The Discussion of Dirty Words

60 laughing. The word fuck here does not have literal usage function that means copulation as it is not related to Krystal’s statement. The function as an expletive is also not appropriate to be attached since expletive is a stand-alone function to express feeling Ljung, 2011, p. 30. 4. “I tole your fuckin’ ‘usband—” p. 42 Krystal utters the speech to Tessa Wall telling her that she has told Collin about her being shouting but n ot laughing at the news of Barry Fairbrother’s death. Collin, who is Tessa’s husband, is referred as fucking husband by Krystal. Based on the analysis, Krystal uses the word fucking not to emphasize her statement but to indicate her dislike toward Collin, who has accused her. Thus, the word fucking serves its function as adjective of dislike. 5. “I told ’im I never laughed, I told ’im An’ he’s still gave me fucking detention” p. 43 This utterance follows the utterance in 4. By saying this utterance, Krystal asserts Tessa that she has told Collin that she does not laugh at the news but he still gives her detention. Due to this fact, Krystal feels irritated so that she adds the word fucking to noun detention. Based on the analysis, the word fucking in fucking detention does not emphasize the noun but more to serve its function as adjective of dislike, indicating that Krystal hates the punishment. 6. “He won’t change his fuck—” p. 43 This is another not-finished statement that uses dirty word fuck so that its function belongs to unclassifiable function. In 3, the researcher has already discussed the possibilities of the functions the word fuck possesses. The discussion can also be applied in this case. Based on the analysis, the word fuck in 61 the context does not serve its function as literal usage meaning an act of having sex or a sexual partner since in the context Krystal is talking about Colin’s decision to give her detention. Thus, the literal usage function is irrelevant. The function as an expletive is also not suitable since expletive is standing alone. However, it is possible that the word fuck will be uttered as fucking, as in case 3. 7. “Our crew’ll be fucked now,” p. 44 Krystal utters the speech after Tessa Wall explains the cause of Barry Fairbroth er’s death. Barry is the coach and motivator of rowing team, a team in which Krystal joins in. Therefore, the death of Barry will affect the team so much. To emphasize how terrible the rowing team will be after Barry’s death, Krystal uses the taboo word fucked. The word fucked here does not mean having sex as literal usage function is not suitable to the context. The word fucked here has figurative meaning that indicates the rowing team will be in a hopelessly bad situation after Barry’s death. This is in line with definition of word fucked provided by Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture Summers, 1992, p. 707 stating that fucked means “completely broken or in a bad condition, in a very bad situation which will not improve.” Thus, in this case, the word fucked serves its function as figurative extension. 8. “You stupid fuckin’ junkie bitch, they’ll kick yer ou’ the fuckin’ clinic again” p. 103 The utterance is uttered when Krystal finds her mother sitting in the front room unconsciously after using drug. There are three dirty word occurrences found in the utterance in case number 8. Those are word fucking that occurs twice and word bitch that occurs once. The researcher therefore will refer them as 62 8a, 8b, and 8c. The first word fucking or 8a and word bitch or 8b build the name calling expression You stupid fucking junkie bitch. The word fucking in 8a thus serves its function as adjective of dislike since it is indicating Krystal’s dislike to whom she address as bitch. The word bitch in 8b itself is addressed to Terri Weedon, Krystal’s mother. Bitch is a dirty word that has animal name theme since literally, bitch is a female dog. However, nowadays it is a derogatory word picturing women as animal Eble, 1996, p. 50 and then acquires the sense of an unkind or unpleasant woman. Thus, the word bitch serves its function as McEnery’s insult or Ljung’s name calling as it expresses Krystal’s opinion about her mother. It can be implied from this name calling that Krystal does not respect her mother as she addresses her mother like that. The word fucking in 8c is attached to the noun clinic. The intended clinic is Bellchapel Clinic, a place in which Terri has methadone program. The word fucking serves its function as emphatic adjective since it does not indicate Krystal’s dislike to the clinic but indicate