Hardworking Mother’s Personality Traits

of the parties would be assigned the blame. It fell on my mother, mostly because was still around Albom 64. Divorce normally eliminates some of the friction so damaging to the home climate. Unless, the family lives in a community where divorce is common, the society will stigmatize all of the family members in the social group Hurlock 377. The neighbors think that Posey is a threat for their family. However she can manage and stand it firmly. She proves to them that she is neither a kind of threat nor a problem for the surroundings. She does not do anything which harms other people in the society, evermore she does not get married again till she passes away.

4.1.7 Humorous

Everybody in this novel thinks that Posey Benetto is very funny. She can make others feel enjoyable and happy to be with her even sometimes she should do a fool thing. Then she succeeds to entertain others with her skills because everyone likes jokes, humors, silly things or even gossips to be laughed at.. Personally, Chick thinks that his mother is a funny person. Posey does not mind to do a “silly” thing just for a laugh to break the ice in a conversation. She can imitate some sounds well like making odd voices, imitating Popeye’s sound or Louis Armstrong. For one thing, she was funny. She didn’t mind smearing ice cream on her face for a laugh. She did odd voices, like Popeye the Sailor Man, or Louis Armstrong croaking, “If ya ain’t got it ya, ya can’t blow it out.” She tickled me and she let me tickle her back, squeezing her elbow as she laughed Albom 32. When Posey helps other people, like accompanying her children to learn, she can make anything become a funny thing that makes her children are not getting bored. She can create the topic of the discussion becomes something interesting. As a result, the children can get more understanding in a fun way. Here is the example of it based on Chick’s experience. “She smiles. “Good.” Then she says, “Echo,” and covers her mouth and mumbles, “echo, echo, echo.”My sister, who was been watching our performance, points and yells, “That’s Mommy talking I see her” Albom 44” Nevertheless, the joke is not always successful. Sometimes Chick feels afraid of laughing at the joke because his father is there. He does not want to laugh although something is considered so funny. He does not want to betray his father by laughing. On the other hand, his mother will find another way to make Chick laughs, for example by tickling him. Chick says, “I wanted to laugh – especially when she said “fig” – but since my father wasn’t participating, laughter felt like a betrayal. Then my mother started tickling me and I couldn’t help it Albom 46.” Again, when Chick and his sister, Roberta, carve their names on the kitchen table, their mother catches them on eye. She wants to frighten them as if she is angry because of some reasons of ruining the table and endangering themselves with the sharp knife. However, when Roberta asks her at least to finish the names, she could not handle the laugh. Then finally they laugh together Albom 47-48. Finally, the novel tells that Posey is considered as a humorous, warm and has a motherly wisdom. These personalities are confirmed by Posey’s family. “Her humor, warmth and motherly wisdom were attested to by her surviving family Albom 196.”

4.1.8 Brave

The term brave here will stand for two different things. The first, Posey Benetto is a brave person in stating her opinion and in standing for her beliefs. The second, Posey is categorized as a brave person in standing and protecting for her children. In a family, there will be always a time that husband and wife have different ideas, thoughts and arguments. Even, it can be a real fight among them especially when both of them believe that they are correct and other sides are wrong. It will be broadened because the culture places a man as the one who controls the family. Man thinks that he is the one who should rule the whole things, the decision maker while woman should just follow him. They were blend of backgrounds and cultures, but if my family was a democracy, my father’s vote counted twice. He decided what we should eat for dinner, what color to paint the house, which bank we should use, which channel we watched on our Zenith console black and white TV set Albom 31. On the other hand, Posey Benetto always has her personal argument. She will argue if she thinks something is wrong. She can defend her opinion with strong arguments. Chick sees this from the beginning of the story. The culture difference between Posey and her husband becomes one thing that is always