The Grice’s CP Maxims

21 appears, in an obvious way, to violate the maxim p. 161 .” Although the comprehensibility of a conversation should qualify those maxims, but violation of those maxims is tolerated.

4. Presupposition

Advertisement as a tool to communicate should have rich style on grasping addressee‟s attention through image and text. In 2002, Goddard says, “it should have become clear that readers do not simply read images in isolation from the verbal text that accompanies them; nor do they read the verbal text without reference to accompanying imagesp. 13 .” Goddard‟s opinion explains that the visual appearance on advertisement has a great influence to attract the addressees. Moreover, the text in advertisement that helps addressee to get the information about the product and deliver the message. Yule describes that a presupposition is something the speaker assumes to be the case prior to making an utterance as cited in Yingfang, 2007. Advertisement closely related to presupposition because the advertiser may have the assumption as the main idea in making utterance. According to Lam 2009, presupposition is often found in advertisements to convey ideas indirectly rather than asserting them directly. The addressee may not be aware of presuppositions in advertisement, but, it is an important component of messages, as meaning only exists within the context of what is in the person‟s mind that provides the meaning. As supported by Goddard 2002, “In area of linguistics which has developed theoretical frameworks for how we „make sense‟ of interaction called Speech Act theory „given‟ information is 22 termed presupposition ideas taken for granted, and it is often suggested that many of our meanings are encoded in this level p. 38 .” The other expert, Stalnaker, 1974 says that presupposition is closely related to the common ground. The common ground, as cited by Fasold Linton 2006a, “The common ground is the set of propositions which the participant in a conversation mutually assumep. 159. ” Fasold and Linton 2006b made the previous statement clearer through the following explanation, “A proposition is a complete thought, a statement which can be true or false p.142 .” When it happens in a normal conversation, where many things are expressed implicitly, both addresser and addressee could have the same assumption that it could be true or false. On the other side, if the statement expresses explicitly the presupposition should come into common ground. Thus, the common share knowledge between the addresser and addressee common ground is a part of proposition that become the focus of presupposition. The impression of presupposition based on the common ground of preposition. Presupposition may be as natural in the advertising discourse as it is in conversation. But, in addition to that, presupposition used in the advertisements contributes to the creation of a friendly, close relation between the addresser and the addressee. If they have a common shared knowledge, they will come to the same presuppositions. The example of presupposition that arise on the advertisement headline is as this one: “your kid will enjoy eating it as well …” It the kid has eaten it. 23

5. Sentence Meaning and Speaker’s Meaning

Semantics and Pragmatics are the studies of meaning. As cited in Fasold and Linton 2006 Portner says , “Semantics focuses on the literal meaning of word, phrases, and sentences while Pragmatics focuses on the use of language in particular situations p. 137 .” Semantics concerns on how the grammatical process builds the complex meaning, whether pragmatics aimed to explain the outside factors. It contributes to the speaker‟s speaking both literal and nonliteral meaning. The research on meaning will always combine both semantics and pragmatics. The researcher aimed to analyze the speaker ‟s meaning in advertisement. Alston 2000 says , “If the meaning of a sentence is what fits to be used to say one thing rather than another in a communication, then this is what the hearer needs to know about the sentence in order to determine what is being said p. 149 .” Through understanding the words used, the researcher could find out what has been said on the headline of advertisements. In contrast, Portner on Fasold and Linton 2006 define the speaker‟s meaning as “what I intend to communicate, and it goes beyond the literal, semantic meaning of what I said.” as cited in p.138. It is supported by O‟Grady 2010, “As speakers of language, we are able to draw inferences about what is meant but not actually said p. 232 .” It means that the speaker meaning focuses on the speaker intend from his or her utterance. Portner said that the speaker meaning consists of two components, they are the aim to suggest and the aim to inform as cited in Fasold Linton, 2006. 24 Portner on Fasold and Linton 2006 visualize both semantic and speaker ‟s meaning on figure of 2.5. It explains the link between semantic meaning and the speaker‟s meaning. Semantic meaning built from the lexicon and grammar, whether the speaker meaning is as a part of pragmatics. Both semantics meaning and speaker‟s meaning focus on the context of use. Based on the following diagram, the semantics meaning is related to the speaker‟s meaning features. It is showed by the meaning of each word in the sentence lexicon and the grammar. Portner on Fasold Linton 2006 says , “the semantic meaning of a sentence depends on the context of use – the situation in which the sentence was uttered, by a particular speaker, to a particular addressee, at a particular time, and so forth p. 140 .” Thus, the relationship between semantic meaning and sentence meaning was proved. Figure 2.5: The Relationship of Semantic Meaning and Speaker’s Meaning in Fasold Linton: 2006 Thus, Semantics focuses on the grammar and lexicon for semantic meaning. Pragmatics focuses on the context use between semantic meaning and speaker‟s meaning. Fasold and Linton 2006 say that, “Pragmatics concerns both Speaker’s meaning Pragmatics Semantics Semantic meaning lexicon grammar context of use 25 the relationship between context of use and sentence meaning, and the relationship among sentence meaning, context of use, and speaker‟s meaning p. 157 .” In order to analyze what the speaker‟s intention the researcher use pragmatics.

B. Theoretical Framework

This research considered as the study of meaning in Public Service Announcement. Goddard 2002 says that the purpose of making advertisement is to communicate the information of a product that expected a reason from the addressee. Beside, Peter and Oslen have explained about how the message delivered from the source into the receiver and how the receiver send back the response to the source Arens, 2006. Regarding to the purpose of advertisement, the explanation says that advertisement is used as a communication tool. Moreover, an advertisement requires a response from the receiver. In order to make a comprehensive communication on advertisement both addresser and addressee should consider the format of advertisement Arens, 2006. About the requirement of a good advertising is cited from Bovee and Arens 1986. A good advertisement should revealed the attention, interest, credibility, desire, and action. Those are looked from the impact to the addressee and the effectiveness of an advertisement, which appears on the parts of it headline, subhead, body copy, slogans, and seal, logotypes, and signatures. All of them depend on the language use in the advertisement. The use of language is closely related to the comprehensive communication. It covers comprehensive, effective,