an assertion so that Terri pays attention to it. 9. “You fuckin’ look after fer a fuckin’ change then, you useless fuckin’ smackhead cow ” p. 103 Krystal utters the speech to Terri. There are four occurrences of dirty words in the utterance above, consisting of word fucking and cow, therefore the researcher will refer them as 9a, 9b, 9c, and 9d to ease the analysis. The word fucking occurs three times as in fucking look or 9a, fucking change or 9b, and 63 fucking smackhead cow or 9c. Whereas the word cow that occurs once will be referred as 9d. In case 9a, the word fucking serves its function as modal adverbial while in case 9b, the word fucking functions as emphatic adjective as it emphasizes the noun change. By uttering this speech, Krystal suggests that Terri should look after Robbie, Krystal’s little brother because usually Krystal is the one who takes care of Robbie. Word fucking in case 9c and word cow in case 9d build name calling you useless fucki n’ smackhead cow referring to Terri Weedon. In case 9c, the word fucking serves its function as an adjective of dislike that indicates Krystal’s feeling toward her mother. While the word cow serves its meaning as a name calling or insult. Thus, the meaning of the word cow in this context is not denotative as large female farm animal kept to produce meat and milk. Instead, the meaning is figurative as another derogatory word for women, picturing them as objects or as animals as noted by Eble 1996, p. 50. Krystal uses the name calling useless fuckin’ smackhead cow to denote Terri being a bad mother who cannot take care of her children but only consumes heroin. 10. “You fuckin’,” p. 109 This is another incomplete utterance. However, it can be seen clearly that the utterance contains one dirty word which is fucking. Still, the function is unclassificable due to insufficient context in the utterance. 11. “You fuckin’ stupid,” p. 109 This utterance follows the utterance in case 10. Krystal says this utterance when Terri Weedon denies the fact that she uses drugs when Kay 64 Bawden, the social worker, visits her in the other days. Krystal, who feels burdened with the fact of Terri keeps using drugs, is angry and shouts the utterance in case 10 but nobody hears her. Therefore, she utters more complete utterance in case 11 by adding word stupid. This utterance contains one dirty word which is fucking. Based on the analysis, the word fucking in this context serves its function as adverbial intensifier as it boosts the adjective stupid. 12. “They’ll kick you out the fuckin’ clinic again, you stupid fuckin’ bitch” p. 110 This utterance is related to case 10 and 11. It is uttered when Terri denies the fact that she uses heroin when the social worker comes to their house in the previous days. There are three dirty words occurrences in this utterance. They consist of word fucking as found in 12a and 12b, and word bitch as found in 12c. The word fucking in 12a serves its function as emphatic adjective while in 12b serves its function as adjective of dislike. The word bitch in 12c serves its function as name calling, revealing Krystal’s opinion toward her mother. It is noted that Krystal uses the term bitch once again to address her mother. 13. “You fuckin’ calm down,” p. 110 It is described in the novel that Krystal and Terri have a row because of Terri’s addiction to drug. Kay, the social worker, tries to prevent Krystal hitting her mother as she raises her fist. Then Kay asks them to calm down. Krystal says the utterance in 13 as a response to Kay’s utterance. Based on the analysis, it is found that the utterance contains one dirty word which is fucking. It functions as modal adverbial and thus expresses modality. By using word fucking, Krystal 65 emphasizes her utterance stating that Kay is the one who has to calm down in the situation. 14. “So ’e missed fuckin’ nursery,” p. 110 Krystal says the utterance in 14 in response to Kay’s utterance that she wants to talk about Robbie with Terri and Krystal. Krystal guesses that perhaps Kay wants to talk about Robbie who misses his nursery. However, she adds word fucking before word nursery to emphasize it. Thus, the word fucking acts as emphatic adjective to the word nursery. 15. “Tha’s norra fuckin’ crime.” p. 110 This utterance is related to the previous utterance in 14. It is about Krystal who guesses that Robbie misses his nursery and then says that not coming to the nursery is not a crime. To emphasize it, she adds the word fucking to the word crime. Thus, the word fucking acts as emphatic adjective to the word crime. 