Beautiful and Charming Mother’s Personality Traits

that period. Many women feel irritated if their neighbor becomes a divorced woman. Moreover, it is really a problem if the divorced woman is still young and beautiful. This divorced woman is considered as a threat for other families’ unity because they think that a divorced woman will tempt their husbands. On the other hand, Posey does not want to accept Len when he wants to be together again after long time break. She wants to prove that she can stand alone without husband to take care of the whole family. She wants her ex-husband does not give bad influence to the children. Then, finally she proves that she can take care of the family although she should work to clean the house after she works in the beauty parlor. This work is also a secret because her children don’t know about it. My mother capped the moisturizer bottle and picked up a new jar. She undid the top, and dabbed a small sponge into its contents. “What?” I said. “I don’t get it.” She held up the sponge like an artist about to put brush to canvas. “We cleaned the house together, Charley,” she said. Upon seeing the look on my face, she waved her fingers dismissively. “How do you think I put you, kids, through college Albom 121?” Here, Posey Benetto tells the truth that she works to clean the houses together with Miss Thelma in order to put the children to college. This secret finally is revealed after long time. Chick does not know this truth until his mother tells it when he meets again with his “dead” mother. Chick approves that his mother is a very secretive person especially if the conversation is about the reason why she commits to divorce from Len Benetto. Posey never tells the reason to the children, not even a word. She does not let the children know that their father has another wife and son. If at that time Chick and his sister, Roberta, know that their father has another wife and son, their heart might be broken more than ever. But my mother never spoke about the reason my father left. She never once took the bait Roberta and I dangled before her, looking for hate or bitterness. All she did was swallow. She swallowed the words, she swallowed the conversation. Whatever happened between them, she swallowed that too Albom 124.

4.1.4 Wise

Posey is also described as a wise person because she likes to give advices to others to strengthen them. She will find a way to make others feel secure or re- think about any actions or decision already made. It can be seen from the dialogue and the mannerism that she does to make others strength. Here are some evidences of the personality: “What’s the matter?” My mother asked. “Don’t go” “I’ll be here when you come out.” “No” “It’s ok. I’ll be here.” “What if I can’t find you?” “You will” “What if I lose you?” “You can’t lose your mother Charley” Albom 191. In other occasion, in the time when Chick decides that he quits from college to become a professional baseball player because of the force from his father, he makes a phone call to his mother. He wants to tell about the environment where he lives. His mother really does not expect that he will call her. She just talks with Chick with a flat voice. After the talk, Chick says like this: “Mm-hmm.” Then silence. “Mom, I can always go back to school.” This time the silence was longer. She said only one more thing before we hung up: “Going back to something is harder than you think.” I don’t suppose I could have broken my mother’s heart any more if I tried Albom 133. Posey never agrees about the decision made by her son to leave college. Here Posey advises her son to continue school, Chick follows it at the first but then he ignores it just to play baseball. Chick wants to confirm his mother that he can always go back to school as easily as he drops out from it. By her wisdom and experience, Posey tells that to return into something is harder than just a thought. Posey is true on this advice because until Chick retires from baseball and continues to work he has never returned back to school again.

4.1.5 Hardworking

The novel tells clearly that Posey is a kind of hardworking person. This personality can be seen from her childhood that she comes from a poor family but she never blames that condition. She works hard to get her diploma then she continues her study in nursing school. She also believes that education is the best way to get a better life and just with it somebody can reach her or his dream. These kinds of personality also appear in her life later. Here are the evidences of the personalities: Because she comes from poor family she should drop out of school in order to work so her family can survive. However, this situation does not make her gives up. With her struggle, she can get high school diploma and nursing