Advertisement 5 World Food Programme

55 that will give benefit for earth, it happened once a year on March 27 at 8:30 pm on the local time. The speaker‟s intent to inform about earth hour which was held once a year, every March 27, at 8:30 pm at the local time. This action aimed to give special time for earth which hoped it will give beneficial for earth. Furthermore, this advertisement aimed to persuade addressee joined earth hour.

8. Advertisement 8 Jesuit Refugee Services

Advertisement [8] made by Jesuit Refugee Services for Cambodia. This advertisement came as the form of Landmine Campaign in Cambodia. Cambodia as freedom country has difficulty to clean landmines. Those thousand landmines threatened Cambodian, the data said that eight from ten families were exposed to landmines and only 3,3 area was clear. Thus, advertisement [8] appeared as the JRS Cambodia attention to humanity. This organization refused living destroyed by landmines. This advertisement contained headline to analyze, other information appeared on body copy. The headline said, “Cambodian art has always had its distinctive style.” This headline meant that Cambodian has their unique art. Nevertheless, the meaning of the headline contained an intrinsic meaning. It meant that Cambodian has their own freedom. They have rights to live free from landmines. Thus, JSR here played a role to quip people that Cambodian was living and they have their own life. Cambodian should survive their lives; moreover, they have a right for living free from landmines. Through analyzed on this headline, it Cambodian wants life normally. When addressee read the headline only, they could not understand the meaning behind that statement. Thus, 56 addressee should understand the background of that statement. The headline could not understand from the meaning of the statement only; it should be understood from the background also.

9. Advertisement 9 World Food Programme

Advertisement [9] was made by World Food Organization WFP, the organization which concerned on starvation and education around the world. The headline and subhead of this advertisement would be analyzed. The first was the headline, “Fighting hunger is a team effort.” It meant that against famine could not be done individually, it needed other people. The meaning of this headline was supported by the model of this advertisement, Kaka, a football player from Brazil. The appearance of this football player created people assumption that against famine should be done as what football player did. Eleven players fight for a goal. Through analyzed this headline, it famine is difficult problem. This presupposition represented both addresser and addressee‟s assumption on the headline. Subhead [9] the World‟s Cup needs other people contribution. The subhead clarified the headline. It meant that the icon of this advertisement, Kaka, invited people to join this program. The program called World‟s Cup. This program concerned on giving food for thousand hungry children. Those two presupposition showed what the speaker‟s intention, famine is a difficult problem to solve, thus the