16. “I took ‘im outta the fuckin’ nappy, ’e’s pants now, I toldja” p. 110 Through this utterance , Krystal explains to Kay about Robbie’s condition that has already worn pants. Previously in the novel, Kay tells Krystal that when she meets Robbie in the other days, she sees him being uncomfortable, having sore and wearing nappy though he is too old for that. As a response, Krystal says the utterance in 16. She refers the nappy as fucking nappy to emphasize her utterance, stating that she has already taken Robbie out of the nappy. 17. “Don’ fuckin’ take him away, then” p. 110 This utterance contains one dirty word which is fucking. It functions as emphatic adverb. By using word fucking as an emphasis, Krystal warns Kay not to take away Robbie from her. 66 18. “Another fuckin’ case review, is it? Why’djer need one, though? Why’djer need one? He’s all righ’, I’m lookin’ after—fuckin’ shurrup” p. 111 This utterance contains word fucking that is used twice. The word fucking in 18a serves its function as emphatic adjective, to emphasize the word case review. While the word fucking in 18b serves its function as emphatic adverb. Both words are uttered toward different person. In case number 18a, it is uttered when Krystal is asking Kay about the case review while in case number 18b, the word fucking that emphasizes the verb shut up is addressed to Terri who wants to join the conversation. 19. “Why ain’ I? I’m his fuckin’ sister, ain’ I?” p. 112 This utterance contains one dirty word which is fucking. It functions as emphatic adjective. By using word fucking, Krystal emphasizes her utterance related to her relationship with Robbie. 20. “Yeah, because Obbo turned up, an’ she never fuckin’ says no to ’im” p. 112 It is uttered when Krystal talks about Obbo to Kay, the social worker. Based on the analysis, it is found that this utterance contains one dirty word which is fucking that functions as modal adverbial. This function refers to Terri who cannot say no to Obbo and his heroin. 21. “Fuckin’ tosser,” p. 112 This utterance is related to case number 20. Previously, Kay asks Terri the reason why she uses heroin in that week when she has already in a big dose of methadone. Krystal, who is listening to the conversation, answers by saying the utterance in 20. Kay does not have any idea who Obbo is and then she asks Krystal who he is. As a response, Krystal says the utterance in 21. 67 Based on the analysis, both words in the utterance are dirty words. The word fucking or case number 21a functions as adjective of dislike, indicating Krystal’s opinion to Obbo, who is referred as tosser. The word tosser found in case 21b is an offensive slang for someone who is unpleasant. Thus, it has social deviation theme. 22. “Why didn’ yeh jus’ tell ’im fuckin’ no?” p. 112 Krystal says the utterance to Terri, asks her to say no to Obbo when he offers her heroin. She emphasizes the word no using dirty word fucking. Thus, the dirty word functions as emphatic adjective. 23. And then Krystal, bringing up the rear of the group with Sukhvinder, had called her a silly Paki bitch. p. 148 Krystal utters the name calling Paki bitch to address Sukhvinder Jawanda, whose parents come from Indian root. In the novel page 148, it is described that Sukhvinder remembers the time Krystal calls her a silly Paki bitch when they are messing around with Barry Fairbrother. Rowling depicts Krystal saying “Paki” as she is saying “dozy” or “dim”. Barry Fairbrother, who hears what Krystal saying, is angry at her and asks her not to use the word again. Krystal says that she is only joking and Sukhvinder knows her intention. However, in the end she apologizes to Sukhvinder quietly so that others cannot hear it. The word Paki in case number 23a is a name calling that has ethnic-racial theme. It is in line with Dalzell and Victor 2014, p. 576, who note that Paki is an ethnic-racial name calling to address Pakistani; any Asian or Afro-Asian immigrant; loosely, any native of the Indian subcontinent; Pakistan. According to Jay 1992, dirty word that deals with race and ethnicity belongs to slur. 68 Krystal also addresses the word bitch to Sukhvinder. Instead of calling her with term girl, Krystal uses term bitch. In this context, the word bitch has figurative meaning and serves its function as name calling based on animal imagery. Even though, nowadays the term bitch does not merely have negative sense as it can be a term of endearment between girls, people who are not accustomed to this may feel irritated, just like Barry Fairbrother. 