Advertisement 15 Shell The Speaker’s Meaning on Headlines and Subheads

64 Subhead [21] thousand people could not have an expected medical care. The subhead showed the ironic of the condition, that thousand people die by the easily threatened diseases. The subhead explained the headline sentence that medical care should not be luxurious because thousand people needed it. This advertisement wanted to shout the unfair condition for addressee. Beside, to campaign give the reachable medical care for the less fortunate people, it was what the speaker intended to say.

22. Advertisement 22 WWF

Headline [22] said, “It‟s your turn.” When addressee came to that sentence they would there is someone turn before. In order to make their assumption clearly, the addressee should knew what kind of turn. Related to this advertisement, it told about the addressee‟s turn to save the wild animals such panda. Panda has saved by WWF organization, then it needed our help to secure panda from extinct. Beside, the statement aimed to attract addressee. Subhead [22] It meant that to do the headline‟s suggestion, the addressee could start by visiting the website. It it was the turn to visit Related to the previous presupposition that there was someone‟s turn before to visit and now is the addressee‟s turn. 65


This chapter is aimed at presenting the results of this research, the implications of the research toward English teaching and learning process, and some suggestions offered by the researcher. This chapter draws the conclusions from the analysis results which are related to the problem formulation. It summarizes the major findings and presents the limitations. The analysis results of this research are the answers to the two research questions. Besides, it spells out suggestions for the future research of advertising language and the current practice of the language in advertising. The researcher also presents the implication of the research toward English teaching and learning process.

A. Conclusions

Through analyzing the obedience of PSA ’s headline into those maxims, the researcher found that not all advertisements obey those maxims. The researchers found twenty headlines agree with maxim of quality, twenty headlines agree with maxim of quantity, twenty headlines agree with maxim of relevance, and sixteen headlines agree with maxim of manner. On the other hand, two headlines disagree with maxim of quality, two headlines disagree with maxim of quantity, two headlines disagree with maxim of relevance, and six headlines disagree with maxim of manner. Those disagree headlines could be flouted or violated. They were aimed to make the headline more interesting though the purpose of talk exchange difficult to accept by addressee.