Secretive Mother’s Personality Traits

“Mom, I can always go back to school.” This time the silence was longer. She said only one more thing before we hung up: “Going back to something is harder than you think.” I don’t suppose I could have broken my mother’s heart any more if I tried Albom 133. Posey never agrees about the decision made by her son to leave college. Here Posey advises her son to continue school, Chick follows it at the first but then he ignores it just to play baseball. Chick wants to confirm his mother that he can always go back to school as easily as he drops out from it. By her wisdom and experience, Posey tells that to return into something is harder than just a thought. Posey is true on this advice because until Chick retires from baseball and continues to work he has never returned back to school again.

4.1.5 Hardworking

The novel tells clearly that Posey is a kind of hardworking person. This personality can be seen from her childhood that she comes from a poor family but she never blames that condition. She works hard to get her diploma then she continues her study in nursing school. She also believes that education is the best way to get a better life and just with it somebody can reach her or his dream. These kinds of personality also appear in her life later. Here are the evidences of the personalities: Because she comes from poor family she should drop out of school in order to work so her family can survive. However, this situation does not make her gives up. With her struggle, she can get high school diploma and nursing certificate. She has a very strong principle that everybody should get education because everybody’s future depends on it. She’d been an only child, her family had been poor, and she’d had to drop out of school to work during the war. She earned her high school diploma at night, and did nursing school after that. In her mind, for me, there were only college and the gates they would open Albom 45. Posey, if she does her job, she will do a great thing. Her customers always ask her to take care of their hair and beauty. They will be pleased to wait although Posey is still working on somebody’s hair. They will refuse if the owner of the beauty parlor asks them to choose another beautician. She also does the same thing if she visits the customer in their house. The customers always feel satisfied with her works. Chick says that, “My mother kissed her on the cheek. I had to admit, she has done a nice job. Rose’s hair was shaped and styled and she looked years younger than we’d arrived Albom 99.” As already mentioned in the part of secretive, here I restate again the part to show that Posey is working very hard in order to support the family. She knows that the money she gets from being a beautician is not enough for the family. Actually , at first she has another job as a nurse in a small hospital in her town. However, she gets fired from the department because she does not want to make affair with a doctor there. She just accepts that wholeheartedly. Then, she finds another job to be a house cleaning woman with her friend, Miss Thelma. She is not ashamed to do that job because she believes that the job is good. Here is Posey’s statement to Chick. “We cleaned the house together, Charley,” she says. Upon seeing the look on my face, she waves her fingers dismissively. “How do you think I put you, kids, through college Albom 121?”

4.1.6 Firm, determined and perfectionist

Here, I use three descriptions because these descriptions are interconnected one another. Posey can be described as a firm woman because she is not easy to change her thought and opinion. She is also so consistent with her thought, decision, attitudes and opinion. She is also a determined person because she is able to be strong in every condition even in the hardship of life. She can face the entire problem in life in a strong mind and attitudes. Then, I can say Posey as a perfectionist person because she will not be proud if something goes incorrectly. She is willing that every detail is perfect. Therefore, she manages herself strong and consistent. She wants others to be perfect as well. Here are some examples of her firmness and perfection: She always corrected my grammar. “Me and Roberta are gonna -,” I’d start. “Roberta and I,” she would interrupt. “Me and Jimmy want to -,” “Jimmy and I,” she would say Albom 29-30. Posey is very strict on the perfection of grammar used in the sentence. She does not get bored to correct all grammar mistakes made by her son. She wants that her son can make a right sentence from the beginning. Moreover, Posey always asks that Chick should grow better than he was. Here is Chick’s thought on her. “Parents slot into postures in child’s mind, and my mother’s postures was a lipsticked woman leaning over, waging a finger, imploring me to be better than I was Albom 30.” She believes that her son is a good boy but being the same is not enough. Her boy should grow better from day to day. She also believes that her son is smart then she asks even forces Chick to read one book every week because she believes that through reading books, Chick will be smarter. She wants that Chick believes in his smartness so he should be responsible by acting smart as well. Chick states that, “She told me I was smart and that being smart was a privilege, and she insisted that I read one book every week and took me to the library to make sure this happened Albom 33.” Likewise, she does not want to make Chick become a spoiled person so she is very firm to treat Chick. She will not hesitate to punish Chick if he does something wrong. Chiefly, she wants Chick to be perfect and this is one of the ways she shows her love to Chick. Chick approves it by saying, “She wasn’t easy on me, don’t get me wrong. She smacked me. She scolded me. She punished me but she loved me Albom 33.” During their marriage, Posey is also being treated badly by her husband. Len Benetto, her husband always sees all of her deeds from the wrong sides. Finally, their marriage collapsed because Posey knows that her husband has another wife and son. They decide to get divorce. Anyway, this decision arises another problem because the neighbors are always curious with her as becoming a widow. But if we were showed more kindness, my mother was not. People didn’t get divorced back then. I didn’t know a single kid who had endured it. Splitting up, at least where we lived, meant something scandalous, and one