Development Personality Development Definition of Terms

The seventh is through character’s direct comments. It is possible for the author to describe or comment on a person’s character directly. Commonly, the author gives his or her opinion about the characters in the story. Therefore, the author’s opinion can give additional information about the characters in the story. The eighth is from character’s personal thoughts. In real life, it is not possible for us to know people’s personality through their thoughts. In accordance, the author may give readers direct knowledge of characters’ thought in the story. In brief, the author can do what he cannot do in the real life. The author can tell what is in a person’s mind. As a result, the readers can understand characters’ personality. The ninth is through character’s mannerism. The author can describe a person’s mannerisms, habits or idiosyncrasies mode of behavior, which are able to tell the readers something about his or her character. In the story, the author reveals characters’ habit or mannerism either positively or negatively. Therefore, the characters’ positive and negative habits help us to obtain more knowledge about their characteristics. A character is one of internal aspects in the novel. The term character is used in two ways. First, Abrams states that character is individual who appears in the story and it shows distinctive type of person. The last refers to the mixture of interests, desires, emotions, and principles that make up each of these individuals. In the second definition, thus, character is synonymous with the word personality. Through these ways, the author is able to make the reader aware of the personalities and characters of his writing Abrams 20.

2.1.1 Theory of Critical Approaches

In order to have reasonable judgments of the study, it is necessary to employ some theories. Therefore, the reasonable judgments enable me to reach further analysis of the novel and do more exploration. In brief, by employing the critical approaches, I can acquire the understanding both on how literature is formed and the values which can be revealed. Rohberger and Woods in their book Reading and Writing about Literature determine five critical approaches. The first is called the formalist approach. This approach focuses on its total integrity of the literary works and becomes references to the understanding to the piece of literary work. Therefore, formalism seeks to emphasize the importance of the format elements of literature related to the language, form and content of literary text. The second is called the biographical approach. A work of art can be a reflection of personality of its author. Therefore, this approach attempts to learn as much as it can be about the biography of the author. As a result, the biographical approach provides knowledge that can be useful for a better understanding and appreciation of his or her work. The third is the sociocultural-historical approach. This approach insists the analysis of socio, cultural and historical background as the references to the further understanding of the story. This approach is used in analyzing the literary works by referring to the civilization or society in which the literary works are produced. Therefore, readers can understand the culture that produces literature.