Background of the Study

motherPaulinePosey conveyed through another major character, Chick Benetto, in Albom’s For One More Day. I see that this is not just about love but it is also about personality and motivation. Therefore, the topic to be discussed in this study is the elaboration of the personality changes made by Charles Benetto caused by the deep influence of his mother.

1.2 Problem Formulation

There are three problems that will be discussed in this study. 1. How is Pauline “Posey” Benetto, the mother of Chick, portrayed in the novel? 2. How is Charles “Chick” Benetto reflected in the novel? 3. How does Pauline’s personality influence Charles Benetto’s development as an individual?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this study are to answer the questions that are formulated in the problem formulation above. First of all, I intend to dig deeply about the characters in the novel especially the mother. How the author develops the characteristic of the mother becomes a good start to answer this question. Second, I would like to find out the personality traits of Chick Benetto in order to answer the third problem formulation about the changes on Chick Benetto’s personality because the influence of his mother’s personality.

1.4 Benefits of the Study

This study is expected to give some contributions to many people. First of all, this study may give some insights for students who want to explore more about literary works especially novel. The second, this study can enrich students’ knowledge and ability to observe novel. Third, it may assist English teachers who want to use For One More Day as a study guide in the literature subject for students. It may also enrich the topic discussed in classroom concerning with the value of life, love, influence and personality development. Finally, this study may give benefits for the general reader to give some understanding of the characters being discussed in the novel and influence general reader to give more respect to mother.

1.5 Definition of Terms

In this thesis, there are some terms that are needed to be clarified more in order to avoid misconceptions, they are:

1.5.1 Influence

Influence means the power to affects somebody’s actions, character or beliefs, especially by providing an example for them to follow, winning their admiration or making them afraid to disagree Hornby 611. Here, influence means the effect made by a figure of mother and her experiences which directly or indirectly admired, inspired, learned and followed by her son.

1.5.2 Personality

Personality is the set of psychological traits and mechanisms within individual that are organized and relatively enduring and that influence his or her interactions with and adaptations to the environment Goets 1. Personality also means the dynamic organization characteristics attributes leading to behavior and distinguishing one individual from other individuals and it refers to the total individual and includes needs, motives, method of adjusting, temperament qualities, self concept, attitudes, role behaviors, values and abilities Kalish 52 In this study personality means the set of psychological traits that distinguish individual from others in the qualities of needs, motives, method of adjusting, temperament qualities, self-concept, attitudes, role behaviors, values and abilities.

1.5.3 Development

Development is the process by which individual learns, and thus becomes able to move and grow from past condition to the real condition Martin 10. In this study development means growth and progressive changes made by the main character as a result of maturation and learning from the experiences.

1.5.4 Personality Development

Personality development according to David Riesman on his paper Personality Development is all of the patterns of thought and emotions that change every time and cause us to do and say things in particular ways that expressed through our temperament or emotional tone Riesman 3. Here, personality development means the individual changes that are very unique and different from others as the result of the pattern of thoughts, values, emotions and experiences from others.


This chapter consists of two main parts named review of related theories and theoretical framework. Review of related theories deal with the theories applied in conducting the study. Theoretical framework intends to explain the contribution of the theories and reviews in solving the problems. The theoretical framework is needed to synthesize in order to make the applicable answer for the problems.

2.1 Review of the Related Theories

I must consider the theory of literature to deal with the novel’s analysis process. Therefore, it will be beneficial to include theories that can be used as a means to answer the problems. These theories are the theory of character and characterization and the theory of critical approaches.

2.1.1 Theory of Character and Characterization

It is necessary for the novelist to present characters to be convincing and acceptable to the readers. Characterization is the way author reveals and develops the characters presented in the novel to the readers. Therefore, the theory of characterization in this study helps the readers to understand the 9