Research Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

52 employed to answer the first research problem namely dirty words found in Krystal Weedon’s speech, while the second coding process was applied to find out translation strategies used to translate the dirty words into Bahasa Indonesia. In the first coding process, the researcher categorized the data by finding out their themes and functions based on theories proposed by Jay 1992, Allan and Burridge 2006, McEnery 2006 and Ljung 2011. To ensure that the data belong to dirty words and to find out the meaning of the dirty words, the researcher consulted to Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners 3 rd edition, Collins Concise Dictionary Thesaurus 3 rd edition, Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, and Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English 2 nd edition. The researcher chose these dictionaries because they were accessible and published by reliable publishers. In the second coding process, the researcher categorized the data of dirty words and then analyzed what translation strategies used to translate them into Bahasa Indonesia based on translation strategies proposed by Vinay and Darbelnet 1958, Newmark 1988, and Baker 1992. In this process, the researcher consulted to Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia 3 rd edition and A Comprehensive Indonesian-English Dictionary, a bilingual Indonesian dictionary by Stevens and Schmidgall-Tellings, to check the meanings of dirty words in Bahasa Indonesia. The third step is presenting the data in the form of tables. The first blueprint presented in Table 3.1. was employed to identify dirty words found in 53 Krystal Weedon’s speech and thus to solve the first research problem. The identification of dirty words will be done as portrayed in the Table 3.3. Table 3.3. Example of Identification of Dirty Words Case No Source Text Dirty Word Theme Function 1 “I DI’N’ DO NOTHIN’, YOU PRICK ” p. 32 Prick Sexual organ Name calling 2 “S’pose your shit smells of roses, does it?” p. 501 Shit Bodily effluvia Literal Whereas second blueprint presented in Table 3.2 was employed to find out translation strategies used to translate dirty words into Bahasa Indonesia and thus to solve the second research problem. The identification of translation strategies will be done as portrayed in the Table 3.4 Table 3.4. Example of Translation Strategies to Translate Dirty Words No Source Text Target Text Strategy 1 “I DI’N’ DO NOTHIN’, YOU PRICK ” p. 32 “AKU NGGAK NGAPA- NGAPAIN, KAMPRET ” p. 42 Cultural Equivalent 2 “S’pose your shit smells of roses, does it?” p. 501 “Tai kalian juga wangi kayak mawar, ya?” p. 590 Literal translation

F. Research Procedure

There are several steps carried out in conducting the research. The steps were described as the following.

1. Deciding The Topic to Discuss

First, the researcher decided the topic that was going to be discussed. The decided topic was “English dirty words and their translation in Bahasa Indonesia.” The topic focused on dirty words found in The Casual Vacancy ’s character, Krystal Weedon, and their translation in Perebutan Kursi Kosong. 54

2. Formulating Research Problems

After deciding the topic, the researcher formulated research problems. There are two research problems proposed namely “What are the dirty words found in Krystal Weedon’s speech?” and “What are translation strategies employed by the translators to translate the dirty words found in Krystal Weedon’s speech?”

3. Conducting Library Study

After formulating research problems, the researcher conducted a library study to support the topic with theories from experts. Theories from Murphy 1972, Catford 1965, Yule 1996, Hatim and Mason 1990, Joos 1967, Nida 1975 are employed by the researcher to equip herself with the relation between language variation with speech of a character in a novel. Then, the researcher applied theories from Jay 1992, Allan and Burridge 2006, McEnery 2006 and Ljung 2011 related to themes and functions of dirty words. The researcher also equipped herself with theories of translation strategies from Vinay and Darbelnet 1958, Newmark 1988, and Baker 1992.

4. Collecting Data and Classifying Data

In this process, the researcher collected the data using Table 3.1. The researcher identified the themes and functions of dirty words. Next, the researcher analyzed the translation strategies using Table 3.2. 55

5. Reporting and Concluding the Result

The last step of this research was making a report and drawing conclusions. The researcher wrote a report and explained the dirty words found in Krystal Weedon’s speech and translation strategies to translate the dirty words into Bahasa Indonesia. Then, the researcher drew conclusions according to the findings.