Posey Benetto’s Personality Traits

relationship. Here also happens the event which has powerful impact in his life as his mother passes away. His life becomes wasteful until he attempts to kill himself. In this stage Chick has a personal meeting with his mother which really influences in his life changes. The final stage, integrity versus despair, happens after Chick’s attempts of suicide. Here Chick contemplates all of his deeds and moves to a new life because of the influence of the personal meeting with his “dead” mother.

5.1.3. Chick Benetto’s Personality Development

The last finding in the study reveals the personality changes made by Chick after the influence of personal encounter with his mother. After he spends one day with her, he has an awareness of his life. He is being aware of his mistake and regrets it. However, he manages to forgive himself after his mother tells him to forgive himself. The second, he becomes more appreciative life. He feels so ashamed of his attempts to commit suicide as he knows that his life is so precious. His mother really opens his mind about life itself. The third, Chick Benetto manages himself to be more open to others. He rebuilds his relationship with his daughter and his ex-wife. He also wants to be closer to people by working in a recreational park. Finally he is really aware of his mother’s pure love. He is aware that his mother is really the best mother for him. All of her deeds are just for him and the family.

5.2. Suggestions

This part proposes suggestions for further research on Mitch Albom’s For One More Day and suggestions for teaching learning English through literature.

5.2.1. Suggestion for the Future Researchers

Mitch Albom’s For One More Day is a very amazing novel. This novel can become a right choice for the readers from all of the ages. This novel can also become a source of study from its meaningful aspects. This study mainly uses the psychological approach to analyze the influence of mother figure to the son’s personality development. The future researchers can use sociocultural-historical approach to analyze other features of the novel for example comparing the family in the setting of the novel with the American modern family right now. It will be so interesting because the American family during the World War II in the novel is different from American modern family nowadays. Another approach that can be used is psychological approach too but in the term of character’s motivation, for example to analyze Posey Benetto’s personal motivation to meet her son again.

5.2.2. Suggestion for Teaching Listening Using Literature

Besides the process of transferring knowledge, teaching-learning activity is one way to implant moral values for the students. One of the best ideas to establish moral value among the students is using literary work. It has at least three benefits like a means to avoid boredom in the class, encourage students to read literary work and achieve some moral values with pleasure and amusement. Besides those benefits, of course it will enrich students’ vocabulary and the acquirement of English skills and grammar as well. Students will not feel they should study a lot because they enjoy reading the novel. Teaching listening using novel may sound weird. Usually, if it is dealing with novel, we just assume that the teaching learning activity is for reading, speaking and prose. However, it is possible if we have the audio material of this novel. The audio material should be exactly the same as the novel. Here, I suggest teaching listening using the audio material from Mitch Albom’s For One More Day. I suggest listening practice with the audio and written material from For One More Day about social issue especially about committing suicide. The material is from the part of this novel entitled Chick Tries to End It All. At first, the teacher explains briefly about the novel and asks whether the students already read the novel or not then asks about the general topic in the novel. Then the teacher asks about their knowledge on suicide, whether they have seen this in the society and about their feelings and thoughts on this topic. The teacher also gives time to the students to discuss suicide with their friends. Then, the teacher distributes the handouts and exercise to the students. The teacher asks them to read for a while and prepare themselves for the listening practice. If the students are ready then they can start the listening practice by