Reporting and Concluding the Result

59 metonymy wherein the person is represented metaphorically as a body part — being not having brain and heart but only genital. ” Therefore, after hearing Krystal’s utterance, Rowling describes that there are eruption of excited chatter and laughter from the other students in the hall and ineffectual attempt to quell the noise done by the teachers. Surely, this is a personal insult toward Colin Wall. 2. “Your ’usband said sumthin’ abou’ Mister Fairbrother, right, an’ I couldn’t hear wha t he was saying, right, so Nikki tole me, and I couldn’t fucking—” p. 42 From this long utterance said by Krystal to Tessa Wall, head of guidance and Collin’s wife, there is only one dirty word which is fucking. Fucking is a word that has sexual act theme but in this context its meaning is not denotative as it does not refer to copulation. Since Krystal’s utterance has not been finished yet, its function is unclassifiable. However, in a way it can be inferred that she uses the word fucking to emphasize what she is going to say. 3. “—couldn’t believe it, right, an’ I shouted but never laughed I never fuck—” p. 42 This utterance is said in the same circumstance as 2. It contains one dirty word which is fuck that has sexual act theme. To know whether the word has literal or figurative meaning, it is important to take a look at the whole context. Based on the previous utterance, it is known that Krystal talks to Tessa about the incident with Collin. She clarifies Collin’s accusation to her by saying that she does shouting but not laughing. The utterance itself has not finished yet so that it makes the function of word fuck being unclassifiable due to insufficient context. However, if it is analyzed further, it is possible that the word fuck will be uttered as fucking that is used to emphasize Krystal’s statement of being shouting but not 60 laughing. The word fuck here does not have literal usage function that means copulation as it is not related to Krystal’s statement. The function as an expletive is also not appropriate to be attached since expletive is a stand-alone function to express feeling Ljung, 2011, p. 30. 4. “I tole your fuckin’ ‘usband—” p. 42 Krystal utters the speech to Tessa Wall telling her that she has told Collin about her being shouting but n ot laughing at the news of Barry Fairbrother’s death. Collin, who is Tessa’s husband, is referred as fucking husband by Krystal. Based on the analysis, Krystal uses the word fucking not to emphasize her statement but to indicate her dislike toward Collin, who has accused her. Thus, the word fucking serves its function as adjective of dislike. 5. “I told ’im I never laughed, I told ’im An’ he’s still gave me fucking detention” p. 43 This utterance follows the utterance in 4. By saying this utterance, Krystal asserts Tessa that she has told Collin that she does not laugh at the news but he still gives her detention. Due to this fact, Krystal feels irritated so that she adds the word fucking to noun detention. Based on the analysis, the word fucking in fucking detention does not emphasize the noun but more to serve its function as adjective of dislike, indicating that Krystal hates the punishment. 6. “He won’t change his fuck—” p. 43 This is another not-finished statement that uses dirty word fuck so that its function belongs to unclassifiable function. In 3, the researcher has already discussed the possibilities of the functions the word fuck possesses. The discussion can also be applied in this case. Based on the analysis, the word fuck in