Reliabilitas Employee Engagement Hasil Penelitian

LAMPIRAN C 1. Reliabilitas Skala Job Characteristics 2. Reliabilitas Skala Employee Engagement

2. Reliabilitas Employee Engagement

Universitas Sumatera Utara Scale: ALL VARIABLES Item-Total Statistics Case Processing Summary N Cases Valid 130 100.0 Excluded a .0 Total 130 100.0 a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure. Reliability Statistics Cronbachs Alpha N of Items .747 15 Mean Std. Deviation N A1 4.23 .763 130 A2 3.82 .811 130 A3 3.58 .922 130 A4 3.60 .753 130 A5 3.68 .934 130 A6 3.79 1.062 130 A7 3.55 .973 130 A8 3.32 1.036 130 A9 3.46 1.020 130 A10 2.84 1.070 130 A11 4.08 .733 130 A12 3.86 .833 130 A13 3.78 1.027 130 A14 2.99 1.338 130 A15 2.62 .983 130 Universitas Sumatera Utara Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale Variance if Item Deleted Corrected Item- Total Correlation Cronbachs Alpha if Item Deleted A1 48.98 41.271 .418 .729 A2 49.39 41.232 .390 .731 A3 49.63 41.754 .281 .740 A4

49.62 43.649

.174 .748 A5 49.54 39.785 .450 .724 A6 49.42 37.114 .596 .706 A7 49.66 39.854 .419 .727 A8 49.89 40.872 .303 .739 A9 49.75 41.830 .233 .746 A10

50.38 40.919

.284 .741 A11 49.14 40.957 .476 .725 A12 49.35 41.734 .328 .736 A13 49.43 39.580 .412 .727 A14 50.22 35.756 .525 .712 A15 50.60 44.986 .000 .767 Scale Statistics Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items 53.22 45.953 6.779 15 Universitas Sumatera Utara Scale: ALL VARIABLES Case Processing Summary N Cases Valid 130 100.0 Excluded a .0 Total 130 100.0 a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure. Reliability Statistics Cronbachs Alpha N of Items .764 10 Universitas Sumatera Utara Item Statistics Mean Std. Deviation N A1 4.23 .763 130 A2 3.82 .811 130 A5 3.68 .934 130 A6 3.79 1.062 130 A7 3.55 .973 130 A8 3.32 1.036 130 A11 4.08 .733 130 A12 3.86 .833 130 A13 3.78 1.027 130 A14 2.99 1.338 130 Universitas Sumatera Utara Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale Variance if Item Deleted Corrected Item- Total Correlation Cronbachs Alpha if Item Deleted A1 32.88 26.320 .377 .751 A2 33.29 25.790 .413 .747 A5 33.44 24.806 .449 .741 A6 33.32 22.717 .594 .719 A7 33.56 24.465 .462 .739 A8 33.79 25.313 .333 .758 A11 33.04 26.270 .406 .748 A12 33.25 26.578 .301 .759 A13 33.33 24.642 .408 .747 A14 34.12 21.272 .550 .726 Scale Statistics Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items 37.12 29.855 5.464 10 Universitas Sumatera Utara Item Statistics Mean SD N A1 4.02 .858 130 A2 4.05 .686 130 A3 3.38 1.095 130 A4 3.05 1.081 130 A5 4.10 .834 130 A6 3.07 1.065 130 A7 3.42 .931 130 A8 3.98 .844 130 A9 4.28 .729 130 A10 3.46 .990 130 A11 3.72 .998 130 A12 3.94 .775 130 A13 2.68 1.013 130 A14 3.27 1.018 130 A15 3.22 1.027 130 A16 3.64 .973 130 A17 3.31 1.167 130 A18 4.16 .815 130 A19 4.34 .753 130 A20 3.89 .909 130 A21 3.07 1.051 130 Universitas Sumatera Utara

1. Reliabilitas Job Characteristics