Readable 1-5 The Readability of Food and Beverage Product Label

This translation is readable because the reader can understand the meaning of Source Text ST completely. The phrase Sari Buah Campuran Anggur dan Jambu has an exact meaning of Original Grape and Guava. Actually its phrase can be translated into Buah Jambu dan Anggur Asli, but to emphasize what kind of the product is, then the translation becomes Sari Buah Campuran Anggur dan Jambu. Code ST Code TT 2STF2 Tom Yum Paste 2TTF2 Bumbu Tom Yam Pasta The average score 1.1 indicates that most respondents understand the translation, but it is not agreed by all respondent. The phrase Tom Yum Paste is translated into Bumbu Tom Yam Pasta. The word Bumbu is added first in order to give further information to the word Pasta. Pasta is the adhesive substance that was sticky. What is meant here is the spice that is usually mixed with Spaghetti. The word Bumbu is placed first to ease the readers for understanding the translation. Readable Score: 1.1 Code ST Code TT 5STF5 Dark Soya Sauce 5TTF5 Kecap Hitam The translation above shows that the translation is readable. Kecap Hitam comes from Dark Soya Sauce. It is categorized as readable because the content in Target Text TT delivered the meaning of Source Text ST. The Target Text will be understood if it’s changed into Kecap Hitam, instead of Saus Kedelai Hitam, because in Indonesia, Kecap is more understandable. Then, the word Dark is translated into Hitam, not Gelap, because it explains the color of the soya sauce. Code ST Code TT 12STF12 Sweet and Sour Hot Bean Paste 12TTF12 Saus Kedelai Rasa Manis dan Pedas The translation above is considered as readable by the respondents. The Target Text TT delivers the meaning of the Source Text ST not too complicated. The phrase Sweet and Sour Hot Bean Paste is translated into Saus Kedelai Rasa Manis dan Pedas. The word Saus belongs to Paste. Besides, what to analyze is Sour. The word Sour does not have any translation in the TT, but the readers still understand and the translation is readable. The translation has a little bit difference from the ST, but it is still readable. Code ST Code TT 17STB17 Cranberry Juice Cocktail 17TTB17 Minuman Sari Buah Cranberry The translation above is categorized into readable. The word Cocktail in Indonesian means Koktil , but it’s impossible to be changed into that word since it does not have meaning in Indonesian. Cocktail is an alcoholic drink consisting of a spirit or several spirits mixed with other ingredients, such as fruit juice, lemonade, or cream. So, the Target Text TT Minuman Sari Buah Cranberry will be proper if i t’s changed into Minuman. In other hand, the word Cranberry does not have other name because it is the original name of the fruit, and cannot be changed. Code ST Code TT 19STB19 Pomegranate Juice Drink 19TTB19 Minuman Rasa Buah Delima The translation above is readable although there is word addition. The phrase Minuman Rasa Buah Delima is derived from Pomegranate Juice Drink. In Indonesian, Pomegranate is Delima, and Juice Drink here is translated into Minuman. For the word Rasa, it become an addition in the Target Text TT to give the information that this product is made from fruit called Pomegranate. By looking on the Target Text TT, the readers already know that the flavor of this beverage product is Pomegranate. Code ST Code TT 21STB21 Soy Drink Chocolate Flavour 21TTB21 Minuman Kedelai Rasa Coklat In this translation above, the phrase Soy Drink Chocolate Flavor is transferred into Minuman Kedelai Rasa Coklat is considered as Readable from the questionnaires even the translation into Target Text TT should be arranged first to make a better translation. Soy is Kedelai, Drink is Minuman, Chocolate is Coklat, and Flavor is Rasa. To make a good translation, it is arranged into Minuman Kedelai Rasa Coklat. Code ST Code TT 27STB27 Pomegranate Apple Splitzer 27TTB27 Sari Buah Campuran Apel-Delima dan Elderberry This translation is categorized as Readable from the questionnaires. It still can convey the message from Source Text ST into Target Text TT. The word Splitzer doesn’t have meaning in English. The phrase Pomegranate Apple Splitzer is translated into Sari Buah Campuran Apel-Delima dan Elderberry. The word Elderberry doesn ’t exist in the Source Text ST because in the ST, the words which exist are Pomegranate and Apple, and there is no Elderberry. Elderberry is added in order to give further information of that beverage product. Readable Score: 1.2 