Economical Helpful Mother’s Personality Traits

felt lonelier than I had ever felt before, and that loneliness seemed to squat in my lungs and crush all but my most minimal breathing. There was nothing left to say. Not about this. Not about anything Albom 10.” In addition, he is not proud of himself. He thinks that he is not a human being. He is just a zombie or a robot. Nobody concerns him. Even, if he does anything it will have no impact to everyone. If he is gone, nobody will search him. His life means nothing but a shame. Instead, I put my hands down flat by my sides and I turned south, walking back toward my old town. I am not proud of this. But I was not in any way rational. I was a zombie, a robot, devoid of concern for anyone, myself included – myself, actually, at the top of the list Albom 15. The painful feeling of being lonely finally leads Chick into the decision to kill himself. He cannot think anymore. In his mind there is just one way out for him. He wants the life ends. It is just simple. If God does not take his life then he can give it with his own way. Chick still remembers the time he decides to end his life. He says, “The city was quiet, the lights blinking yellow, and I was going to end my life where I began it. Blundering back to God. Simple as that Albom 11.” He chooses his old town in Pepperville Beach to end his life because it is where he starts his life and he wants to end it there, too. Then he drives his car and gets drunk for the last time before he dies. At least, he wants to end his life in three different occasions on that night. The first, after he gets drunk, he rides his car fast and suddenly in front of him appears a big truck. He cannot avoid it and hits the truck with a hard crash. His car and the truck are in a great damage. He falls down from the car because of the hit. Different thing happens, however. He is still alive. He does not know why it happens. He wonders about it. He says, “I can’t explain it. When you want to die, you are spared. Who can explain it Albom 14-15?” He continues his journey to death on foot to his town. Finally he reaches Pepperville Beach, his town. Then the second chance to end his life comes. He finds a tower which is familiar in his childhood. He climbs the tower and wants to throw his body from there. When he is going to take the last step on the ladder, suddenly he falls down because the ladder cannot stand for his big shape. Finally, he attempts to end his life by hurling himself after he thinks nobody misses him in his daughter’s wedding party. He has nobody’s care on him even his lovely daughter that he loves very much. He still has a short memory flash about his daughter. He imagines little Maria, his daughter with her talcum powder smelt. However, it cannot prohibit him from the decision to die. He feels hopeless. He gives up because he thinks that nobody misses him. Therefore he grabs the railing and hurls himself. The sky was lightening. The crickets grew louder. I had a sudden memory flash of little Maria asleep on my chest when she was small enough to cradle in one arm, her skin smelling a talcum powder. Then I had a vision of me, wet and filthy as I was now, bursting into her wedding, the music stopping, everyone looking up horrified, Maria the most horrified at all. I lowered my head I would not be missed. I took two running steps, grabbed the railing, and hurled myself Albom 17.