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13 text and even the translator needs to know the background of the author to communicate the meaning well.

2. Analysis

In analyzing the text, the translator needs to be very careful. The translator needs to point out the terms used in the text. Larson 1984 calls the terms as the “key words” and they should be analyzed further to understand the text. Some adjustment should be made and a deep research should be conducted. This step is important to help the translator familiar with the SL and it makes the translation process easier.

3. Transfer

After analyzing the text, the text transfer will be done. This step requires the changing language of the SL into the TL. This step, according to Larson 1984, should be done using the meaning-based translation to make the text as natural as possible.

4. Initial draft

According to Larson 1984, p. 481, “the work of analysis, transfer, and initial draft are not independent the one of the other”. He points out that the key of this process is making the translation as natural as possible. It can be done by checking the SL text and the TL text back and forth as the translation is not an instant process.

5. Reworking the initial draft

After working the initial draft, the draft should be checked once again to make sure that the translation is acceptable. Reading the whole text is suggested 14 and marking the unclear sentences is highly recommended. In this step, Larson 1984, p. 482 states that “the reworking of the initial draft includes checking for naturalness a nd for accuracy”. Checking naturalness and accuracy cover some aspects that should be taken care of, according to Larson 1984: 1 wrong grammatical forms or obscure constructions, 2 places that seem too wordy, 3 wrong order, awkward phrasing, 4 places where the connections don’t seem right and it doesn’t flow easily, 5 collocational clashes, 6 questionable meaning, i.e. it seems strange now that he hears it read, and 7 style. p. 482 After checking is done, the translator needs to remake the initial draft. The initial draft should be remade over and over again to make sure there is no mistake. After the translator is sure about the initial draft, the next step is making the second draft. This second draft is a draft containing no mistakes according to the translator. The next stage is checking the second draft with other parties and it will be discussed on the sixth step.

6. Testing the translation

This step requires other parties to take a part in checking the second draft. Those parties are needed to fulfill the triangulation. Besides the translator, the experts and the reviewers are needed to avoid the translation bias. After the second draft is checked by other parties, the third draft should be made considering the suggestion of the parties. There are some processes in this step and the processes are discussed on part d.

7. Preparing the manuscript for the publisher

After the testing is completed and the draft is made, the next step to be done is preparing the manuscript for the publisher. The final draft should be made 15 and it should be read by the translator and other parties. Reading the final draft is needed to make sure that the final draft is ready.

c. Meaning-based Translation