Learning Material Social Function

collecting and selling firewood. They were very poor and unhappy, because a terrible giant disturbed them. They had to serve the giant a huge pot of sweet porridge every day. If the giant came and did not find a full pot of porridge, he would eat Too-too-moo instead. One day mama did not sell as much as usual. She had only enough food for the giant. She and too-too-moo had to go hungry. The next day was the same. And so was the after day. Too-too-moo and mama were very starving. On the fourth morning, too-too-moo got up, fastened her hair with her long hairpin. Mama cocked the porridge for the giant, and she left for the market. The sweet smell of the porridge filled the little house. Too-too-moo was so hungry, she couldn’t stand it. She ate a quarter of the porridge prepare for the giant. When the giant came and found the pot was not full, he threw it down. Then he caught too-too-moo, tossed her in his mouth, and swallowed her in one big gulp. Too-too-moo cried shook with fear. The all of sudden, she remembered her long hairpin. Quickly she pulled it from her hair and stuck it hardly into the giant’s stomach. The bellowing giant race through the woods. Mad with pain, he did not look where he was going. He tripped on a root and cracked his head on a rock. He died. Language Elements 1. Verb in Simple Past Tense. 2. Vocabulary: Noun, Verb, and Adjective which related with human, animal, thing in the class, school, house, and around it. 3. The using of proper pronoun such as: She, He, They, and It. 4. Statement, word stressing, and intonation. 5. Written. Topic. Action, events, satiation, in the class, school, house, and around it which give the example of honest action, discipline, confident, and responsible.

E. Method of Teaching

Cooperative Learning by using Teams Games Tournaments strategy.

F. Learning Media

Paper and book

G. Learning Source

Books of SMP of second grade, Friends, and Teacher.

H. Steps of Learning

1. Teacher introduces and explains the narrative text, definition, generic structure, and verb that used in it. 2. Teacher divides students into some groups, the groups consist of the students from different level ability high, medium, and low. 3. Teacher spreads the students’ work sheet and gives the students chance to discuss and answer the question on the work sheet. 4. By guidance of the teacher students answer the questions 5. Teacher conducts the tournaments to measure students’ comprehension 6. By guidance of the teachers students follow the tournaments.

7. Scoring of the Result of the Study. 1.

Technique of the Scoring: a. Attitude: Observation b. Knowledge: Written and Verbal Test. c. Competent: Hard work

2. Instrument of the Scoring

a. Attitude : students show the responsibility, care, mutual cooperation, and peace. b. Knowledge : Content 1. What is story tell us about? 2. What is generic structure of the narrative text? 3. Too-too-moo and her mother got money by selling? 4. Why did the giant eat Too-too-moo? 5. What can we learn from the story? c. Competence : Conveying the content of the story

3. Column of the Scoring

a. Attitude The aspect of attitude score Scale 1-4 Responsibility Care Mutual Cooperation Peace Explanation: 4 = Very Good 3 = Good 2 = Poor 1 = Worst b. Knowledge

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