Maxim of Quality The PSA Headline Agreement on Grice’s Maxims

41 [15] Shell‟s advertisement contained the message to reduce the use of energy, in order to save the energy in the future. This headline was in agreement with maxim of quantity, because it gave the required information. It informed that Feng‟s washing was not clean enough because the residue of fossil fuel burning. In order to make the burning of fossil fuel clean, Shell invited to use natural gas, which is the cleanest burning-fossil fuel. [17] Through the sentence on [17] the conversation has been understood because the addressee got the required information. The information about “she” has been answered on headline [17]. Headline [5] and [16] disagree with maxim of quantity. Headline [5] lacked of required information, whereas headline [16] flouted maxim of quantity in order to mislead the addressee. [5] Headline [5] was a special headline because it showed a noun phrase only. This headline was in disagreement with maxim of quantity because it contained less 42 information for the addressee. Thus, the information appeared on [5] could not satisfy addressee‟s curiosity. Headline [16] on , “What comes down must go up,” was a special case on the agreement of maxim quantity. Headline [16] flouted maxim of quantity in order to mislead the addressee. Firstly, the addresser knew that a dropped thing could not rise, but the addresser stated that it “must come up.” The statement aimed to pursue addressee to believe that something dropped could rise. The information from the addresser made intentionally to mislead addressee‟s comprehension. Secondly, headline [16] suspended the maxim of quantity by giving less information. The addresser did not explain what is drop and why it comes up. Otherwise, the information on headline [16] appeared in order to make the advertisement interesting.

3. Maxim of Relevance

The other requirement of a comprehensible communication was the relevance of the conversation itself. O‟Grady 2010, p.233 said, “The Maxim of Relevance gives listeners a bottom line for inferring the intent of other speakers.” In an advertisement, the listeners are people who involved by the advertisement and the speakers are the addressee. They should speak comprehensively in order to achieve what the speaker‟s purpose. On the other hand, the mistake on respecting maxim of relevance leaded to the weird effect of a conversation, easily, it is not a comprehensive conversation. The unconnected communication caused the disagreement to maxim relevance. 43 These twenty headlines agreed with maxim of relevance. Moreover, the headline expressed the bottom line of the conversation for inferring the other speaker ‟s intention. [2] Headline [2] agreed to maxim of relevance. In [2], the addresser tried to communicate his purpose. The clarity of the sentence made it understandable that milk, which was served with many additional ingredients, was not good for people health. Through the relevance of this headline, which is about the speaker‟s intention, addressee could conclude that milk is best served with fewer ingredients. This relevance created a comprehensive conversation, thus both addresser and addressee understand each other. [10] Its bottom line was Habitat for Humanity successes to give them, the homeless people, a new place to live. Through headline [10], the addressee tried to inform that the addressee could join on giving a new house for the less fortunate people. Headline [10] agreed with maxim of relevance because it successfully created the comprehensive communication by expressing the addresser‟s intent on it. On the other hand, there were two headlines disagree with maxim of relevance [8] and [14]. 44 [8] The focus of headline [8] was the uniqueness of Cambodian art. The addresser wanted to express the distinctive style of Cambodian. It represented the situation happened there, where there were many land mines in Cambodia. The addressee would find difficulty when the headline appeared because it was not relevant with what the addresser‟s intention. Thus, headline [8] disagree with maxim of relevance. 14] The addresser on headline [14] intent to express about Cambodian worried on stepp ing the landmines. The word “dog poo” represented landmines. The advertisement invited addressee to pay attention on the problem. In this advertisement what the addresser‟s purpose was difficult to be understood by addressee because the addresser used symbolism on it. Thus, it could be said that headline [14] disagree with maxim of quantity. The focus of maxim relevance was to create the bottom line of a conversation in order to understand the aim of the other speaker thus both of them will achieve the comprehensive conversation.