24. “Fuck off, you cheeky bastard” p. 244 Krystal utters word fuck off in case number 24a and word bastard in case number 24b addressing Fats Wall. It happens when they are with Krystal’s gang and then Nikki, one of her friends, asks Fats whether his mother knows that he is goi ng out. Fats replies it by saying “She’s waiting outside in the car; she says I can have a quick shag before we go home for tea.” Fats’ answer makes all of them burst out laughing except Krystal, who squeals the speech shown in 24. It seems that Krystal feels annoyed when Fats teases her with his reply so that she asks him to fuck off and calls him bastard. Fuck off actually serves as unfriendly suggestion to go away, whereas bastard is a name calling for unpleasant person. However, Rowling describes that Krystal looks gratified hearing Fats’ answer. Thus, it can be inferred that Krystal is not seriously asking Fats to go away. 25. “Soft as shite an’ twice as runny,” p. 245 Shite is a variant of word shit. In case number 25, Krystal utters the word shite to Ashley Mellor after Krystal slaps her. In this context, the word shite serves as literal usage used to compare Ashlee to shit, being bad and no quality. 69 26. “Tha’ fuckin’ tosser.” p. 248 There are two dirty words in the utterance. Those are fucking and tosser. Tosser is uttered when Krystal is talking to Fats Wall. Krystal admits that she smokes spliffs with Dane Tully. Then Fats asks Krystal from whom she gets the spliffs. Krystal tells him that it is Dane’s and she does not know anything about the spliffs. Fats suggests that Dane may get the spliffs from Obbo and Krystal responses it by saying “Tha’ fuckin’ tosser.” Fats, who is confused, asks Krystal what is wrong with Obbo “but Krystal had no words for what was wrong with Obbo, and even if she had, she would not have wanted to talk about him The Casual Vacancy , p. 248.” In this context, the word fucking serves its function as adjective of dislike while tosser serves its function as anaphoric use of epithet. 27. “’E’s a fucker,” p. 249 From this utterance, the researcher found one dirty word which is fucker. Krystal uses the term to address Obbo when Fats Wall asks her why she dislikes him. Based on Rowling’s narration of Obbo’s relation with Krystal’s family and dialogs between them, the readers know that Obbo is such an obnoxious person. Fucker itself is a derivation from the word fuck. It is an offensive slang for a contemptible or stupid person. It is often used as a general term of abuse. McEnery 2006, p. 35 finds that fucker is a word directed solely at males and in a scale of offence, fucker is strong. Therefore, the offensive word fucker can describe how annoying he is for Krystal. 28. “’Ow the fuck do I know? I weren’t there,” p. 249 This utterance said when Krystal and Fats are talking about Pikey Pritchard who hits a man with a glass in the Cross Keys. Fats asks Krystal the reason why 70 Pikey does it. Krystal, who is not witnessing the incident by herself, answer that she does not know. She emphasizes it using the word fuck. Thus, in this case, the word fuck serves as an emphasis. 29. “Yeah, it were shit, weren’t it?” p. 249 Krystal talks about television progr ams she watches at her friends’ houses and Nana Cath’s house and calls them shit. The word shit in this context does not have literal meaning referring to excrement but the quality of the programs according to Krystal. 30. “I know, I nearly pissed meself,” p. 249 Krystal also utters the word piss when she is talking to other friends about the program she watches on television. Piss means to pass urinate or to urinate over self and the clothes worn. Krystal means that she wants to urinate over herself to show that the television program probably is funny. Thus, in this context the word piss have literal meaning. 31. “Cooper’s a twat, innee?” p. 250 Krystal utters the word when she is talking to Fats Wall. She uses the word twat referring to Kevin Cooper, their annoying classmate. In the novel, Rowling describes how annoying Cooper is in page 121-123 by continuously teasing Andrew Price and Fats Wall. Based on studies done by the researcher, originally, twat means female genital, thus it has sexual organ theme. However, it acquires the sense of a stupid or unpleasant person nowadays. Coleman 2012, p. 20 notes that twat is used as an insult slang since 1922. According to McEnery 2006, p. 30, in a scale of offence twat is categorized as moderate, in the same level with 71 prick. Therefore, in this case the word twat serves its function as name calling although the referent is not around. 