time problem when they tried to write a text in English. There was another writing problem found. When it was a time for writing activity, the students had some difficulties in delivering the ideas in their mind into a written product. They did not know what would they write in their writing. They need a lot of time to brainstorm about what they would write. When the time was over, some of them still did not finish their writing. Excerpt above indicate that problem. P : Kalau untuk nulis ada kesulitannya ga dek? Is there any difficulty in writing in English? S3 : Biasanya bingung mbak mau nulisnya apa. Usually, I felt confused with what should I write Miss. S1 : Iya mbak susah cari idenya gitu. Pas dapet ide, eh waktunya usah abis. Biasanya sih dibuat PR gitu sih mbak. Yes Miss, I felt the same. When I got the idea for writing usually the time is over. Usually, it becomes a homework. Interview Transcript 29-4-16 P : Selain itu ada lagi kesulitannya? Is there any other problem? S6 : Nek aku susah golek idene mbak. Angel wae. I have a problem with generating ideas Miss. It is difficult for me. S5 : Iyo mbak kui barang. Yes Miss. Me too S4 : Iya mbak, susah cari inspirasi. Waktu dah dapat wis ditumpuk, jadi ra rampung deh. Yes Miss, I felt difficult to get the inspiration to write. When I get the ideas, the time usually over and the other have to collect the paper, so I can not finish my writing in time. Interview Transcript 39-4-16 The interview with the English teacher below also reflected the same conclusion about the difficulties in collecting the idea. Here the interviews transcript that indicate that problem. P : Kalau yang content, susahnya apa Bu? What is the difficulty in the content aspect? GBI : Itu tadi, cari idenya susah. Kadang mereka butuh waktu yang lama baru bisa nemu idenya. Padahal waktunya sudah habis. Jadi biasanya dibuat PR seperti saya bilang tadi. They had difficulty in generating the ideas. Sometimes, they need more time to find the ideas to write whereas the time is over. So, usually I make them to write at home. P : Kalau masalah organization, apakah ada kesulitan Bu? What about organization aspect? GBI : Kalau organization itu yang masalah struktur bahasa gitu bukan mbak. Kalau itu mereka sering lupa struktur bahasa dari teks. Belum bisa hapal. Kalau grammar sih memang susah mbak, dan mereka itu pelupa. Saya sudah ajarkan pakai rumusnya tapi mereka belum bisa. For organization, I think the generic structure Miss. They still forget what the generic structure for each text. They still cannot memorize it. Grammar is still bit difficult for them and it is worse because they are forgetful. I had taught them the formula but they still don’t understand. Interview Transcript 19-4-16 The excerpt above also showed the students difficulty in the aspect of organization and grammar. In the organization aspect, it seems that the students still did not understand the generic structure of the text. In the aspect of grammar, according to the teacher interview above, the students had difficulty in grammar aspect because they still could not memorize the formula of the grammar the teacher taught to them. The other problems were related to vocabulary and mechanics. The interview below showed that problem. R : Apakah ada masalah juga dalam hal vocabulary dan penggunaan tanda baca Bu? Is there any problem related to vocabulary and mechanics? T : Kalau vocabulary masalahnya adalah mereka belum banyak menguaai kata. Kalau ada kata yang baru yang mereka belum kenal, mereka malas untuk mencari artinya. The problem in vocabulary is they had low vocabulary mastery. If there is a new unfamiliar word, they were lazy to find the meaning of the words. R : Apakah mereka tidak mencari artinya di kamus Bu? Did they not find the meaning in the dictionary, Mom? T : Itu saya sudah suruh mereka tapi ya mereka itu malas bawa kamus. Yang bawapun kamusnya hanya kecil jadi banyak kata yang artinya tidak ditemukan di kamus itu. Akhirnya, mereka Cuma nunggu saya buat memberi tahu mereka arti katanya. I had asked them to do it but the problem was they did not bring the dictionary. Indeed, some of them brought the dictionary but it was the pocket dictionary. They faced difficulty in searching some meanings in those pocket dictionary. At the end, the just waited for me to give them the meaning. R : Kalau masalah penggunaan tanda baca apakah ada kesulitan Bu? Is there any problem in the mechanic aspect? T : Kadang sih Mbak. Kadang mereka lupa memberi titik di akhir kalimat Sometimes Miss. Sometimes they forgot to use full stop in the end of the sentences. Interview Transcript 19-4-16 From the interview above the students also had the difficulties in the vocabulary aspect. They had low vocabulary mastery because they were lazy to find the meaning of the unfamiliar words they found in the text in the