Story Definition of Terms



This chapter aims to present the theoretical writing and research. It consists of theoretical description and theoretical framework. The theoretical description discusses the theories that are directly relevant to the research. The theoretical framework discusses the adaptation of the research method and instructional design method that are used in the research.

A. Theoretical Description

This section consists of research and development method, instructional design method, integrated approach, story, task-based language teaching, the SLBC of 2006 KTSP, and grade VII students of junior high school.

1. Research and Development Method

Borg and Gall 1983 define research and development RD as “a process used to develop and validate educational products ” p. 772. The method is used to produce educational products that are ready for operational use in the learning and teaching process at school. The process is not only limited in designing textbooks but also involves media, teaching methods, strategies, workbooks, and supplementary materials. As it is mentioned by Borg and Gall 1983, that: The term „products‟ include not only material objects, such as textbook, instructional films, and so forth, but are also intended to refer to established procedures and processes, such as a method of teaching or a method of organizing instruction p. 772. 15 The method is accountable because the process involves a validation where the design is evaluated by practitioners and experts. There are ten major steps in RD cycle. Before applying the cycle, it is important to define the educational product to be developed in specific description. Borg and Gall 1983 explain that it includes overall narrative description of the product, definite outline of how the product will be used, and specific objectives of the product para. 776. Then, it is continued with the ten steps of the RD cycle. They are: a. Research and information collecting. It includes review of literature, classroom observation, and preparation of report of state of the art. The purposes are to determine the state of the knowledge in the area of concern and explain how the knowledge can be applied. b. Planning. It includes defining skills, stating objectives, determining course sequence, small scale feasibility testing, and estimation of budget, time allocation, and manpower. c. Developing preliminary form of product. It includes preparation of instructional materials, tasks activities, supporting media or teaching aids, handbooks, and evaluation devices. d. Preliminary field testing. It is conducted in 1 to 3 schools, involving 6 to 12 subjects. Interview, observation, and questionnaire data are collected and analyzed. The purpose is to obtain feedback. e. Main product revision. It is a revision of the product as suggested by the result of the preliminary field-test. The purpose is to revise and improve the quality of the product.