Definition of Terms INTRODUCTION

11 Advertising Council. Thus, any kind of advertisement that contains the concept of PSA called Public Service Announcement.

a. The Elements of Advertisement

According to Arens 2006, pp. 407-424, the key in printed advertising is made up of some elements. Figure: 2.1 The Advertisement’s Elements 1 Headline It contains the words in leading the advertisement; the word functions to draw the most attention to the advertising. The headline usually appears in a larger type than other part of advertisement. An effective headline can attract attention, engage the audience, explain the visual, lead the audience into the body of the ad, and present selling message. The headline divided into five types; benefit Headline Subhead Bodycopy Slogan 12 headlines functions to promise the audience that experiencing the utility of the product or service will be rewarding, newsinformation headline functions to awake the readers‟ curiosity, question headline functions to attract the reader to search for the answer to the advertising question in the body of ad, and a command headline functions to make the reader do something through the order given. 2 Subheads It is a smaller headline that appears above the headline, or called kicker or overline. Subhead generally appears on boldface or italic. It carries less important information than the headline and formed like a sentence and longer than the headline. Subhead appears in order to give a short explanation about the advertisement. 3 Body Copy Its function is to tell the readers about the complete sales story, it is also called a text. Body copy contains the features, benefit, and the utility of the product and service. 4 Slogans Slogans also called as taglines or theme line. Slogans have two major purposes: to provide continuity to a series of ads and to make the advertising brief, repeatable, and memorable in positioning statement. 5 Seal, Logotypes, and Signature Seal is awarded only when a product meets standards established by a particular organization which has recognized authority, their seals provide an independent, 13 value endorsement for the advertiser‟s product. Logotypes logos and signature cuts sign cuts are specially designed to the company or product name.

b. The Requirement of a Good Advertising

The message on advertising is determined by what and how the company tries to express through advertising. In order to make the clear communication, copywriter should have a certain conditional for ads. Bovee and Arens 1986 mentioned the majors of a good copy in advertisement are: 1 Attention The first objective in making an advertisement is to gain the attention from the customers. It is the major job description for a copywriter. The copy writer should determine the size of the ad and also the place where the ad will be published. 2 Interest After we have got the customers‟ attention, we should keep their interest by giving some reasons why they have to choose this product. The advertising should convince and persuade the customers. In this term, the copywriter can use cartoon characters, subhead, interior illustration, storyline copy, or charts and table. 3 Credibility Nowadays, the customers are cleverer. They demand an evidence to convince themselves. The customers want something that is not manipulated. Credibility sometimes added to the ad by using a presenter. 4 Desire To make the customers buy the product or service, a copywriter should encourage their desire. A copywriter has to inform the customers about the benefit of the