Translation by Omission Translation Strategies of Dirty Words

83 meanings are equivalent. According to KBBI p. 560, jalang is “nakal tentang perbuatan yang melanggar susila ”. In relation to perempuan jalang, Stevens and Schmidgall-Tellings 2004, p. 405 note that perempuan jalang is a loose woman or having low morals, sexually free. In the ST, this refers to Terri Weedon who is described to have sex with several men, including Obbo the drug dealer. Both insults terms bastard in case number 24b and twat in case number 31 are translated into brengsek. The term bastard is uttered to Fats Wall while the term twat is addressed to Kevin Cooper. In the ST context, both words mean unpleasant person. In the TT, the translators choose to translate both words into brengsek. Stevens and Schmidgall-Tellings 2004, p. 153 describe brengsek as bad, evil, wicked, mean, rude. This translation is culturally equivalent addressing the quality of a bastard and a twat. The word tosser referring to Obbo in case number 26b is translated into si bloon. Stevens and Schmidgall-Tellings 2004, p. 145 note that bloon is originally from Jakarta means foolish, stupid. This refers to the quality of someone who is addressed as a tosser, being stupid and unpleasant. Fucker is a taboo slang that is derived from word fuck. It is used as an offensive insult. In case number 27, Krystal addresses the term to Obbo, the drug dealer. For the TT, the translators translate the word into keparat. According to Stevens and Schmidgall-Tellings 2004, p. 483, keparat refers to an atheist or agnostic and rogue or scoundrel. In the context, Obbo is described as an obnoxious person. Thus the definition of keparat match fucker as fucker means a scoundrel. Keparat itself is an offensive word in Bahasa Indonesia. 84 As shown in case number 4 and 8c, the translators translate the word fucking using cultural equivalent strategy as brengsek and sialan. According to KBBI, brengsek can be defined as kacau sekali, tidak beres, bandel, menyebalkan. While according to Stevens and Schmidgall-Tellings 2004, p. 153, brengsek means bad, evil, wicked, mean, rude. In case number 4, Krystal utters fucking husband referring to Tessa Wall’s husband who has accused her for being laugh at a sad news. The translations of fucking into brengsek can be found in other case numbers to mention case number 33, 34a, and 56. The translators also translate the word fucking into sialan. Stevens and Schmidgall-Tellings 2004, p. 931 note that sialan is a word to refer to an unlucky person or something ominous. It can also be used as a swear word in Bahasa Indonesia. In case number 8c, Krystal utters the word fucking to emphasize her speech about Bellchapel Clinic.

3. Functional Equivalent

According to Newmark 1988, p. 83, functional equivalent strategy neutralizes or generalizes the SL word and become the most accurate way of translating as it deculturalizes a cultural word. The researcher found that this strategy is used eight times as presented in Table 4.5. The word bitch found in case number 12c is addressed to Terri Weedon. In the ST, it means an unkind or unpleasant woman, a social deviant, but not a female dog. Based on the discussion in part A, it is known that bitch is an offensive term to address a woman. However, in the TT the translators employ functional equivalent strategy to translate the word bitch in case number 12c. Even though bitch refers to woman in ST and perempuan in TT, the translators 85 fail to render the meaning of the text in the way that Rowling intends because the offensive term in the ST is neutralized in the TT. Table 4.5. Examples of Functional Equivalent Strategy Case No. Source Text Target Text 12c They’ll kick you out the fuckin’ clinic again, you stupid fuckin’ bitch ” p. 110 “Mereka akan menendang bokongmu keluar dari klinik sialan lagi, dasar perempuan bodoh” p. 136 29 “Yeah, it were shit, weren’t it?” p. 249 “Iya, payah tuh.” p. 298 39 “Fuck off,” p. 324 “Menyingkir” p. 383 41 “Fuck off,” p. 325 “Pergi,” p. 384 42 “Fuck off.” p. 325 “Pergi.” p. 384 49 “An’ anyway, that doctor didn’ do nuthin’ to Nana Cath, that’s all jus’ Cheryl an’ them talking shit ” p. 407 “Lagian, dokter itu nggak ngapa- ngapain Nana Cath, itu cuma karangan Cheryl dan y ang lain” p. 478 50 “I fuckin’ will” p. 407 “Aku emang mau pergi” p. 478 53 “An’ wha’ the fuck’s that?” p. 438 “Dan apaan itu?” p. 517 Other examples are the word shit, fuck off, fucking and fuck. These words are translated into its functional equivalences in TT so that they lose their dirtiness. For example word shit found in case number 29 and 49 in which both are deculturalized to payah and karangan in TT that are not taboo and do not have negative sense. The word fuck off is translated into menyingkir and pergi that also do not have taboo reference and negative sense. The word fucking in case number 50 that serves its function as modal adverbial emphasizing Krystal’s willingness is translated into emang which in Bahasa Indonesia is usually used to state assertion. While the word fuck found in what the fuck case number 53 is deculturalized in the TT so that it becomes apa, as in “Dan apaan itu?” Even though the translation words in the TT do not have taboo meanings nor negative sense, they facilitate the readers to know the intended meaning of the words in the ST.