behavior, attitude, feeling, belief, thought, motivation and deed influenced by mother’s personality. There is a deep relationship between literature and psychology. Rohberger and Woods in their work entitled Reading and Writing about Literature state that both literature and psychology discuss about people and human lives even though they stand in different point of view. While literature discusses human being and life which are expressed through language to gain some life values, psychology gives the main focus on the study of human life dealing to human mind and behavior Rohberger and Woods 6-15. Furthermore, they state that psychological approach brings us to analyze the novel from the psychological point of view on a specific human being Rohberger and Woods 13.

3.2 Method of Study

This study used the method of library research. There were two kinds of sources used in this study. The first or the main source was the novel entitled For One More Day. The second was the secondary sources which were taken from references found in the library and internet. In order to analyze the novel, I conducted six steps. The first was I read and reread the novel. While reading the novel, I also took note of the main character development Chick and mother’s personality traits as seen from the way the characters speak, the way they think, their attitudes and their deeds that revealed implicitly or explicitly in the novel. To support the findings and give further knowledge, I observed and gathered information from some references like Child Behavior and Development from William Martin and Celia Sendler, The Dynamic Psychology from Kelly, Child and Adolescent Development: A Chronological Approach written by Danuta Bukatko, Human Development from Diane E. Papalia, Olds and Feldman, Personality Development from Elizabeth B. Hurlock, Family Communication from Maureen Miller and A Handbook of Critical Approaches in Literature from Wilfried L. Guerrin. The fourth step was to find out the mother’s personality from the novel compared and supported by the findings from the references. Then the fifth step was to find out Chick Benetto’s personality at the beginning of the story. The sixth step was to gather and judge the influence of mother’s personality on Chick Benetto. Therefore, I made the list of Chick Benetto’s personality development. This step was also combining the findings into a big main point as to find the theme of the story. Finally, I made the conclusion as the result of the analysis.


This chapter presents the discussion of the answer of the problems. The discussion is divided into four main parts. The first part elaborates and discusses the personality of Pauline Benetto or well-known as Posey Benetto, the mother of Chick. The second part mainly discusses about the characteristic of Charles or Chick Benetto as depicted in the novel. The third part discusses the influence made by Posey to Charles Benetto during his childhood up to adulthood. Finally, the fourth part presents the personality development of Chick Benetto as the result of his mother’s influence during his life.

4.1 Mother’s Personality Traits

From the theory of character, in this part I depict Pauline’s character. I find out that Pauline Posey is a major and flat character. Henkle in his book Reading the Novel divides characters into two kinds which are major character and secondary character. A major character is the most important and complex in the novel, meanwhile the secondary character is a character that plays more limited function Henkle 89. Posey and Chick Benetto are the major characters in the novel, because the novel entitled For One More Day puts Posey and Chick Benetto as the central of the story. 31