34 The first term is the word SMU; in Indonesia, it means Sekolah Menengah Umum or in English it is a high school and SMU 11 is a state school, therefore the translation is correct and presented in case 2.2. Meanwhile, STOVIA stands for School tot Opleiding van Indilandsche Artsen and it is a medical school in Dutch colonial era. The translation for STOVIA is presented in case 2.3. and it is a correct translation. Those additions are good since the addition of necessary information will make TL readers understand more about the things which are being discussed. Table 4.3 Accuracy in Grammar from Case 2.4 Case Source Language Target Language Suggestion 2.4 AG Setelah Boedi Oetomo terbentuk tanggal 20 Mei 1908, segera dibentuk cabang-cabang di daerah. The organization Boedi Oetomo was established on May 20, 1908 and was immediately followed by establishment of the branches in some regions. The organization Boedi Oetomo was established on May 20, 1908 and was immediately followed by establishments of branches in some regions. Only one bad sentence is found and it is presented in table 4.3. It is considered bad because it lacks of accuracy in terms of grammar. The mistake is related to the use of article the. As a rule of grammar, the word establishment is a countable noun and it should be followed by plural noun. The use of article the before word branches is incorrect since it is general and has not been mentioned before. On the contrary, the word establishment is specific since it has been discussed earlier and it should have article the in it or it should be added with -s since the branches here are more than one and it makes the establishment more than once. The suggestion is to change the phrase establishment of the branches into establishment of branches. 35 This research focuses on the big picture of translation which means it is to check whether the readers understand the message of the translation or not. From the problem in table 4.3, the use of article is not considered as a serious problem since the message of the translation is clear. Moreover, the information is preserved and it avoids translation bias. Meanwhile, some serious mistakes are found from case 6, and they are presented in table 4.4. Those cases have some untranslated words and they may make the TL readers confused if they have not read the other plaques. Since those words are not translated, the score for naturalness is 3; but for the clarity, the score is 4 because those words do not affect its entire translation, meaning that the TL readers can still get the intended meaning of the text by reading through it. Those words are lokasi, waktu, and adegan. The same untranslated words are also found in case 8 and it also gets 3 for the score. The suggestion for those cases is to translate those words to avoid confusion and the correct translations for lokasi is location , waktu is time, and adegan is scene. Table 4.4 Accuracy in Grammar from Case 6 Case Source Language Target Language Suggestion 6.1 CN Lokasi Lokasi Location 6.2 CN Waktu Waktu Time 6.3 CN Adegan Adegan Scene

2. Very Good Acceptability

A translation is considered very good translation if it has 9 or 10 for the score. In this research, four cases have very good acceptability, namely case 1, 5, 36 7, and 9. Those cases get 4 for the clarity which mean they can be easily understood and no serious mistakes is found. For the naturalness and accuracy, distortion of meaning and some grammatical mistakes are found in those cases. Table 4.5 Accuracy in Grammar from Case 1.1 Case Source Language Target Language Suggestion 1.1 AG sejak 21 Juli – 9 Oktober 1825 Since July 21 to October 9, 1825 From July 21 to October 9, 1825 Some grammatical mistakes are found in case 1 and they make case 1 gets only 3 for the score. The first mistake is related to the choice of conjunction. From table 4.5, the word sejak which means from a particular time in the past until a later time, or until now. The translation for this word used in the case is since and it is not wrong. The word since here is the literal translation of the word sejak. The reason which makes it wrong is the following words. It is said that the event was happened until 1825 and according to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, the word since should be used to signal time in the past until now. Therefore, the word since should be replaced with the word from because it indicates a range of time. Therefore, a correct translation for sejak 21 Juli – 9 Oktober 1825 is from July 21 to October 9, 1825. The second problem found in case 1 is about redundancy. From table 4.6, the sentence there were a lot of Yogyakarta nobles gathered in Selarong is redundant since the sentence has two verbs on it; the phrase there were and the word gathered. The suggestion is to delete the phrase there were to avoid redundancy.