Data Analysis Techniques METHODOLOGY



This chapter presents research results and discussions which have been analyzed. This chapter aims to answer two research questions presented in the previous chapter. They are 1 How does the headline of the PSAs obey Grice‟s CP? 2 What do the headline and subhead of PSA presuppose to express the speaker‟s meaning? In the first part, the researcher explains ab out the Grice‟s maxims is used as the measurement of a successful conversation in PSA. The researcher explains the presupposition finding on the second part. It is divided into two sections, the first section discusses the presupposition on headline and the second section discussed the presupposition on subhead.

A. The PSA Headline Agreement on Grice’s Maxims

This analysis focused on whether or not the headline in agreement or in disagreement with Grice‟s maxims. The headline is in agreement with Grice‟s maxims if follow the requirements from each maxim. On the other hand, the headline said to disagree with Gric e‟s CP maxims if the headline flouted or violated the maxims. Finch 2000a said, “Violating a maxim involves some element of communication failure; providing too little, or too much detail, being irrelevant, or too vague. Flouting, however, are apparent rather than real violation p.160. ” According to Finch 2000b, flouting the maxims will lead to a certain measurement of communication para. 161. The maxims are divided into four; they are the maxim of quality, maxim of quantity, maxim of relevance, and 36 maxim of manner. Each maxim is different, but all of them are aimed to obtain a comprehensive communication on advertisements. One headline could in agreement with more than one maxim or in disagreement with more than one maxim. Headline contained the words that function to draw the advertisement ‟s attention Arens, 2006. Headline was the prime indicator of the successful communication. In order to find out whether it was understandable or not, the researcher analyzed the agreement and the disagreement on those maxims. Based on the data, it is found that fourteen headlines were in agreement with all maxims. On the other hand, there were eight headlines in disagreement with at least one maxim. Those headlines at least obeyed two maxims; there were headline [5], [13], and [22]. Only one headline that in agreement with one maxim, it is headline [16]. Here is the table of headlines agreement to Grice‟s CP, it is showed on the following table. Tabel 4.1 The Amount of Headlines Agreement on Grice’s Cooperative Principle GRICE‟S MAXIMS QUALITY QUANTITY RELEVANCE MANNER AGREE 20 20 20 16 DISAGREE 2 2 2 6 Through considering the analysis, the researcher found that twenty headlines obey maxim of quality. It showed that those headlines have the true concept of what the advertiser wants because maxim of quality focused on the truth of the contribution. Although the addressee could see the truth, the headline always considers the basic fact to prove the reliable information. Besides, there were nineteen headlines in agreement with maxim of quantity because the headline of an advertisement gives appropriate information in advertisement. The more the 37 headline in agreement with maxim of quantity means that the headline lead the addressee into the very subtle guideline conversation. Twenty headlines were in agreement with maxim of relevant which means that the contribution given were relevant. The relevance in a conversation is important because it hopefully give the addressee a nature for summarizing the add resser‟s purpose. Sixteen headlines were in agreement with maxim of manner. It showed that those headlines avoid ambiguity and obscurity. Those headlines were brief, clear, understandable, and arranged orderly. Through this research, it was found that most headlines obeyed maxim of quality and relevance. On the other hand, most headlines disagree with maxim of manner. The disagreement aims to make the addressee interested to the advertisement. Based on this research, there were many ambiguous and obscure sentences. Those were used to attract the addressee and to make them anxious about the advertisement‟s purpose.

1. Maxim of Quality

In maxim of quality, the addresser should express the true information for addressee. The information given should contain enough evidences to guarantee the validity. However, advertisements usually contain more convincing message which made it fun and attract attention. According to Yuan 2007 , “Therefore, advertisers should always say the truth. However, violating the principle is regarded as another special way to add more fun and attract attention p. 2 .” Advertisements mostly used many persuasive sentences to convince addressees and attract their interest. It also happens on PSA, in which such advertisement