dictionary. They just waited for the teacher to show them the meaning of those unfamiliar words. In addition, they often did not bring the dictionary to class. Some of them brought the dictionary but it was the pocket one and sometimes when they had to search of some unfamiliar words, that dictionary did not help much. The students also had a problem related to mechanics. According to the teacher interviews, they often forgot using the correct punctuation in their sentences. In order to get the complete data, the researcher also conducted a pre-test for the students in this reconnaissance step. The result from pre- test showed that the students still misunderstood the tenses used in a recount text. Some of the students used a simple present tense in the recount text, while the others used simple past also simple present tense in their writing. Moreover, they often used double verbs in their sentences. They also tend to forget using article and conjunction. Some of the sentences that the students made were direct translation from Indonesia to English, then, it made some of the meaning of the sentences obstructed. The result of pre-test also showed that the students had difficulty in the aspect of content. They found difficulties in generating ideas as stated in the interview earlier. Some of the students collected their writing unfinished because they run out of time when writing. Some of them just copied the model text in their textbook or their friend s’ works by changing the subjects or objects of the sentences because they did not have ideas what they should write. The other problems found in their writing were the wrong word choice they made in their writing. Sometimes, it made the meaning of the sentences become ambiguous. The last problem was related to mechanics. Some of the students found to forget using the correct punctuation. Moreover, they also had a problem in spelling and the use of capital letter in some words. The students’ writing in the pre-test were evaluated by using writing scoring rubric mentioned in chapter II. The researcher collaborated with the collaborator to assess the students’ writing to obtain the inter- rater reliability. The students’ writing analyzed as follows. Table 3: The Frequency Distribution of the Students’ Score in Pre-Test Class Interval Frequency Level 86-above Excellent 76-85 2 Very Good 66-75 2 Average 56-65 8 Fair 46-55 1 Poor 36-45 11 Very Poor Mean 54,71 Based on the table above, it can be concluded that most of the students’ level was very poor. There were eight students who had fair level writing and belonged in the range score 56-65. One student was in the range score 46-55. Two of them were in the range score 66-75. Two students were in the range score 76-85 which is considered very good. Meanwhile, no one was categorized as excellent. The passing grade of the English subject for eight grade students of SMP N 5 Wates is 75. Based on the result of the pre-test, it indicated that the writing ability was very low. The result of interviews, observation, and pre-test showed some problems found in the teaching and learning process of writing in SMP N 5 Wates. The table below showed the conclusion of the problems found in the reconnaissance step. No. Problems Found Explanations 1. The students’ interest toward teaching and learning process of writing.  The students did not like English.  The students thought that English was difficult.  The students did not understand the materials given in English 2. The students’ attitude toward the teaching and learning process.  The students were not interested in the teaching and learning process.  They were silent when the teacher asked them some questions.  They talked to each other when the teacher gave explanations.  They did not well prepared when they started the English lesson. 3. The students’ writing habit.  They rarely wrote English texts. 4. The students’ writing a. Content  The students had difficulty in generating ideas.  They did not know what should they wrote.  They collected their writing unfinished.  The students copied the model texts or their friend’s writing. b. Organization  They did not understand the generic structure of recount texts. c. Language use  They could not memorize the formula of the grammar.  They used simple present times in a recount text.  They used double verbs in their sentences.  Their sentences were direct translations from Indonesia to English d. Vocabulary  They had low vocabulary mastery.  They were lazy to open dictionary to find the new words they did know yet.  They chose the wrong words choice. e. Mechanics  The students forgot to use the correct punctuation in the sentences.  They had problems in spelling.  They had problems in capital letter. Table 4: The Problems found in Reconnaissance Step

2. The selection of the problem based on urgency level