Translation Acceptability The Scene Plaques

11 language and the target language to make the readers understand the meaning. A deep research should be done to make the translation product acceptable, readable, and understandable. In translating, the translators need to adjust the SL culture and the TL culture to produce a good translation Bassnett, 2008, “… translation as a highly suspect activity, one in which an inequality of power relations inequalities of economics, politics, gender and geography is reflected in the mechanics of textual production.” It means that in translating something, translator does not only translate word per word but also consider the target language cultures. The important thing on translation is to make the target reader understand the information given. The information they receive should be suitable with their own society. In translation, Newmark 1981 states that there are two strategies which can be applied. The first is global translation strategies or often called translation methods and the second is local translation strategies or even called translation procedures. The translation methods include translation procedures. The translation procedures are more specified than translation methods. In coping with the globalization era, a lot of advertisers are willing to pay a certain amount of money to make the products known worldwide. Translation is a good way to make the foreigners understand the product given. According to Munday 2001: The process of translation between two different written languages involves the translator changing an original written text the source text or ST in the original verbal language the source language or SL into a 12 written text the target text or TT in a different verbal language the target language or TL. p. 11.

b. Translation Procedures

There are a lot of theories of the translation procedures proposed by the experts of translation. Newmark 1981 proposes a theory of the translation procedure, other experts proposed a similar theory with a different name, i.e. translation strategy. Other experts are Vinay and Darbelnet 1995, who proposed the same theory, which is the translation method. According to Vinay and Darbelnet 1995, p. 128, translation procedures may vary, but the core of translation procedures can be seen from seven procedures. According to Newmark 1988, “while translation methods relate to whole texts, translation procedures are used for sentences and the smaller units of l anguage.” p. 81. Translation procedures proposed by Larson 1984 consist of eight steps, which are:

1. Preparation

According to Larson 1984, preparation in translation consists of two steps which are the preparation the translator needs before taking the translation project and the preparation before the translator translates the project. The first step deals with the ability of transferring the SL text into the TL text. The ability should be mastered by the translator by taking some training in translation. The second preparation deals with the acquaintance of the translator and the text itself. In this preparation, the translator needs to know the purpose of the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 13 text and even the translator needs to know the background of the author to communicate the meaning well.

2. Analysis

In analyzing the text, the translator needs to be very careful. The translator needs to point out the terms used in the text. Larson 1984 calls the terms as the “key words” and they should be analyzed further to understand the text. Some adjustment should be made and a deep research should be conducted. This step is important to help the translator familiar with the SL and it makes the translation process easier.

3. Transfer

After analyzing the text, the text transfer will be done. This step requires the changing language of the SL into the TL. This step, according to Larson 1984, should be done using the meaning-based translation to make the text as natural as possible.

4. Initial draft

According to Larson 1984, p. 481, “the work of analysis, transfer, and initial draft are not independent the one of the other”. He points out that the key of this process is making the translation as natural as possible. It can be done by checking the SL text and the TL text back and forth as the translation is not an instant process.

5. Reworking the initial draft

After working the initial draft, the draft should be checked once again to make sure that the translation is acceptable. Reading the whole text is suggested