Score itu kan song-writing reality-dating game show. Jadi pesertanya dikasih Buktinya lewat album repackage mereka yang sudah tidak menyertakan Dimi

guarantied that some teenagers did not understand what actually guilty pleasure means. Third, code-switching was employed because of the special terms related to the topic under discussion that should be used. Every topic might have some specific terms which were sometimes very difficult to be translated to another language. Like the term sticking in the following example of code-switching in ‘HAI’ teenage magazine. Sementara Claudia sibuk fingering, Ajeng tetep duduk manis sambil sticking. p.66, vol.37 Indonesian language did not have an exact term to describe the term ‘sticking’, as the compensation; the writer borrowed and then juxtaposed it with Indonesian language elements. Other terms could be seen in the following code- switching utterances.

a. Selain itu stage manager juga berhak untuk memutuskan durasi pertunjukan.

p.28, vol.13

b. Kalo ngeliat faktanya, banyak banget film jenis ini yang jadi box office. p.51,


c. Gara-gara ada catwalk baru yang dipasang di kanan-kiri panggung, Eross,

Sakti dan Adam jadi rajin mejeng di areal itu. p.31, vol.37 For the fourth possible reason, I agreed with the editorial staff of ‘HAI’ teenage magazine who said that sometimes a direct quotation from the informants was needed. It was also important to be informed that the informants themselves 41 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI might employ code-switching. The writers of the articles had to write exactly what their informants said. Some examples in the magazine revealed this argument. The foreign language elements in the following examples came from the informants themselves. It also described that some English expressions came from teenagers themselves

a. “We need to start the revolution of streetball in Indonesia Kami ngeliat kalo

selama ini basket tuh nggak berkembang. … ,” beber Anwar a. k. a Hyper Drive yang juga salah satu dedengkot tim ini. p.40, vol.37 b. “Ya udah langsung ketemuan di sana aja ya Sekalian ada yang pengen aku retouch,” sahut Nadia pas janjian di telepon. p.5, vol.37 It could be seen from the examples that sometimes the informants themselves applied code-switching in their speech. To express natural message of what the informants said or to be as informative as possible, the writers had to employ a direct quotation in their articles.

B. Code-Switching in Teaching-Learning Process of English Language

Cook 1991 as cited by Skiba in Code Switching as a Countenance of Language Interference had stated that code-switching could be integrated in the process of language learning. He had given an example of how code-switching was used in the test of the Institute of Linguistics examinations. Through this study I would like to provide an alternative material to teach English language dealing with the code-switching in ‘HAI’ teenage magazine. ‘HAI’ teenage magazine would be used as the teaching material. 42 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI