Being More Appreciative Life

time together to share their life as a family. He also re-conciliates with his ex-wife and has some times to talk to her. Then he manages himself to be close to all people and kids by working in a local parks and recreation office which he makes the rule become everybody gets to play. This is really a proof from his own finding to be close to anybody especially the one he loves so much. He has a promise to make things right again. “I would like to make things right again with those I love Albom 194.”

4.4.4 Being aware of his mother’s love and care

Finally Chick Benetto is aware of his mother’s love and care. He remembers all of the experiences that show his mother’s pure love for him. He recognizes that all of her mother deeds are just for him. He admits that his mother is truly a good mother for him by saying, “Yes you were a good mother Albom 191.” His mother gives all of the loves and cares although Chick replies them with bad treatments, lies, angers and rejections. He admits that mother’s love is the purest love everybody ever knows. When he looks at his mother he says, “I saw in her expression that old, unshakeable mountain of concern. And I realized when you look at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know Albom 174.” Moreover, Chick Benetto is so surprised when he knows that his mother does anything to keep him and his sister in the college. At first, he is so angry because his mother keeps this secret until her death. He does not accept that his mother should do the cleaning service job. He feels ashamed that he could not please his mother by quitting from college just to play baseball to please his father. He feels ashamed to face that his mother sacrifices herself actually for him. However, Posey reminds Chick that being a cleaning lady is not a shame. It is already a responsibility as a mother for the children. Cheal in his book names this as an intensive mothering. It is a self sacrificing commitment made by mother to focus most of her time and energy upon managing every aspects of the child. Therefore, mother can be a child- centered, emotionally absorbing, expert-guided, labor-intensive and financially expensive for the children. Shortly, mother will put the child into her priority Cheal 104. Then he believes that his mother with her loves is the one who saves his life. He concludes that if parents love their children, they will hold them safely through everything in the world. Children sometimes do not know what parents endure and feel, moreover children sometimes treat parents badly but parents stay the same to love and save the children. I’ve thought a lot about that night. I believed my mother saved my life. I also believe my mother saved my life. I also believes that parents, if they love you will hold you up safely, above their swirling waters, and sometimes that means you’ll never know what they endured and you may treat them unkindly in a way you otherwise wouldn’t Albom 194. Finally before his dead, Chick asks everybody to remember him just for the recent days after the accident not the old ones. He wants to prove that he really changes from his bad habit into a newborn person because of the experience of his meeting with his dead mother. Then a week before his stroke, he seems to sense that his time is short. He tells those around him, “Remember me for these days, not the old ones Albom 197.”