The translation above is readable, but the Target Text TT is different from Source Text. There are 2 respondents from 10 respondents who did not agree with the translation in the Target Text TT. The translation into Target Text TT is quite confusing and inconsistent. For example the word Preserved doesn’t exist in the Target Text TT. However, Preserved is to keep something in its original state or in a good condition. The purpose of using the word Preserved is to emphasize the Target Text TT Kacang Hitam Dalam Kaleng. All the foods which are stored in a tin must be preserved, same with the related product above. That’s why Preserved is used in order to give sense of the Source Text ST even it doesn’t translated in Target Text TT. Code ST Code TT 4STF4 Rice Crackers 4TTF4 Krekers Beras In the translation above, the word Crackers is translated as Krekers. The meaning of the word Rice is Beras, not Nasi. For the word Krekers, it comes from Malaysia, but Indonesian people still can understand what Code ST Code TT 3STF3 Black Bean Preserved 3TTF3 Kacang Hitam Dalam Kaleng kind of the product is. Furthermore, the translation above is considered as Readable by the respondents even it has different language target in the Target Text TT. Code ST Code TT 11STF11 Unsalted Butter 11TTF11 Mentega Tawar In the translation above, the phrase Unsalted Butter is converted into Mentega Tawar. Actually this translation is little bit excessive because no need to add the word Unsalted because all people already know that butter is unsalted. It may mean as butter which doesn’t contain fat. For the clear explanation, Mentega comes from Butter, and Tawar comes from Unsalted. Nonetheless, this translation is considered Readable by the respondents. Code ST Code TT 13STF13 Whole Kernel Corn 13TTF13 Jagung Dalam Kemasan The translation above is considered readable by the respondents although there are words which are not in accordance with the Source Text ST. For example the word Kernel, there is no translation for that word because Kernel is the edible part inside the outer shell of a nut or the stone of a fruit. The conclusion is: the readers understand, but after looking at the Source Text ST, the meaning becomes different. Code ST Code TT 26STB26 Blueberry Pomegranate – Sparkling Lemonade 26TTB26 Minuman Berkarbonasi Rasa Blueberi, Delima, dan Lemon The translation above has a quite complicated translation both in the Source Text ST and Target Text TT because there are words which don’t fit with the Source Text ST. The phrase Blueberry Pomegranate – Sparkling Lemonade is transferred into Minuman Berkarbonasi Rasa Blueberi, Delima, dan Lemon. However, there is no translation in word Minuman Berkarbonasi, but it comes from the word Sparkling which does not fit with that phrase. Nevertheless, the translation still considered as Readable. Readable Score: 1.3 Code ST Code TT 8STF8 Cocktail Onions 8TTF8 Acar Bawang The translation above has several different words in the Source Text ST. For example the word Cocktails does not have any translation in the Target Text TT. Cocktail is an alcoholic drink consisting of a spirit, or several spirits, mixed with fruit juice. Meanwhile, Acar is food which contains of vinegar from slices of cucumber, carrots, onions, peppers, pineapple, jicama, or mustard leaf, commonly eaten with rice. This whole translation is incomplete because not all the words from the Source Text ST are transferred well even its categorized into Readable; it is still understandable for the readers. Code ST Code TT 9STF9 Curry Tuna 9TTF9 Tuna Dalam Bumbu Kare The translation above has a lot of questions if looking at the Target Text TT, especially for the phrase Dalam Bumbu Kare. This translation raises a lot of questions for the reader but it still categorized as Readable though somewhat confusing. Which makes confusion is the whole translation in the Target Text TT. It has a various meaning for the readers whether the Tuna itself is immersed in a curry or simply flavored with curry. Code ST Code TT 16STB16 Original Apple Passion Fruit 16TTB16 Sari Buah Campuran Apel dan Markisa The translation above has a word that is not necessary although its word still can be used. What is meant here is the word Campuran from the phrase Sari Buah Campuran Apel dan Markisa. The using of the word Campuran is actually not needed, but to clarify the translation further, then that additional word is inserted. Code ST Code TT 20STB20 Soy Drink With Black Sesame 20TTB20 Minuman