32. “Fuck,” p. 254 Fuck is uttered when Krystal Weedon is with Fats Wall. After smoking joints and making love in the cemetery, they plan to leave when suddenly Krystal stops and utters the F-word. She stares down at a mound in front of them, feels surprised as soon she realizes that it is the mound in which Barry Fairbrother is buried. Based on this situation, it is clear that the word fuck serves its function as expletive. 33. “Your fucking mum killed my Nan” p. 304 The utterance is shouted by Krystal Weedon to Sukhvinder Jawanda, her rowing friend. Sukhvinder’s mother, Parminder Jawanda, is a doctor in a hospital where Nana Cath or Krystal’s great grandmother becomes her patient. Eventually, Nana Cath dies and Krystal cannot accept it and then blames Sukhvinder’s mother. This utterance contains one dirty word which is fucking that functions as adjective of dislike, denoting Krystal’s feeling that hates Sukhvinder’s mom after the incident. 34. “Your fucking mum killed my Nan She’s gonna get fucking done and so are you” p. 304 This utterance follows utterance in 33. Krystal repeats the utterance indicating her dislike toward Sukhvinder’s mother in case number 34a by addressing her as fucking mum. While in case number 34, Krystal uses the word fucking done to curse Sukhvinder’s mother and Sukhvinder herself to die, as Parminder in Krystal’s opinion is the cause for her loss of grandmother. The 72 function of the word can be grouped as a curse as it is in line with Jay’s statement that says “the intent of cursing is to invoke harm on another person through the use of certain word or phrase which are imbued with power granted through r eligious or social demarcation 1992, p. 2.” 35. “Don’ go fuckin’ usin’,” p. 321 This utterance contains one dirty word which is fucking. It functions as emphatic adverb. By using word fucking, Krystal emphasizes her utterance to ask Terri not to use heroin anymore. 36. “He ain’ your fuckin’ boy,” p. 324 This utterance contains one dirty word which is fucking. The word serves its function as emphatic adjective. By using word fucking, Krystal emphasizes her utterance to Obbo, stating that Robbie is not his son. 37. “Fuck off. She don’ wan’ nuthin’. Tell ’im,” p. 324 This utterance contains one dirty word which is fuck off. This is uttered when Obbo tries to offer Terri bags of heroin. Theoretically, fuck off is a phrasal verb that has function to expel someone. Thus, its function is dealing with destinational usage. According to McEnery 2006, p. 27, in a Destinational Usage while the intention to some degree is to insult, there is also an imperative involved, typically with a demand being made that the target go away. 38. “No, ’e fuckin’ ain’t. Tell ’im. She don’ wan’ nuthin’,” p. 324 This utterance contains one dirty word which is fucking. It functions as emphatic adverb. By using the word fucking, Krystal emphasizes her utterance to Obbo and Terri. 73 39. “Fuck off,” p. 324 Krystal shouts the words to Obbo who comes to her house to look for Terri. Krystal who does not want her mother to be involved in any business with Obbo again then asks him to go away. However, Terri keeps saying that Obbo only comes around to see them. Krystal, who is furious with Obbo, informs him that Terri has been off from drugs for several weeks but Obbo tells them that it will not be that long as Bellchapel clinic will be closed. Krystal feels outraged and asks him to fuck off. Thus in this context, the dirty word serves its function as unfriendly suggestion to go away. 40. “It’s bollocks,” p. 324 Krystal utters it when she hears Obbo telling that Bellchapel Clinic, in which her mother has methadone program, will be closed down due to cut. In page 82, Rowling has brought the issue to the readers through Una, Kay Bawden’s colleague. She says that the clinic will be closed down as Council and Pagford Parish plan to tart it up and try and to rent to a better-paying client. However, Krystal does not know this information before and only hears it from Obbo, who often manipulates her mother. Therefore, she does not believe it and says that it is bollocks. Based on the studies done by the researcher, it is known that bollocks is a slang that means nonsense. Therefore, bollocks in this context serves its function as figurative extension and is not related to its literal meaning, testicles. 74 41. “Fuck off,” p. 325 This utterance contains one dirty word which is fuck off. The dirty words is uttered to Obbo when he tries to seduce Krystal. Therefore, by saying this, Krystal asks him to go away. 42. “Fuck off.” p. 325 This utterance contains one dirty word which is fuck off. It happens in the same circumstance with 41. 