Advertisement 10 Habitat for Humanity Advertisement 11 Shell

61 though Feng washed his clothes for many times until it very clean, he still save energy for future.

16. Advertisement 16 Tetra Pak

Headline [16] said, “What comes down must go up.” The body copy explained the meaning of headline [16] that something that dropped should turn to be something useful. It nothing wasted away.

17. Advertisement 17 Heifer International

Heifer International advertised their new model of education and training that helped thousand people to be autonomous. This new model of education and training could help those less fortunate people lived properly. They could make their own agricultural field and manage it for their living-stock. The headline showed th e successful of this model through the advertisement‟s picture. Headline [17] said, “She could teach the world about sustainable development.” It meant that the model successfully functioned; the woman could be a good trainee. Moreover, the training required the participants to transfer the knowledge to other in their community. Thus, the participants not only got the knowledge but also practice by them self. This headline she is a teacher. Subhead [17] she has learned certain knowledge. The information from the subhead completed the headline‟s statement. Thus, it concluded that she was a teacher of certain knowledge. The certain knowledge would be explained on the body copy of the advertisement. Through find out the presupposition of this advertise ment‟s 62 headline and subhead what the addresser intent was to inform the addressee about Heifer International‟s new method to help people.

18. Advertisement 18 WWF

“Everything in nature is connected,” was the statement of headline [18]. This headline would assert that everything in nature needs other. This advertisement concerned on the existence of the extinct animals aimed to remind people that we are connected each other. Thus, if one of the related aspects is destroyed it will influence other part in this nature. This headline the nature is completing each other. The interrelationship here would explain on the subhead later. Subhead [18] It meant that people should save tigers in order to save other. By saving tigers meant that people saved the existence of ecosystem. It tiger is the center of nature‟s connection. Thus, tiger was the center of everything that related in the nature. Thus, this advertisement aimed to persuade addressee to save tigers.

19. Advertisement 19 Shell

Headline [19] said, “Let‟s pass energy onto the next generation. Let‟s go.” Headline [19] the energy is going to be extinct. The Shell‟s advertisement aimed to remind people that the present energy is going to be extinct, thus people should save the energy for future. Shell aimed to persuade people to use their product that save for environment and economically. Through find out the