Old Age Posey’s Influence on Chick Benetto’s Adulthood

“Don’t give up,” she whispered back. I buried my head then. I am not ashamed to say it. I buried my head in my mother’s arms and her hands cradled my neck Albom 187. The awareness of the precious life is followed by the awareness of precious time. During his life, Chick does not appreciate the precious price of time. Now, he realizes that he often wastes the time as he spends it carelessly. He has an advice again from his mother about the connection between life and time. Life goes quickly because human being wastes the time. “Life goes quickly, does not it, Charley?” “Yeah,” I mumbled. ‘It’s such a shame to waste time. We always think we have so much of it.” I thought about the days I handed over to a bottle. The nights I couldn’t remember. The mornings I slept through. All the time spent running from myself Albom 151-152. It is such a shame that he also does the same to waste the time by drinking alcohol, sleeping in the morning and all of the time which is already gone from his life. However, he feels gratitude that his mother makes him realizes about it again.

4.4.3 Being More Open to Others

His mother’s re-appearance makes Chick realizes of the importance to have some people who have close relationship with him. He remembers that it is already long time that somebody wants to be close to him. His mother reminds him of the feeling of being noticed. She cares about him by cleaning and treating his wounds. Furthermore, she treats him with her love. But when she sat down across from me and dabbed the washcloth on my face and arms, and she grimaced at the cuts and mumbled, “Look at you” – I don’t know how to say it. It burst through my defenses. It had been a long time since anyone wanted to be that close to me, to show the tenderness it took to roll up a shirtsleeve. She cared. She gave a crap. When I lacked even the self respect to keep myself alive, she dabbed my cuts and I fell back into being a son; I fell as easily as you fall into your pillow at night. And I didn’t want it to end. That’s the best way I can explain it. I knew it was impossible. But I didn’t want it to end Albom 49. Actually during her life Posey already shows to Chick how to make a good relationship to others. Posey with her attitudes, charm, understanding, wisdom, humor and cares always makes people come and stay close to her. However, it does not have impacts on Chick until finally he recognizes that his deeds are wrong. He understands that he is wrong to close his heart from everybody. In the past, he just talks to people that wants to drink with him. Moreover, he likes to make lies to refuse his mother’s invitations to visit or to be together with her. He often makes lies that he is too busy and too tired in order to avoid meeting his mother Albom 150. Now, he wants to make it right again because he realizes that he does a mistake when he isolates his heart from anybody. He is aware that he needs other people to access his heart so he can talk, socialize and be free from his despair. He approves his mistake by saying, “I had no one to talk me out of my despair, and that was a mistake. You need to keep people close. You need to give them access to your life Albom 193-194.” Chick really changes his life by trying to get close to the people he loves. He sells his house and moves to the closest house to his daughter’s. They have