Data Analysis Technique RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

32 further whether it has good and bad phrases, and good and bad sentences. The acceptability of the overall cases is presented in table 4.1. Table 4.1 The Overall Acceptability of English Translation Plaques Case Number Clarity Naturalness Accuracy Total Score Acceptability 1 4 3 3 10 Very Good 2 4 4 4 12 Excellent 3 2 2 4 8 Good 4 2 3 4 7 Good 5 4 2 4 10 Very Good 6 4 3 4 11 Excellent 7 4 3 3 10 Very Good 8 4 3 4 11 Excellent 9 4 3 3 10 Very Good 10 2 2 2 6 Sufficient The highest score found in this research is 12 and it is considered as excellent translation, meanwhile the lowest score is 6 and it is considered as sufficient translation. From table 4.1, the total score is added together then it is divided by total case number which is 10, and the overall acceptability of the English translation plaques is 9.5 out of 12. From the overall acceptability, the translations are categorized as very good translations. Each category has been discussed with the expert in translation and it is discussed further.

1. Excellent Acceptability

The goal of the translation is to communicate the ideas to the TL users Larson, 1984. In the clarity, the translation should make the readers understand the intended meaning of the text and it should have good flow sentences. Then, in naturalness, the translation should be in idiomatic form or translated in meaning- based translation. In accuracy, the information from the SL should not be omitted, added, or different. Any omission, addition, or deletion should not make the 33 information skewed. Moreover, accuracy in grammar should be concerned. In this research, the bilingual plaques are excellent if the score is 11 or 12; three cases have excellent accuracy, namely case 2, 6, and 8. Case number 2 is scored 12 and it is shown that it has excellent acceptability. There are no serious problems found, yet three good phrases and a bad sentence are found. In case number 2, the researcher found three additions, namely case 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3. The additions are underlined and presented in table 4.2. Table 4.2 Accuracy of Information from Case 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 Case Source Language Target Language 2.1 AI KONGRES BUDI UTOMO DI YOGYAKARTA FIRST CONGRESS OF BUDI UTOMO IN YOGYAKARTA 2.2 AI Lokasi : Ruang Makan Kweekschool Yogyakarta SMU 11, Jl. AM. Sangaji Yogyakarta Location : Dining Room of Kweekschool Yogyakarta State Senior High School, SMU 11, AM. Sangaji Street. Yogyakarta 2.3 AI Adegan : Sutomo Pelajar STOVIA menyampaikan gagasan di Konggres I Boedi Oetomo di Gedung Kweekschool Yogyakarta. Scene : Sutomo, a student of STOVIA Medical School for the Indigenous People, was explaining his ideas in The First Congress of Boedi Oetomo in Kweekschool Yogyakarta. From table 4.2, the additions are considered good since the TL readers are not familiar with the terms from SL. From case 2.1, the addition is on the word first , it gives the TL readers more information since the readers probably do not know that the congress is held twice. Meanwhile, additions in case 2.2 and 2.3 are about terms in SL. A goodness from those cases is that the translator does not simply put the original words or the translations only, but he adds the translation of the words. 34 The first term is the word SMU; in Indonesia, it means Sekolah Menengah Umum or in English it is a high school and SMU 11 is a state school, therefore the translation is correct and presented in case 2.2. Meanwhile, STOVIA stands for School tot Opleiding van Indilandsche Artsen and it is a medical school in Dutch colonial era. The translation for STOVIA is presented in case 2.3. and it is a correct translation. Those additions are good since the addition of necessary information will make TL readers understand more about the things which are being discussed. Table 4.3 Accuracy in Grammar from Case 2.4 Case Source Language Target Language Suggestion 2.4 AG Setelah Boedi Oetomo terbentuk tanggal 20 Mei 1908, segera dibentuk cabang-cabang di daerah. The organization Boedi Oetomo was established on May 20, 1908 and was immediately followed by establishment of the branches in some regions. The organization Boedi Oetomo was established on May 20, 1908 and was immediately followed by establishments of branches in some regions. Only one bad sentence is found and it is presented in table 4.3. It is considered bad because it lacks of accuracy in terms of grammar. The mistake is related to the use of article the. As a rule of grammar, the word establishment is a countable noun and it should be followed by plural noun. The use of article the before word branches is incorrect since it is general and has not been mentioned before. On the contrary, the word establishment is specific since it has been discussed earlier and it should have article the in it or it should be added with -s since the branches here are more than one and it makes the establishment more than once. The suggestion is to change the phrase establishment of the branches into establishment of branches.