Naturalness tests Theoretical Description

22 acceptability rubric made by the researcher with the help of the expert is presented in Table 2.4. Table 2.4 Final Acceptability Rubric Score Category 4 Idiomatic 3 Near Idiomatic 2 Modified Literal 1 Very Literal Clarity The readers understand the intended meaning of the text. The sentences flow smoothly. The readers understand the intended meaning of the text. Some transitions are presented but not throughout the text. The readers hardly understand the intended meaning of the text. Some transitions are awkward. The readers have difficulty in understanding the intended meaning of the text. Transitions are not presented. Naturalness Ideas, not words, are translated meaning-based translation in the natural form of the receptor language. Ideas, not words, are translated meaning-based translation in the natural form of the receptor language without losing the original language. Sentence structures are modified but do not sound natural. Only words are translated form- based translation. Accuracy Necessary addition and deletion appear yet the information is well-preserved. Sentence structure is correct. There are necessary additions and deletions. Some information is not well-preserved. Sentence structure is generally correct. There are unnecessary additions and deletions. The information is barely preserved. Some sentence structures are awkward or grammatically incorrect. There are unnecessary additions and deletions. The information is hardly preserved. There is distortion of information content. Many sentence structures are incorrect. Total

B. Theoretical Framework

The objective of this research is to find the acceptability of the English translation of the plaques in Fort Vredeburg Museum. Some theories are needed to 23 check the acceptability of the translation of the plaques. In this part, the researcher explains how the theories are used to check if the translation is acceptable. The researcher uses the theory proposed by Larson 1984 to check the accuracy, clarity, and the naturalness of the plaques. The researcher makes a rubric helped by the expert to evaluate the translation. The accuracy will be tested by comparing the SL text to the TL text and naturalness checking. In comparing the TL text, the researcher will do it herself, while the naturalness checking will be done by asking the expert and the researcher herself. The last testing proposed by Larson 1984 is checking the naturalness, the researcher will use the naturalness tests. The naturalness checking is to check the naturalness and the accuracy of the bilingual plaques. The researcher and the expert will look for the weird words or sentences found in the text. The words and the sentences will be marked and analyzed further.