Advertisement 16 Tetra Pak Advertisement 17 Heifer International



This chapter is aimed at presenting the results of this research, the implications of the research toward English teaching and learning process, and some suggestions offered by the researcher. This chapter draws the conclusions from the analysis results which are related to the problem formulation. It summarizes the major findings and presents the limitations. The analysis results of this research are the answers to the two research questions. Besides, it spells out suggestions for the future research of advertising language and the current practice of the language in advertising. The researcher also presents the implication of the research toward English teaching and learning process.

A. Conclusions

Through analyzing the obedience of PSA ’s headline into those maxims, the researcher found that not all advertisements obey those maxims. The researchers found twenty headlines agree with maxim of quality, twenty headlines agree with maxim of quantity, twenty headlines agree with maxim of relevance, and sixteen headlines agree with maxim of manner. On the other hand, two headlines disagree with maxim of quality, two headlines disagree with maxim of quantity, two headlines disagree with maxim of relevance, and six headlines disagree with maxim of manner. Those disagree headlines could be flouted or violated. They were aimed to make the headline more interesting though the purpose of talk exchange difficult to accept by addressee. 66 Presupposition is related to advertisement because addresser usually expresses the indirect ideas than direct ideas. Thus, presupposition was analyzed on each headline and subhead in order to find out what the speaker’s meaning. The speaker’s meaning usually conveys what the addresser intends to say but does not express on the statement, this condition causes the unclear ideas for addressee. Based on the analysis, the researcher found that presupposition happens in every headline and subhead. Presupposition in PSA conveys some certain purposes that use to express the persuasive meaning to persuade addressee using the product or service, to express the interest meaning to attract addressee to join urgent program, and to express the memorable advertisement. The first, most presupposition is used to promote the product and service through persuading addressee with a persuasive sentence. The second function is to attract addressee to join urgent program such as the advertisement from WWF, EDF for Thailand, Jesuit Refugee Service, and World Food Programme. Presupposition also makes the advertisement memorable, for example Tetra Pak’s advertisement and National Geographic Organisation’s advertisement.

B. Implications

The result of this research can be implemented on the nature of English teaching, especially in teaching reading and writing persuasive discourse. English teacher could implement the advertising obedience on the writing persuasive text. The English teacher can use the advertising as a persuasive text on reading activity in order to analyze a good persuasive discourse.