Advertisement 1 WWF The Speaker’s Meaning on Headlines and Subheads

51 Beside, the addresser made the promotion interesting through stated headline [4], “What does the future hold for us?” Headline [4] meant that someone asking about something unpredictable in the future. Moreover, the problem background was the four fundamentals of the way people live. Transportation, urbanisation, communication, technology, and demography were influence the way people live. For example, nowadays people are facilitated to communicate with other through mobile phone; it is a part of technology‟s development. If people did not employ the technology‟s development appropriately, people could not find the newest mobile phone technology. It was only a little example of the technology gave for us. Then, if we did not notice those four fundamentals what will the future hold for us. Based on this analyzes, this headline was representing reflective question. Through that reflective question, it found the presupposition of headline [4] something is inappropriate now, it related to the four fundamentals. Based on this finding, both addresser and addressee are looking at the imprecision on those four fundamentals in the present time. Thus, through headline [4] the addresser aimed to warn people to notice about the future.

5. Advertisement 5 World Food Programme

Advertisement [5] contained headline and subhead. Advertisement [5] was talking about the World Food Programme which focus on the starving children. This program was aimed to help those children to get food. Thus, this advertisement provided the headline, “HOPE” which meant an expectation. It expressed those starving children expectation see: App.7, Ad.No.5. The word, 52 “HOPE” was expressed through the picture of four children that bring four trays, which comprised one letter for each. The second child from the right brought a tray contained a bowl of porridge. Thus, in completely the headline should mean that those children expected food. The presupposition of headline [5] these children faced difficulty. Based on the finding, it concluded that their difficulty was their hungry. Advertisement [5] contained subhead also. It appeared in order to complete the information in headline. Subhead [5] these children do not have future because they were starving. Subhead [5] explained the information in headline. If the headline gave information about starving children, the subhead explained the further action. When people gave them food, they do not just feed them but they give them hope to life the future. Through this advertisement, the addresser aimed to express that those starving children face the difficulty to reach the future. They needed food in order to light up their hope for the future. This advertisement purposed to inform the addressee, that there were thousand starving children, who do not have hope.

6. Advertisement 6 World Food Programme

Advertisement [3], [5], and [6] came from the same organization, World Food Programme WFP. This organization focused on the humanity problems