Themes Development Data Reduction

54 from the slides of power point presented in the recollection of vision and mission development See Appendix B. Moreover, “Skills Development” has five aspects to fulfil as well in order to obtain such quality demanded by the school. Two of which were the aspects that became the fundamental reasons why such activity should be developed. They are “Public Speaking” and “English skills”. Therefore, Sidang Akademi is implemented in order to fulfil these aspects. The document showed that the significances of the implementation were “encouraging student to speak in public, developing the ability of dialogic communication e.g. discussion, seminar, symposium, and debate, developing the persuasive technique which is not aggressive and developing the ability of negotiating something”. The implementation of Sidang Akademi was completed with some rules and guidance for presenting a good presentation. The rules and guidance were distributed to the students in the first day of the implementation. The guidance book containing the submission regulation and the overview of all themes to be presented by the students. It was stated that “Draft submission is on every Tuesday a week before presentation, the facilitator returns the draft that have been checked and corrected on Saturday, and the paper which has been revised will be given to the facilitator and the appointed commentator on Monday”. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 55 In addition, there was also regulation for the paper submission lateness. In the handout, it was clearly stated that “there will be no late submission, otherwise you are not allowed to present”. There were also guidelines for making the outline. For example, in the handout, there was information about how the outline should be. Here, the researcher took one example for making argumentative speech. The outline was supposed to contain such information, which was “Statement of your position on certain issue, Arguments that support your position, Closing  Restatement of your position”. Related to the implementation of the activity, the researcher also gained information from the process of Focus Discussion. The student started to think the use of the implementation for the future life. This was also supported by the other students as the participant of FGD by adding the importance of having presentation experience through the implementation of Sidang Akademi Academic Preliminary Meeting as follows. Student :”Aku ngerasa perkembangan selama SA ini membuat aku lebih percaya diri banget. .” Own translation : I feel the development during the implementation of Academic Prelimanary Meeting has the significance in making me confident. The full Focus Group Discussion transcript was provided upon request. The following data are the step-by-step processes of the activity‟s implementation. This information was the second point of the implementation of Sidang Akademi. There were thirteen meetings PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 56 starting from August 18 th until November 24 th 2015. Sidang Akademi implemented in twelve meeting with the development of different themes in every week. The day of the implementation was on every Thursday at 3.30 P.M. There were some themes had to develop by the students in their presentation. They were “Argumentative Speech, Persuasive Speech, Sermon, Debate Australian Parliamentary Style, Seminar Socrates‟ Technique, and Interview Movie Review”. The students were demanded to be able to present different themes in their presentation. Furthermore, the information of Sidang Akademi implementation was also obtained through the observation process. In the observation process, the researcher together with peer-observer got the real condition of the implementation the activity. The process of observation was done at the first until the fourth meetings. In the first day of the implementation, “the students got the schedule of the activity, theme they were to present and the guidance book of the implementation”. There were also themes and topics exploration. Based on the result of observation, the researcher obtained the information that “the students explored their theme and made the draft based on the the me they got”. After that, the next activity was choosing the leader of the activity. “The election was done through the process of voting”. The person elected was responsible for the implementation of Academic Preliminary Meeting. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI