The Influence of Family on Personality Development

families. There are so many problems caused by divorce like the care of children, income, love and figure of masculinity and or femininity and of course the personality development of the divorcee and the member of families. The third is widowhood. The status of widow or widower is not only deviant but also ambiguous in which the person is neither single nor a spouse. Widowhood almost always leads to poor self-evaluation. A widow or widower is lonely and faced many adjustments problems, personal, social and economic. The fourth is disgraced family. Disgraced family is a family living in a society which is considered different from other families in the society. Strong disapproval of some kinds of deviant family patterns make the family members feel disgraced. Furthermore, the family members will feel more inferior to other families in the society because the society feels that they are not common.

2.2. Theoretical Framework

I use some of the theories stated above in order to understand more about the characters’ personality and to help finding the answer of issues presence in problem formulated. Furthermore, I would like to present the reasons why those theories are needed and how I use those theories to understand and analyze the novel. The first is theory of character and characterizations. These theories are used to reveal the characters in the novel. Furthermore, these theories are really applicable to describe and to explore characters through their actions, outlooks, deeds, impressions, thoughts, mannerisms and dialogues. The second is critical approach. In this study, I use the psychological approach as the best considerations to dig deeper the characters’ personality. The theory of personality and the theory of personality development also help to analyze the characters’ personality changes and finally the development as seen on the Mitch Albom’s For One More Day. The theory of family is used based on the understanding that family has a big influence on family members’ personality development. The influence can come from the situation on the family, parents’ relationship and the relationship between mother and children. The novel itself is telling about the relationship between mother and son. Children’s personality development can be seen from the relationship with parents especially with mother. Additionally, to understand the influence made by mother to his son, I use the Eriksson’s theory of psychosocial. This theory will be beneficial to depict the influence made by his mother to the son in the right order from the childhood up to the adulthood. Finally, to study the character changes as the result of mother’s influence in the major character’s life, I use the theory about personality development from Elizabeth Hurlock. It will be helpful to see whether the personality changes are better or worse, quantitative or qualitative and slow or rapid. Therefore, the three of the latest theories work together to reveal the personality changes on Charles Benetto which is influenced by his mother’s personality.


This chapter contains three main parts namely object the study, approach and method of the study. In the object of the study, I reviewed the novel as the main source of the study. In the approach, I gave some reasons why I used particular approach to observe the novel. Whereas in the method of study, I explained briefly about the sources of the study including main source, secondary source and steps to do the study.

3. 1 Object of the Study

This study will analyze further one of Mitch Albom’s novels entitled For One More Day. It is the third novel written by Mitch Albom. Mitch Albom firstly wrote this novel in May 2006 then he published the novel in the United States of America in 2006 with the help of Hyperion Publisher. Afterward, the novel was published in Great Britain in 2006 with the help of Sphere Publisher. During 2006 up to 2008 those publishers have published the novel 5 times, 3 times in 2007 and 2 times in 2008. In order to conduct this study, I used one copy from the 2007 edition. The novel contains 207 pages; 197 pages of which are the story. Mitch Albom divided the novel into four big chapters: Midnight, Morning, Noon and Afternoon. Those four contain many small topics such as Chick’s Story, Chick 27 Tries to End It All, Time My Mother Stands Up for Me, up to Chick’s Final Thought.

3. 1 Approaches

In conducting the study, I apply the theory of character and characterization and also psychological approach. The theory of character and characterization is applied to answer the first and second problem in the study. The theory is needed to understand the mother’s personality and also Chick Benetto’s personality. The application of psychological approach focuses in the theory of personality development as the main theory. It is the most appropriate tool to analyze the main character’s personality development caused by the influence of mother’s personality. The psychological approach is applied to answer the third problem. “Psychological approach is an excellent tool for reading beneath the lines,” says Guerrin in his book A Handbook of Critical Approaches in Literature. He explains that the psychological theory is most commonly used as an interpretative tool by modern critics. The psychological theory shows interpretation model to enhance their understanding and appreciation of certain literature Guerrin 120-121. In this study, psychological approach is the most appropriate way to answer the problems. This approach suggests the influence of human psychology on literary work. Hence, character analysis can be traced by using theories of psychology. Furthermore, this approach is used in this study because the basis of the analysis places on the theory of personality development, which is one object in psychology. The personality development here refers to the development of main character’s behavior, attitude, feeling, belief, thought, motivation and deed influenced by mother’s personality. There is a deep relationship between literature and psychology. Rohberger and Woods in their work entitled Reading and Writing about Literature state that both literature and psychology discuss about people and human lives even though they stand in different point of view. While literature discusses human being and life which are expressed through language to gain some life values, psychology gives the main focus on the study of human life dealing to human mind and behavior Rohberger and Woods 6-15. Furthermore, they state that psychological approach brings us to analyze the novel from the psychological point of view on a specific human being Rohberger and Woods 13.

3.2 Method of Study

This study used the method of library research. There were two kinds of sources used in this study. The first or the main source was the novel entitled For One More Day. The second was the secondary sources which were taken from references found in the library and internet. In order to analyze the novel, I conducted six steps. The first was I read and reread the novel. While reading the novel, I also took note of the main character development Chick and mother’s personality traits as seen from the way the characters speak, the way they think, their attitudes and their deeds that revealed implicitly or explicitly in the novel. To support the findings and give further