The Development of the Third-

69 ahli dan sumber yang qualified .” Own translation : My main focus was on sources meaning more data from experts and qualified sources. Another student revealed the significance of practice as the beneficial strategy to prepare his presentation. Student :”Kalau menurut saya itu latihan mas. Soalnya kalau misalnya debat kita harus lancar ngomongnya karena waktunya dibatasin. Jadi akhirnya supaya ngomongnya tidak tersendat-sendat sih lebih banyak waktu buat latihan.” Own translation: In my opinion, the important preparation is doing practice. For example, if we presented debate we had to speak fluently due to time limitation. So, in order to speak fluently we need to do more practice. The next student has his own strategy to develop speaking confidence. The strategy presented as follows. Student :”Yang penting gimana caranya biar aku gak malu. Soalnya kalau tiba-tiba kita malu kan kita panik, gak bisa ngomong dan sebagainya. Kalau untuk persiapan interview aku liatin acaranya Oprah Winfrey, aku liatin kalau orang luar negri itu kalau wawancara kayak gimana, sih.” Own translation: The most important for me was how not to be embarrassed. Otherwise, we would be panic and not be able to speak. In preparing interview, I watch Oprah Wi nfrey’s show to know the way foreigner interview. The student maintained himself not to be embarrassed during the implementation. He said, ”Academic Preliminary Meeting was not a serious event. We also seek for the experience, if we‟re not open minded and being too shy, we would not discover anything. Therefore, I open my self not to be shy.” Another student, as revealed in the process of group discussion, overcame the problem of being not confident by making illustration on PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 70 the board so that she had enough time to retrieve the point of her presentation. In addition, interactions with the audience were done in order to obtain self-confidence as the presenter had enough time to remember the point of the performance. The above information were about to reveal that each student develop different strategy and adjust their behaviour as to present their materials well. b. Theme 3: The personal and social factors constituted the development of students ‟ speaking confidence The students as the participants of FGD revealed many factors that influenced them in the development of speaking confidence. There were personal and social factors constituting the student in delivering their presentations. The personal factor included the factor coming from the student themselves and self-management while the social factor included the response of students‟ surrounding that affect the development of speaking confidence. Based on the primary data, the researcher elaborated those factors with regard to what were experienced by the student as the person who directly involved to the activity. The researcher as the facilitator of FGD process generated a question as follows. Researcher :”Menurut kalian, hal apa yang membuat kalian merasa kurang maksimal dalam penampilan kalian atau merasa tidak percaya diri?” Own translation : In your opinion, what made your performance not maximally developed or what made you feel unconfident? 71 Many answers were presented during the process of FGD related to this question. A participant revealed the influence of preparation time toward their performance as follows. Student :”Saat penampilan tidak sesuai dengan persiapan”. Own translation: When my performance was not in accordance with what I prepared The responses of the audiences during the presentation also influenced the development of students‟ speaking confidence. It was clearly stated by a participant of FGD presented as follows. Student : “Tanggapan dari audience kurang baik.”. Own translation: The audiences’ response was not quite good. Another student presented another factor constituting their presentation as follows. Student :” Kalau groginya kalau udah nyiapin fakta-fakta tapi gak taunya tim lawan udah tau data yang kita siapin jadi mereka langsung bisa bales aja.” Own translation: The moment that made me nervous was when we had prepared the material but the opponent knew our data that made them able to directly argue. In addition, based on his point of view, although he had prepared the data but other factor like the lack of vocabulary also influenced him. It was presented as follows. Student :”Pas nerjemahin ke bahasa Inggris yang kadang buat macet-macet. Tapi yang menurutku paling dominan itu yang ga bisa nerjemahin itu.” Own translation: When I had to translate into English word that sometimes made me not to speak fluently. However, the most dominant problem was when I couldn’t translate. The data above were in line with what was gained from the observation process. In the observation, the researcher found that “the 72 presenter had to pause for a while to think or remember what the next material to present ”. “They also did some pauses to find the term”. “The presenter seemed to repeat the point of the presentation to explain the term they did not know. In the presenter point of view, this was because of they were lack of vocabulary so that they tend to repeat the previous point that had been revealed ”. Nonetheless, although limited vocabularies became one of factors constituting the development