Young Adulthood Posey’s Influence on Chick Benetto’s Adulthood

4.4 Chick Benetto’s Personality Development

According to Hurlock in Personality Development, the changes of personality can be divided into three major categories. The first category is the changes for the better or the worse. It reflects the kinds of life adjustments that the individual is conducting at that time. The second category is the changes based on quantitative or qualitative. Quantitative changes mean that the present characteristics are reinforced, strengthened or even weakened. While qualitative changes mean a complete replacement of a desirable trait by undesirable one or vice versa. The third category is the slow or rapid of the characteristics’ change. It is slow if it is barely perceptible and it is rapid if it is apparent to all. Normally, personality changes are slow and gradual Hurlock, 120-122. The significance of Chick Benetto’s personality development is started after the event of his mother’s death. He feels his life is a shame and painful. This personality development finally occurs after his “magic” meeting with his mother’s “ghost”. This personal meeting has significant influence to this major character’s personality development. Furthermore, this event makes Chick Benetto becomes a different person that changes his view about life, other people and his mother. Here are the changes on Chick Benetto’s personality developments:

4.4.1 Being Aware and Regret His Mistake

The first Chick’s personality change after the meeting with his mother is being aware of his entire mistake. He feels ashamed of following his father will. This decision guides him into many mistakes like not caring about his mother and his family, mistakes of his lies to his mother, especially when he lies to his mother before the time his mother gets heart attack and takes her life. He feels so sorry of being not caring to his mother, forgetting her advices about family and the biggest is the mistake of not being a good father for the family. He often blames the members of the family for the mistake he does. Chick states that at that time he lowers his head. He wants a drink in the worst way. He can feel his mother’s eyes. He can hear her fingers kneading Rose’s hair. Of all the things he feels disgraced about in front of his mother, being a lousy father is the worst Albom 88.

4.4.2 Being More Appreciative Life

The story in the novel reveals that Chick Benetto tries to end his life in three different ways. As I mention above in Chick’s personality, he commits to end his life because the lonely, depression and desolation feelings. However we can see that his mother makes him act different ways after the one day meeting with him. At first he feels ashamed of the attempts to take his life. Now, he recognizes that his life is so precious. It is so precious for both him and his mother. He can hear his mother’s echo in his thought by stating, “When it’s quiet, I can hear my mother‘s echo still. I feel ashamed now that I tried to take my life. It is such a precious thing Albom 193.”