43. “Fuck—” p. 325 This utterance is said in the same circumstance as in 41 and 42. It contains one dirty word which is fuck. However the function of this word is unclassifiable due to insufficient context. It is possible that Krystal utters it as an expletive fuck or unfriendly suggestion fuck off as found in 41 and 42. 44. “No—fuck—no” p. 325 This utterance contains one dirty word which is fuck. It serves as an expletive. Krystal utters this to express her anger when Obbo tries to rape her in the kitchen. 45. “He jus’—he jus’ fucked me.” p. 326 Krystal utters the speech to Terri Weedon. She tells her mother that she has been raped by Obbo in the kitchen. However, Terri does not believe what Krystal has said. The function of the dirty word fuck thus is literal usage. 46. “It fuckin’ ain’t” p. 379 This utterance contains one dirty word which is fucking. By using word fucking, Krystal emphasizes her utterance. 75 47. “If you start fuckin’ usin’ again,” “They’ll take Robbie away.” p. 407 This utterance contains one dirty word which is fucking. It serves as emphatic adverb. By using word fucking, Krystal emphasizes her utterance warning Terri not to use heroin again or Robbie will be taken away from them. 48. “You’re fuckin’ doin’ it to him” p. 407 This utterance contains one dirty word which is fucking. The word serves its function as emphatic adverb. By using word fucking, Krystal emphasizes that Terri makes Robbie crying. 49. “An’ anyway, that doctor didn’ do nuthin’ to Nana Cath, that’s all jus’ Cheryl an’ them talking shit” p. 407 In this utterance, Krystal explains to Terri that the doctors, including Parminder Jawanda, do not kill Nana Cath like Terri has thought. Krystal thinks that Terri is brainw ashed by Cheryl and other relatives that she considers ‘talking shit’. Thus the word shit means figurative. 50. “I fuckin’ will” p. 407 This utterance is said when Krystal and Terri have a quarrel on several things, to mention Terri’s habit of using heroin and the cause of Nana Cath’s death. Terri, who is furious, yells and asks Krystal to get out of the house. Krystal responses it by saying “I fucking will” emphasizing that she has willingness to go out of her house. Thus, the dirty word serves its function as modal adverbial. 51. “An’ I’ll take Robbie an’ all, an’ you can stay here an’ fuckin’ screw Obbo an’ make another one” p. 407 Krystal utters the word screw when she has a quarrel withTerri, her mother. She yells that she will leave the house and bring Robbie so that Terri can stay at home and screw Obbo to make another baby. Thus, it can be inferred that 76 the word screw here means having sex as noted by Eble 1996, p. 58, who states that screw is a verb designating sexual intercourse. 52. “Silly bitch,” p. 438 It is uttered when Krystal tries to wake Terri up, but Terri just snores. Based on the analysis, Krystal utters the word bitch to her mother to show her annoyance toward Terri by addressing her in offensive way. 53. “An’ wha’ the fuck’s that?” p. 438 This utterance contains one dirty word which is fuck that means figurative. By using word fuck, Krystal emphasizes her utterance to ask Terri about the black holdalls. 54. “Yeh’ve fuckin’—” p.439 This utterance contains one dirty word which is fucking but the function is unclassifiable due to insufficient context. 55. “Fuckin’ shurrup, Robbie Shurrup” p. 443 This utterance is said when Robbie starts to cry, therefore Krystal asks him to be quiet. She emphasizes the order using the word fucking. 56. “Fuckin’—go an’ wai’ by the bench, an’ I’ll gerra drink in a minute Go ’way, Robbie” p. 459 This utterance contains one dirty word which is fucking but the function is unclassifiable due to insufficient context. 57. “I ain’ fuck—” p. 500 This utterance contains one dirty word which is fuck, but the function is unclassifiable. Krystal utters dirty word fuck when she is with Barry Fairbrother and her rowing team in regional final. Krystal actually wants to say that she is not scared to compete with the girls of St. Anne’s. She means fucking but then 77 realizes that Barry Fairbrother does not like her saying such offensive word. Therefore, she stops her sentence. 58. “Course ’e’s not, does ’e look like a fuckin’ buildin’?” p. 501 Krystal utters dirty word fucking when she is with Barry Fairbrother and her rowing team in regional final. She emphasizes her saying using the word fucking comparing Barry Fairbrother to a building. 