Data Analysis Technique METHODOLOGY


F. Research Trustworthiness

The researcher carried on the trustworthiness in this study as it is seen as one of the prominent aspects of the qualitative research. Shenton 2004 proposes four criteria in striving for having a quality of trustworthiness in the study conducted. Firstly, the researcher determines the standard of credibility. The demonstration showing the real picture of the study about the phenomena fulfils this determination of credibility standard. Second, for allowing transferability, the researcher provides sufficient detail of the context of the real situation. The transferability becomes important as the researcher has to let the reader know whether or not the finding can justifiably be applied to the other settings and whether the prevailing environment presented in the study is similar to another situation that the reader might be familiar with. Next, the study has to fulfil the aspect of dependability, so the researcher needs to enable the future investigator to repeat the study. It means that the study still has the continuation, in this case, for the development of the education matter. Finally, in order to fulfil the aspect of trustworthiness in a qualitative research, the study needs to achieve the ability to confirm by being able to take steps in demonstrating the findings emerged from the data gathered in the process of data collection. Thus, the researcher will consider these criteria in order to have the quality of trustworthiness in the study. 41

G. Research Procedure

There are several procedures in conducting case study research Creswell, 2007. In addition, Stake 1995 proposes some approaches in conducting the case study research. Below are the stages which are done by researcher from the initial until the final process of the study: 1. Determining whether or not the case study is appropriate for the problems formulated in the study After conducting the process of selecting the topic and the problem that was being explored and studied, the researcher chose the most appropriate approach in order to have the best study. Case study, according to Stake 1995, is a suitable approach for the study proposed to provide in-depth explanation and understanding of the case. In addition, the case being explored has specialized cases with its limitation. Choosing the type of the case study is also important. In this study, the researcher decided to have intrinsic case study as the focus was on the cases so that the researcher tried to provide a deep and complete explanation about the description of the topic. This study, generally, was about to seek the development o f students‟ speaking confidence through the implementation of the activity. Thus, a case study is the best approach for conducting the study. 2. Identifying a case or cases Researcher, firstly, has to consider the type of case study which is the most useful and promising used as the approach to conducting the study Stake, 1995. This research was a single case as it was to try to determine PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 42 whether a theory‟s propositions are correct Yin, 2009. The lesson learned from this case was assumed to be informative about the experience of the average person or institution. 3. Collecting the data The are many sources of information such as observation, Focus Group Discussion or focus group interview, documents and audio-visual material as what case study typically has in its data collection Stake, 1995. In conducting the study, the researcher collected the data by making observations in the group of Sidang Akademi, forming a group to obtain the information through the implementation of Focus Group Discussion. The researcher first made a number of observations on the implementation of the activity on how this activity was implemented and how the students developed their speaking confidence through the implementation of the activity. The investigation was then continued by doing a focus group interview to gather in-depth information related to the implementation of the activity with regard to its impacts on the development of stud ents‟ speaking confidence development. The data saturation was also taken into account in this stage in order to avoid having the data which were not needed for the study being investigated. 4. Analysing the data The researcher had in-depth data from the research instruments of the research. After obtaining the data needed in the study through the use of observation, documents of the activity implemented and focus group interview PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 43 or Focus Group Discussion, the researcher analysed and classified the data through the use of coding. The information collected through the process of data collection was classified to some themes and classification and the use of coding took account in order to ease the process of the data analysis. The result of the discussion, observation, document analysis of the implementation and FGD were elaborated in details and presented in a form of the sequences of the stories or narrations. 5. Reporting the meaning of the case In the end of the process, the researcher compiled all the data which had been analysed and classified and wrote the report of what were found in the study. Here, the process of synthesizing the information was important as there were so many disparate pieces of information acquired during the research process. This process takes an important account in order to identify and report meaningful findings Hancock Algozzine, 2006. 44


In this chapter, the researcher first gathers the research findings. The findings are presented in accordance with the research questions proposed in Chapter I; the implementation of Sidang Akademi and the third-grade students of Pangudi Luhur Van Lith Senior High School development in speaking confidence through the implementation of Sidang Akademi. Each problem is discussed and analysed using theories that were stated in the review of related literature. In this section, there are description and discussions of the study site and of the implementation of Sidang Akademi in Pangudi Luhur Van Lith Senior High School which includes the brief description of the school mission influencing the establishment of Sidang Akademi in this school. The description gives a clear illustration to the reader about the fundamental reason why the school implemented Sidang Akademi as a strategy to develop students ‟ speaking confidence. In addition, the research setting and the implementation mechanism of Sidang Akademi are discussed in this section as well.

A. Study Site

The study was conducted in Pangudi Luhur Van Lith Senior High School. Pangudi Luhur Senior High School which was established in 1991 is a Catholic private boarding school which is located in Muntilan, Magelang district, Central PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI