The Choice of Topic

57 the other hand, the most type of code-switching which existed in the target magazines was single-word code-switching. However, according to the number in each category of the magazines, feature had the most code-switching cases. All types of code-switching that were analyzed mostly happened in feature category of all the target magazines. Conversely, the category which had the least cases of all types of code-switching was news. This fact happened as the effect of the number of the article of those categories in the target magazines. The content of all of those target magazines was mostly feature and rarely news.

B. Reasons for Code-switching

The researcher employed theory on possible reasons for code-switching phenomenon in the translated teenage girls magazines in Indonesia according to Holmes’ theory 2001. There are: 1 the choice of topic and 2 the social distance.

1. The Choice of Topic

One of the reasons to do code-switching is because the topic. In some articles such as fashion and technology there are some terms that cannot be replaced to Indonesian. Those words cannot be replaced because it will change the meaning when it is changed. Holmes 2001 states that there were five reasons for code switching. However, there were only two possible reasons in Indonesian translated teenage girls’ magazines. The first code-switching reason discussed by the researcher was PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 58 the choice of topic. It refers to Holmes’s statement 2001: ‘referentially oriented.’ Since the object of this study was translated teenage girls magazines, there were a lot of articles discussing fashion items and beauty products. Most of the terms in those topics are rarely used in Indonesian language. Moreover, the articles writer tried to be more accurate by giving the special terms about the topic because the exact words are important. For example: the phrase blush on was often used instead of perona pipi, the word fashion was also used frequently in the target magazines as well. In fact, in Indonesian language, people can say mode but the writer of the article would rather to use the word fashion than mode. The other topic, which also demands the use of code-switching, was stars topics. There were also some topics in the target magazines which provided the readers with the newest information from popular artists. For example: the writer of the article tended to use the word fans instead of penggemar. Another example was the phrase behind the scene. The writer preferred using English term behind the scene though Indonesian language has the phrase dibelakang layar. Another example of referentially oriented code-switch is when someone switches code to quote someones words. Therefore, the editor switched code when quoting from others to support his or her opinion. For example, “Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.” That was a wise word quoted from Mother Teresa’s. Another example was “One in the same, never to change, our love was beautiful... .” That was some parts of song lyrics. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 59

2. The Social Distance