59. “S’pose your shit smells of roses, does it?” p. 501 Krystal utters this to the girls of St. Anne ’s in the rowing competition. When saying this, actually Krystal is mocking those girls for having almost perfect appearances. Therefore, she makes a joke about the excrement that perhaps smells of roses. Thus, in this context the dirty word shit that has literal usage. 60. “I’ll let yer ’ave another look later, if yeh want. I know yeh’re all lezzers,’ ‘stuck in ’ere together with no boys” p. 502 This utterance is addressed to the girls from St. Anne’s. She meets them when she and her rowing crew compete in their regional finals. There is one dirty word that the researcher finds which is lezzer. Krystal uses the term lezzer to address the girls of St. Anne’s as she knows that St. Anne’s is an all-girls school. Lezzer is a slang to call a lesbian like dyke and butch. Krystal uses this terms as she assumes that there are lesbians or same-sex relationship in the school since there are no boys in the school to fall in love into. Thus, in this context the word lezzer serves its function as name calling with theme social deviation. 78 61. “Fuckin’ watch it, Hol,” p. 502 This utterance contains one dirty word which is fucking. It serves its function as emphatic adverb. By using word fucking, Krystal emphasizes her utterance to ask her friend to be careful. 62. “Bunch o’ muff munchers. Le’s do ’em” p. 502 According to Dalzell and Victor 2014, p. 533, muff muncher is slang for a person who performs oral sex on women, specifically it is used to address a lesbian. It is a noun phrase combined from muff and muncher. Muff here is also a slang referring to female genitalia. While muncher is derivation of word munch which means to eat something noisily. Krystal, who is the leader of Winterdown rowing team, wants to win the competition against St. Anne’s rowing team. She burns the sp irit of her team .by saying that the girls of St. Anne’s are just lesbians; Krystal and her team are better. Krystal uses the term to insult St. Anne’s rowing team Thus, in this context muff muncher serves its function as insults based on social deviation.

B. Translation Strategies of Dirty Words

Based on the analysis, there are seventy-six 76 occurrences of dirty words uttered by Krystal Weedon. In this section, the researcher analyzed and discussed the translation strategies employed by three Indonesian translators to translate those 76 dirty words found in The Casual Vacancy into Perebutan Kursi Kosong. In analyzing the translation strategies, the researcher employed translation strategies proposed by Vinay and Darbelnet 1958, Newmark 1988, and Baker 1992. However, not all translation strategies proposed are used by the 79 translators. The researcher discovered that there are seven translation strategies used to translate the dirty words. Those translation strategies are borrowing, literal translation, modulation, functional equivalent, cultural equivalent, compensation, and translation by omission. Table 4.2 summarizes the occurrences as the following. Table 4.2. The Occurrences of Translation Strategies Translation Strategy Occurrences Translation by omission 32 Cultural equivalent 23 Functional equivalent 8 Compensation 2 Modulation 2 Literal 1 Borrowing 1 Based on Table 4.2, it can be seen that translation by omission is often employed by the translators with thirty-one omissions of dirty words while cultural equivalent is applied twenty-three times, followed by functional equivalent that is employed eight times. Both compensation and modulation are used twice in the process of translation. While literal translation and borrowing are used once to translate the dirty word. The discussion of the translation strategies is presented as the following.

1. Translation by Omission

Translation by omission is used if the meaning conveyed by a particular item or expression is not vital enough to the development of the text Baker, 1992, p. 40. The researcher found that there are thirty-two omission of dirty words in the TT. However, the omissions will not be discussed all. The researcher only chose several examples as presented in Table 4.3. 80 Table 4.3. Examples of Omission Strategy Case No. Source Text Target Text 5 “... An’ he’s still gave me fucking detention” p. 43 “... Dan si brengsek itu masih menghukumku” p. 55 11 “You fuckin’ stupid,” p. 109 “Dasar bodoh” p. 136 18b “... He’s all righ’, I’m lookin’ after —fuckin’ shurrup” p. 111 “... Dia baik-baik saja. Aku ngurus— diam ” p. 138 23b And then Krystal, bringing up the rear of the group with Sukhvinder, had called her a silly Paki bitch. p. 148 Lalu Krystal, yang berjalan paling belakang bersama Sukhvinder, menyebutnya Paki bego. p. 181 25 “Soft as shite an’ twice as runny,” p. 245 “Lemah dan lembek seperti ingus,” p. 294 It can be seen that the word fucking as in case number 5, 11, and 18b is omitted in the TT. Based on the resea rcher’s analysis, the omission is related to the function to the dirty words as adjective of dislike in case 5, adverbial intensifier in case 11, and emphatic adverb in case 18b. The translators may find that the words are not essential enough to be translated or that it is difficult to find dirty words equivalences in the TT that serve their function as emphasis. Dirty words bitch in case number 23b, shite in case number 25 are also omitted in the TT. Bitch is an offensive name calling to address a woman. In case number 23b, it is addressed to Sukhvinder Jawanda , Krystal’s friend. Instead of translating it as pelacur or perempuan, the translators choose not to translate it but omit it in the TT. While the word shite in case number 25 is addressed to Ashlee Melor , Krystal’s ex-friend. This dirty word serves as literal usage that means excrement. However, in the TT, the translators omit it and only translate it into “Lemah dan lembek seperti ingus,”. The effect from the omission of word bitch and shite is that the TT is not as offensive as the ST. 81

2. Cultural Equivalent

According to Newmark 1988, p. 82, in cultural equivalent the translator translates SL’s cultural words into the TL’s cultural words. In Vinay and Darbelnet’s view this strategy is known ‘adaptation’ 1958, as cited in Venuti, 2000, p. 86. While in Baker’s term, it is known as translation by cultural substitution Baker, 1992, p. 34. However, for the further discussion, the researcher used the term cultural equivalent. This strategy is used when the situation being referred to by the SL message is unknown in the TL culture. Table 4.4 presents the examples of the use of cultural equivalent strategy to translate dirty words found in Krystal Weedon’s speech. Table 4.4. Examples of Cultural Equivalent Strategy Case No. Source Text Target Text 1 “I DI’N’ DO NOTHIN’, YOU PRICK ” p. 32 “AKU NGGAK NGAPA-NGAPAIN, KAMPRET ” p. 42 4 “I tole your fuckin’ ‘usband—” p. 42 “Aku udah bilang ke suami brengsek mu —” p. 55 8b You stupid fuckin’ junkie bitch, they’ll kick yer ou’ the fuckin’ clinic again” p. 103 “Dasar perempuan jalang pecandu Bodoh ...” p. 128 8c You stupid fuckin’ junkie bitch, they’ll kick yer ou’ the fuckin’ clinic again” p. 103 “... Bodoh Mereka bakal ngusir kamu dari klinik sialan itu lagi” p. 128 24b “Fuck off, you cheeky bastard” p. 244 “Sialan kau, brengsek” p. 292 26b “Tha’ fuckin’ tosser.” p. 248 “Ah, si bloon itu.” p. 297 27 “’E’s a fucker,” p. 249 “Dia keparat,” p. 297 31 “Cooper’s a twat, innee?” p. 250 “Cooper itu brengsek, ya kan?” p. 299 32 “Fuck,” p. 254 “Sialan,” p. 304 52 “Silly bitch,” p. 438 “Pelacur sialan,” p. 516 82 The researcher found out that insults such as prick, bitch, bastard, tosser, fucker, and twat are translated using cultural equivalent strategy. In case number 1, prick is addressed to Collin Wall, the deputy headmaster, as Krystal is so angry toward him who accuses her for laughing at the news of Barry Fairbrother’s death. Thus, in this context the word prick is a slang that means a contemptible man Coleman, 2012, p. 43. Analyzing the situation and context, the translators choose word kampret as its translation. Referring to Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia KBBI, lexical meaning of kampret is “kelelawar kecil pemakan serangga, hidungnya berlipat-lipat; Microchiroptera KBBI, p. 613 ” or a type of small bat. This lexical meaning does not match if it is applied in the situation as the word kampret is addressed to a man, not a bat. Therefore, the researcher attempted to look at other sources. Studies on other sources mention that kampret is an Indonesian slang used to swearing at annoying person. Thus, the translation is equivalent. Based on discussion in part A, the word bitch is uttered four times and all is used to insults females, Terri Weedon and Sukhvinder Jawanda. The four-time- mentioned word in the ST means an unkind or unpleasant woman, a social deviant, but not a female dog. The translators choose to employ cultural equivalent strategy to translate it so that the word has more or less the same impact to the target readers. However, only two out of four occurrences of word bitch that are translated using cultural equivalent. Those are the word bitch that occurs in case number 8b and 52. In case number 8b, the word bitch is translated into perempuan jalang while in case number 52, it is translated into pelacur. Both