Kedelai Dengan Wijen In the translation above, the sentence in the Target Text TT can be understood and considered as Readable. The meaning in the Target Text can be read by the readers well, but there is an infelicity for the phrase Minuman Kedelai. What it means by that phrase is still being questioned whether the kind of that product is milk or something, and the word Susu is more advisable. Moreover, there is no translation for the word Black in the Target Text TT. Code ST Code TT 24STB24 Soy Milk 24TTB24 Minuman Kedelai The translation above has a similar problem with the previous one. The sentence in the Target Text still can be read and understood, but the deeper meaning of Minuman Kedelai. The word Minuman Kedelai is very rarely used because it contains a different meaning, but it still accepted by the Indonesian people, especially by the readers. Readable Score: 1.4 Code ST Code TT 23STB23 Thai Tea Drink 23TTB23 Minuman Teh Rasa Susu The translation above is excessive and not complete. There are 4 respondents from 10 respondents who did not agree with the translation in the Target Text TT. The phrase Minuman Teh Rasa Susu, however, can be simply made into Teh Susu, no need to add the word Minuman and Rasa. For the incomplete part, there is no explanation for the word Thai in the Target Text TT. It should be translated, so the readers will know where the product comes from because it explains the originality of the product. Readable Score: 1.5 Code ST Code TT 22STB22 Fat Dairy Desserts With Blueberries and Sweeteners 22TTB22 Susu Fermentasi Rasa Blueberry Bebas Lemak The translation above is too much excessive and not complete. There are 5 respondents from 10 respondents who did not agree with the translation in the Target Text TT. The sentence Susu Fermentasi Rasa Blueberry Bebas Lemak is too long and rambling. Actually those sentences may be converted into such a short sentence, so the readers will not be lazy to read. Besides, there is no translation for the word Sweeteners in the Target Text TT.

2. Not Readable 1.6-2

From the data recapitulation, the researcher found that there are 7 data from 30 data which are not readabl e based on Nababan’s readability indicator. They are calculated by the respondents’ rating. Below are the not readable data categorized by each score from 1.6-2. Not Readable Score: 1.6 Code ST Code TT 6STF6 Canned Pork Luncheon Meat 6TTF6 Luncheon Daging Babi Datum 6TTF6 is considered as not readable by 6 respondents from 10 respondents. The translation is hard to understand because there is no explanation for the word Luncheon in the Target Text. Luncheon is derived from English which means a formal lunch or a formal word for lunch. Without a complete translation in the Target Text TT, the message of the product cannot be delivered. The most possible translation for the sentence above is Daging Babi Olahan. The sentence Luncheon Daging Babi cannot give the clear information for the readers. Luncheon is not translated into Indonesian language because it is not possible to put the long explanation in the label. So, the alternative suggested translation is Daging Babi Olahan, instead of Luncheon Daging Babi. Code ST Code TT 10STF10 Princes Anchovy Fillet in Olive Oil 10TTF10 Potongan Ikan Haring Dalam Minyak Zaitun From the datum 10TTF10, there are 6 respondents from 10 respondents who did not agree with the translation in the Target Text TT. The translation is using an unusual word in daily life, so it is somehow difficult to understand, for example the word Haring. Haring means a sea fish with a round long body; usually live in groups in the Atlantic Ocean and surrounding. Besides, the word Anchovy itself means a small fish with a strong salty flavor. Those two words are rarely heard in everyday hearing. The better translation for this sentence must be Potongan Ikan Asin Dengan Minyak Zaitun. Code ST Code TT 29STB29 Lychees in Heavy Syrup 29TTB29 Buah Leci Dalam Sirup The datum 29TTB29 is considered as not readable from 6 respondents of 10 respondents. The translation is hard to understand because it has a double different meaning in the Target Text TT. The translation Buah Leci Dalam Sirup can be interpreted as Sirup Leci, or Potongan Buah Leci Dalam Sirup. It remains unclear whether that meant there is syrup which tastes lychee or lychee fruit pieces in syrup. To avoid misunderstanding for the readers, the translation should be Sirup Dengan Buah Leci, so the kind of the product can be delivered clearly.