Advertisement 20 EDF for Thailand Advertisement 21 Medical Sans Frontiers

67 Nevertheless, the result of this research can be implemented on other pragmatics studies. The researcher used the result as the criterion that some PSA disagree with Grice’s maxim in order to make the advertisement interesting. Moreover, the finding of headline and subhead’s presupposition is used to help the researcher realize that there was a meaning conveyed beside the utterance.

C. Suggestions

The researcher presented three suggestions in this research; the first one was for the copywriters and advertisers, the second was for the other researchers who want to conduct the future research about the advertising language, and the third was for the English language teachers.

1. The Copywriter and Advertisers

Although it does not require perfect communication in writing advertising, the copywriter and advertisers should obey the proper requirement of a good advertising consistently. The utterances from the addresser should be achieved by the addresser, which is the point of successful advertising. Besides, the language should be both interesting and understandable to the readers. Thus, the meaning of the message which wants to be delivered should be understood by the addressee. The copywriter and the advertiser are allowed to use the image or figurative language in advertising. However, they should consider the effectiveness of the language to attract the readership. 68

2. Future Research

Advertising will always exist among the society to promote companies’ products and other campaigns. Other researcher may conduct a similar research on meaning in other advertising media. The research could be done toward advertising language in electronic media such as on television or radio, and other media such as billboards, banners, or brochures. The fast-growing technology, internet, could also be another alternative to conduct similar research.

3. English Language Teacher

Advertisements printed in the magazines can be used as teaching sources. The English teacher could be considered the PSA as an authentic material which employs English language. The English teacher can use the advertising appearing in the magazines as the example of persuasive discourse.