Deciding The Topic to Discuss

57 Based on Table 4.1, it can be seen that dirty words uttered by Krystal Weedon are derived from several themes. The themes are ranging from ancestral allusion, animal names, sexual organs, sexual activities, social deviation, ethnic- racial, and bodily effluvia. The occurrences of dirty words with sexual activities theme are the biggest with fifty-seven 57 occurrences, followed by animal names and bodily effluvia theme which share the same number with five occurrences, then followed by social deviation theme which occurs four times. Dirty words with s exual organ theme only occur three times in Krystal Weedon’s speech. While dirty words with ancestral allusion and ethnic-racial theme occurs once for each. Dirty words with sexual activities theme mainly consist of word fuck and its derivations such as fuck off, fucked, fucker, and fucking. They occur fifty-six 56 times with word fucking contributes the biggest occurrence with its forty- time occurrence, followed by word fuck with nine occurrences and then fuck off with five occurrences. Whereas word fucked and fucker each occurs once in Krystal Weedon’s speech. The only dirty word with sexual activity theme that comes from different root is word screw, which only occurs once. Even though dirty words with animal names theme occur five times, they only consist of two words, cow and bitch. Cow is uttered once while bitch is uttered four times. The same case also happens to dirty words with bodily effluvia theme. The words occur five times but they consist of word piss and shite. The word piss only occurs once, the word shit occurs three times, and the word shite another spelling for word shit occur once. 58 Dirty words with social deviation theme occur four times with both word lezzer and muff muncher occur once and word tosser occurs twice. While dirty words with sexual organs theme consist of word bollocks, prick and twat that each occurs once. Word bastard that has ancestral allusion theme and word Paki that has ethnic- racial theme both occurs once in Krystal Weedon’s speech. Dirty words with various themes as described in the preceding paragraphs serve different functions when they are uttered. Therefore, the researcher discusses each function of the dirty words in Krystal Weedon’s speech based on their contexts in the following discussion. 1. “I DI’N’ DO NOTHIN’, YOU PRICK” p. 32 There is only one dirty word in this utterance which is prick. The word prick has sexual organ theme as it refers to male genitalia. In the context, Krystal addresses the term prick to Collin Walls, the deputy headmaster. What makes Krystal saying so is that Collin accuses her for being laugh at the news of Barry Fairbrother’s death and then asks her to see him in his office right after assembly. Therefore, Krystal reacts by sticking up her middle finger at Collin and swearing. Based on the analysis of the context in which the word prick is uttered, thus it can be said that in this context, the word prick has figurative meaning since it does not refer to male genitalia but man. It is in line with Coleman’s explanation 2012, p. 43 stating that once prick means “a penis” c.1555 — but then it acquires the sense “a stupid or contemptible person” 1882 — . By addressing Colin as a prick, Krystal indicates that she does not like him in a pejorative way since this name-calling according to Jay 1992, p. 180 is “a