200 No. Before After the materials announcement and asking and giving direction. In Unit 6, the researcher used detective story to deliver the materials identity cards and asking and giving information. 2. The plot of some stories was too complicated, especially the relation of each story to other stories. The researcher did not present complete plots. The researcher did not change the plot of the story because it would spend too much time. Besides, misunderstanding on the story would not affect the success of the learning and teaching process.

F. Language

1. In some parts, the language was too difficult for grade VII students of junior high school and unnatural. The names of persons and place, e.g. The Blacks the Black family, K a person’ name, O’ Café a place’ names, etc. The use of complex sentences. The use of passive sentences. The use of exclamations. The use of direct speeches in the comic strips. The use of unfamiliar sound effects in the comic strips, e.g. foot steps, knocks on the door, vibrated phone, etc. The researcher rechecked and revised the language. The researcher provided clues and repeated the use of the unfamiliar names of persons and places. The researcher tried to find commonly used English sound effects. 201 No. Before After 2. There were some grammatical mistakes in the comic strips and the tasks. Subject inconsistency Tenses inconsistency. Missing verbs. Singular and plural mark inconsistency Missing capital letters Incorrect prepositions and conjunctions Missing punctuation Incorrect arrangement of the complex sentences Word cutting The researcher rechecked and revised the grammar. 3. In some parts, the vocabulary was too difficult. use of technical terms, e.g. prominent, amulets, battle ship, patisserie, whisk, substance, etc. The researcher provided clues pictures or contexts. The researcher provided more vocabulary exercises.

G. Social and Cultural Contexts of the Stories

1. Some parts of the stories did not show appropriate language that applied or related to certain culture. In Unit 4, the context of the written messages did not show the politeness. The researcher rechecked and revised the context and the language. 2. There was no clear example that showed the relation The researcher added some language expressions and