of speaking confidence, one student presented another point of view related to this point. What she argued was presented as follows. Student :”Kalau aku gak terlalu terpengaruh sama lack of vocabulary tapi menurutku lebih ke lack of knowledge.” Own translation: In my opinion, my problem was not because of the lack of vocabulary but lack of knowledge. The presence of the facilitator also constituted the development of students‟ speaking confidence. The reason was presented as follows. Student :”Kalau aku dari kelasnya Mrs. X itu yang bikin grogi facilitatornya. Facilitator merasa tidak puas dengan penampilan.” Own translation: What made me nervous was the facilitator. The facilitator did not seem to be satisfied to the presentation. Another student also added the facilitator as the factor influencing speaking confidence. She stated that when she had performed in front of the class there had been a moment when she had looked at the facilitator and the facial expression of the facilitator made her not confident. In addition, another student had the same experience PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 73 when the facilitator had come late and made her felt worry of her presentation. On the other hand, one student presented the influence of the facilitator in a good way. Student :”Facilitator aku itu mendukung aku banget saat persiapan itu dengan kasih sumber referensi. Banyak banget data yang membantu aku .” Own translation: The facilitator supported me in the preparation process by giving source and references. There were many data that were helpful and beneficial. Furthermore, the student revealed the importance of feedback as the important factor constituting the development of their speaking confidence. Student :”Kalau di SA itu yang paling spesial itu kit dapet feedback dan itu yng membuat kita balik lagi menilai apakah kita itu layak jadi seorang pembicara.” Own translation: The most special thing in Academic Preliminary Meeting was that we got feedback. From the feedback, we could assess whether we were a good speaker or not. Another student presented personal factor constituting the development of speaking confidence and thus it influenced the quality of the presentation. The reason was presented by a student as follows. Student :”Yang buat aku kadang merasa gak begitu baik itu karena kan aku orangnya ga fokusan jadi saat aku kasih final statement saat debat, aku bener- bener gak bisa nangkep apa yang disampaikan team lawan. ” Own translation: As I lack of focus I cannot perform well. When I delivered my final statement in the debate, I couldn’t really obtain what was revealed by the opponents. 74 Moreover, it was important to have enough time to prepare the presentation. A student revealed her experience related to such condition as follows. Student :”Waktu persiapannya kurang jadi tampilnya seadanya aja.” Own translation: The limit time of preparation made me perform in an ordinary way. Nonetheless, the time management was a thing to be considered well as one of the personal fact ors constituting the student‟s performance. They also needed to prepare the other assignment. A student stated that the time she had to present was also the time when she prepared the examination and there were many assignments to do so that made the time for preparation could not be optimally managed. c. Theme 4: The students developed their performance through the implementation of Sidang Akademi During the implementation of Sidang Akademi Academic Preliminary Meeting the student had made some developments. As stated before, based on the observation result, that “student tended to do many movements”, however, after some time they seemed to be familiar to the process as “they started to really maintain their performance ”. The movement they did was the movement to support their performance. Based on the observation conducted in the fourth meeting, “the students were no longer did unneeded movement”. “The student also maintained their interaction to the audience”. As presented before that one student overcome the problem of being not confident by 75 making illustration on the board so that she had enough time to retrieve the point of her presentation. In addition, interactions with the audience were done in order to obtain self-confidence as the presenter had enough time to remember the point of the performance. The finding was stated as follows. Student :”Kalau maju selalu nggambar di papan biar gak grogi. Sempat juga lupa, kalau aku lupa aku nyiapin pertanyaan dua arah biar aku juga ada waktu buat mikir.” Own translation: I usually made illustration when presenting my presentation. There was also moment when I forgot the point, but I prepare the question for interacting so that I had time to think. The importance of involving the audience was also covered in the document. The facilitator suggested the presenter to do such interaction, as she stated that “the presenters weren‟t using the white board to decrease nervousness”. In the minutes, one of the points of the criticism and input from the facilitator was clearly written that “Student X should involve the audiences by asking question.” Nevertheless, in the process, the researcher had observed that by the process of Sidang Akademi implementation, the student had maintained their eye contact and the involvement of the audience by asking question to the participants of the preliminary meeting The development of speaking confidence was stated by the student. H e said,” I think Academic Preliminary Meeting made me more confident.” He added that the development had been so significant for him. 76 Another development also presented by the student as follows. Student :”Kebetulan aku adalah orang yang gak begitu bagus di vocab. Menurutku, misalnya kita gak punya vocab yang bagus banyak kata-kata yang bisa diubah dengan kata- kata yang lain.” Own translation: I was not really good in vocabulary. However, in my opinion, we can still replace the word we don’t know with other words. This student maintained her performance by replacing the term she did not know with different word. Therefore, she did not have to deal with the lack of vocabulary. Moreover, the development of material exploration was also presented by the student as follows. Student :”Pas nyiapin materi aku udah nyiapin bener-bener out of the box, waktu itu aku ngomongin sermon itu kan tentang Nabi Nuh, tapi aku berani nggubungin itu dengan sejarah Jepang, dan itu ternyata bisa dibikin korelasinya” Own translation: I really prepared the out-of –the-box material as when I had to present the sermon about Noah, I could make the correlation with the history of Japan. In line with the improvement made by the student, the minutes of the meeting presented that the student also made progress in their paper. Based on the comment from appointed critics, it was clearly stated that, “the paper is better than the last paper, there were no many mistakes on the paper”. The comment also presented the improvement of the paper, as stated, “the paper used a good structure”. This information was linear to the comment from the facilitator. This was seen clearly at the minutes, as the facilitator said, “I have received the better paper than last presentation, I found better argument from some of the presenters ”. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 77 The findings above presented the effort done by the student in developing their performance. Thus, presenting the development done by the student also strengthened the information of the strategy for developing their speaking confidence. The significance of the implementation in the development of speaking confidence was clearly stated by the student as follows. Student :”SA ini membuat aku lebih percaya diri banget. .” Own translation : Academic Prelimanary Meeting has the significance in making me confident.

E. Conclusion Drawing and Confirmation

In line with the development of the themes as presented in the previous section, the answers to the research questions could be well-identified. The implementation of the activity had been proven beneficial to the student. The school deliberately designs the activity to fulfil the vision and mission of Pangudi Luhur Van Lith Senior High School. Aristotle as cited in Hedrikus 1991 states that the general purpose of the public speaking is to maintain the performance in front of the audience so that the argument given in the speech can really persuade the audience through the well-organized idea and the validity sense so that the speech can be attractive to the audience. The implementation of Sidang Akademi requires the students to really maintain their performance by establishing a clear design of the activity. Wilson et al. 1990 state the effective speaking requires more than the mechanical application of techniques. The purpose of speaking has to be maintained with regard to the combination of meaning, the surrounding, and PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 78 human relationships. The implementation of Sidang Akademi allowed the students to consider such qualification in order to be able to develop students‟ speaking skill. In order to achieve the fulfilment of the vision and mission, the arrangement of the presenters and other components in the meeting had been allocated well in the beginning of the implementation. Besides, the activity also completed with the distribution of the handouts to facilitate the students to present their materials. However, the students thought that the school needed to attempt the improvement so that the implementation can result in the better outcome. In fact, the step-by-step process showed that the students encountered speaking problems. Argyle 1988 as cited in Molen and Hoogland 2005 proposes one of the elements in giving the presentatio n is “limiting condition”. In this process, the presenter has to be aware of the possible limiting condition. The limiting condition required the students to deal with the time estimation to prepare the presentation, collect the information, look for the accommodation, order and write out material, and make supporting media. Nonetheless, based on the suggestion proposed by the students, the implementation needed to be maintained better. The students suggested that each student was supposed to have the same chance in the presentation. The module distributed in the beginning of the implementation needed to be developed more along with some theories and explanation of how students should perform in order to be better in delivering their presentation. Furthermore, the task for the audience was supposed to be developed more so that they could focus on and involve to the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 79 meeting. In addition, the time management also needed to be maintained so that there were not classes ended earlier or later than the other. The same approach should be maintained in this implementation including the themes, topics or materials that should be presented in the process of Sidang Akademi. The significance of themes, topics or materials selection is presented by River 1968 as cited in Tuan and Mai 2015. He states that learners have nothing to express maybe because the teacher had chosen a topic which is not suitable for him or about which he knows very little Tuan Mai, 2015. The research finding above is to answer the research question number one which deals with the implementation of Sidang Akademi as a strategy to develop students‟ speaking confidence. Here, the researcher concluded that the implementation of Sidang Akademi is designed as a strategy to develop students‟ speaking confidence. The next research question is about the strategy and the development of the speaking confidence which were maintained through the implementation of Sidang Akademi in Pangudi Luhur Van Lith Senior High School. The answer elaborated a variable in the proposition which was the development of speaking confidence. The students also developed different attitude and adjusted their behavior as students‟ strategy in order to develop their performance well. Self- confidence is a positive attitude toward s one‟s self-concept Goel, 2012. Therefore, the attitude is an important thing that might allow people to have positive perception toward themselves and the ability that people have. It is presented that the students obtained more confidence in speaking English if only PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 80 they maintain the learning strategies that worked effectively for their learning so that the significant progress of an improvement can be achieved as their learning goals Nunan, 1999. The most adjusted thing during the preparation was the exploration of the material, theme and sources. The students would likely perform confidently if they had enough time for preparation and time for exploring the materials. The students also made use of media as a substantial component in facilitating the students revealed their presentation. In addition, for group presentation, the students needed to adjust themselves with their partner in order to do peer-cooperation so that the material could be delivered well. A student also elaborated the significance of role model, it was necessary for the student to know the ideal of interview process conducted by foreigner so that they could perform naturally in English. The interaction between the presenter and the audience also maintained; it would help the students to strengthen their presentation as they could think the point of the presentation that they forgot. Thus, this finding was in line with the theory of communication proposed by Molen and Hoogland 2005. The theory deals wit h the way in giving the presentation which is “limiting condition”. This condition limitation has something to do with the estimation time to prepare the presentation, collect the information, look for the accommodation, order and write out material, make supporting media. The researcher also discovered that social and personal factors constituting the development of their speaking confidence. Mukminin et al. 2015 have found that there were five major themes related to the students‟ English language speaking anxiety, including 1 low speaking skill due to lack of vocabulary and 81 grammar, 2 fear of negative responses from others, 3 low self-esteem to speak in English, 4 fear of being evaluated by teachers, and 5 cultural influences to speak English due to a more teacher-cantered style. Obtaining this information allowed the researcher to know things affecting the effort of developing speaking confidence. The student presented that the student would not be confident if the presentation wasn‟t run in accordance with their preparation. The response of the audience was also the factor constituted the student‟s performance. A student revealed that because the audience seemed to be unconvinced with the presentation, the presenter became nervous. The student also experienced the difficulties in finding the appropriate term for the word they referred to. This can be concluded that the lack-of-vocabulary problem took place as a factor constituted the development of speaking confidence. Meanwhile, another student did not find the same problem because of lack of vocabulary since she could use the other word that has the same meaning. She would rather be nervous if she lacks of knowledge so that the information she delivered became not really strong. The response of the facilitator also played its role in the development of speaking confidence. Sometimes, the facilitator expectation was the problem that made the student unconfident. Nonetheless, a student presented a contrary opinion that the facilitator presence even resulted in the good outcome for the development of the student‟s speaking confidence. There was also a student who felt unconfident because she felt intimidated with the previous presentation. Comparing herself to other presenters made her unconfident with what she had. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI