F. Research Procedure

In the research, the researcher used some procedures, the first is collecting the data. The data were obtained by taking some pictures using cameras and some blurred words were retyped in cell phone. After the data were obtained, the data were retyped and put into tables. Both Indonesian and English versions of the data were included into the table. After the data were collected, related theories were connected to analyze the data. After understanding the theories, the researcher found the good criteria of the translation product. An acceptability rubric was made to evaluate the translation. Then, the data were categorized into several categories to check the acceptability of the translation. There were 5 categories for the translation, namely excellent, very good, good, sufficient, and poor. Then the third is triangulation. Triangulation is needed to avoid translation bias. According to Fraenkel, Wallen, and Hyun 2015, “it involves checking what one hears and sees by comparing one’s sources of information” p. 515. The triangulation was done by the expert in the translation field who masters both SL and TL. The expert is a lecturer of English Education Study Program in Sanata Dharma University and she understands both SL and TL. Larson 1984, proposed that the translation tester should understand the translation principles and understand the TL well. Since she wrote about translation in her master degree, she knows about the translation principles. At first, the researcher provides a questionnaire to be answered by three experts of translation, but an expert tells the researcher that the use of 30 questionnaire is not good since the researcher may not learn from it. Then based on her suggestion, the triangulation is done orally with only one expert in translation to save some times since the oral triangulation will not finish quickly. This oral triangulation is carried out as suggested by the expert and it is proven to be meaningful since it requires a discussion between the researcher and the expert. In this triangulation, the researcher points out some reasons in giving the score for each text and gives a suggestion for the correct translation. Then, the expert will agree or disagree with the reasons; she will give some suggestions and it will help the researcher giving the correct scoring for the translation. After the result of the data were known, the data were presented. The result was typed and concluded to answer the research question. The data were put into excellent, very good, good, sufficient, and poor category. Some suggestion and correction were also presented. By presenting the data, it would be useful for the future research and the betterment of the translation of the plaques. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI