A Modulation Translation in DIARY of a Wimpy Kid Dog Days Novel by Jeff Kinney


A Thesis

Submitted to Letters and Humanitites Faculty In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

the Strata One Degree (S1)

ANISA 109026000157





Anisa, A Modulation Translation in DIARY of a Wimpy Kid Dog DaysNovel by

Jeff Kinney. Thesis: English Letters Department. Faculty of Adab and Humanities,

State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2014.

This research is focused on translation study, especially the kinds of modulation in English-Indonesian translation in DIARY of a Wimpy Kid novel, the fourth series. In this research, the writer studies and understands the contain of this novel as it is used for the unit analysis of this research.

The writer use qualitative descriptive method. She collects the data by reading the original book in English form, compares it with the translated form in Indonesian, classifies it into types of modulation, uses some dictionaries (Webster dictionary, English – Indonesia dictionary by Jhon M. Echols and Hasan Sadily A Comprehensive Indonesia – English Dictionary by Alan M. Stevans and A. Ed. Schmidgall – Tellings and Kamus Lengkap Bahasa Indonesia by Amran Chaniago) for comparing the translated form and concludes it based on the research question. In this research, the writer also uses the translation theory by Newmark and translation procedure by Vinay and Darbelnet to analyze the data.

In the analysis on translation of modulation procedure novel, the writer finds that there are eight kinds of modulation out of eleven, namely: abstract for concrete, cause for effect, part for the whole, space of time, negated contrary, interval and limit, active for passive and free modulation.





I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due to acknowledgement has been made in the text.

Jakarta, October 2014






Foremost, the writer would express the deepest gratitude to Allah SWT, God the almighty for the blessing and ease given to her in completing this thesis. Peace is upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, His family, His companions and all of His followers.

On this occasion, the writer would like to express the gratitude and say many thanks to her family, especially for her beloved parents Aulia Umar, Ikeand Corilina for all they prayer, motivation, financial and moral. Thanks to my grandma for prayer and her support. And the writer also wants to say thanks to brothers and sisters, udaiboy, isra, ndi, fitri, dini and udariski thanks for your support, advanced, prayer, and motivated me everyday. Nadya, bang auh, and all of my family who always given motivated me to finished the study in this university.

This research also could not be completed without a great deal of help from the related parties. It’s such an honour to express gratitude to Prof. Dr. Oman Fathurahman, M. Hum, the Dean of Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Drs. Saefuddin, M. Pd, the Head of English Letters Department, and Mrs. Elve Oktafiyani, M. Hum, the Secretary of English Letters Department.

A sincere appreciation is also sent to Mrs. Danti Pudjiati M.M., M. Hum, as the writer’s advisor, who has given help, advice, suggestion, addition, correction, and motivation since the preliminary of manuscript until the



knowledge. Not to forget to all the staffs either in Department or in Faculty who have helped the writer in managing all formal needs during this research arrangement.

Special thanks to the writer special friends, Navita Al-annisa who helped the writer for all of supports, advanced and finished this thesis “you are my inspiration” and also to her friends in English Letters Department who cannot be mentioned here one by one, particularly to Raden K.AH, Enny Mufidatul U, Ii Hilyati, Stella Raflesia, Ana Diana, Nopi, Satya, Anagus, Syifa, thanks for all of love, laugh, and supports to me everyday, and for her classmates Aisyah, Rizki Amalia, Mega S, Juni, thanks all may Allah always bless us. To all people and friends that are not mentioned ‘thanks so much’ may Allah the Hearers and all-Knower always bless, protect and give them more than they have given to the writer.

Finally, the writer realizes that this thesis is not perfect, that is why the writer welcomes to critic and suggestion for this thesis to be better. I hope this thesis will be useful particularly for myself and for those who are interested in this field.

Jakarta, October 2014

The Writer











A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Focus of the Study ... 3

C. Research Question ... 4

D. Significance of the Study ... 4

E. Objective of the Research ... 5

F. Research Methodology ... 5

1. Method of the Research ... 5

2. Data Analysis ... 5

3. Instrument of the Research ... 6

4. Unit Analysis ... 7


A. Definition of Translation ... 8

B. Translating Process ... 9


2. Transfer ... 10

3. Restructuring ... 10

4. Evaluation ... 10

C. The procedures of Translation ... 11

1. Literal Translation ... 11

2. Transposition ... 12

3. Modulation ... 13

4. Adaptation... 13

5. Borrowing ... 13

6. Reduction ... 14

7. Explication ... 14

8. Oblique Translation ... 14

D. Definition of Modulation... 15

E. Kinds of Modulation ... 18

a) Abstract for Concrete... 18

b) Cause for Effect ... 18

c) One Part for Another ... 19

d) Reversal of Terms ... 19

e) Active for Passive ... 19

f) Space of Time ... 20

g) Interval and Limits ... 20

h) Change of Symbol ... 20



j) Part for the Whole ... 21

k) Free Modulation ... 21


A. Data Description ... 24

B. Data Analysis ... 25


A. Conclusion ... 43

B. Suggestion... 44



1 A. Background of The Study

A language is the most effective communication tool, for someone can deliver his idea or opinion to others through a language. In this globalization era, someone must understand a foreign language instead of his native or mother language. Each language has its own rules, but the valid rules in a language could be different with other languages. This difference often causes a displacement which often occurs in translation, when someone reveals a meaning from a source language into a target language.

Language experts give their opinion about translation. Newmark states that

rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author

intended the text”. It means that changing a meaning of text into another

language as what the author means.1

Hatim and Mason state that a translation is “an act of communication which attempts to relay, across cultural and linguistic boundaries, another act of communication (which may have been intended for different purposes and

different readers/ hearers).” In this case, a translation is a receiver (message) in

translated language (called a target language).2

A translator occupies as a mediator between a writer and a reader in delivering the writer’s idea to the readers by using a language which surely can be

1Peter Newmark, A Textbook of Translation (London: Prentice Hall, 1988) p. 5

2Basil Hatim & Ian Mason, The Translator as Communicator(London: Routledge, 1997)



understood by the readers. This matter becomes one of a translator’s difficulties in delivering someone’s idea than his.

Another expert, Brislin, provides another definition of translation that “a translation is a common form which refers to the transformation of thought from one to another idea of language (source) into others (target), both written and oral, no matter the language is arranged in orthography or non-standard, both one or two languages based on the sign, like a sign language or for deaf”3

Newmark states that rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text. It means that transforming the meaning of a text into another language as the wish of the author. This transformation is done from the first language form into second form of language through the semantic structure. The meaning is transformed and must be maintained though the form can be changed.4

From the definition above, it can be concluded that a translation involves two languages, namely source and target language. A translation is a transformation effort, imitating, or the process of exploring the message or meaning of source with the equal text with target language and the meaning which is translated as stated by the author. Hence the source and target language can be understood by readers.

In translating process, in order to produce good translation, a translator must consider translation procedure. A translation procedure becomes so important in adapting translation process to complete translating result. According to his book,

3Brislin, Translation Aplication and Research. (New York: Gardner Press, inc, 1976) p. 1 4Newmark, op.cit,. p. 5


Sayogie divides a translation procedure into three, namely: Transposition, Modulation, and Adaptation.5 However, this research only analyzes about modulation procedure.

Modulation is a transformation which occurs in target language and relates to a meaning displacement which caused by the transformation in point of view, transformation of perspective and the way to think. Of all translation procedures, modulation appears to be the most thoroughgoing. Whereas transposition affects grammatical abilities to the test, modulation is said to be a real touchstone for a competent translator. One of the example of modulation from the Diary of a WimpyKid Dog Days novel which represent the element is as follows.

SL: I don’t see why mom and dad bother to try and protect me from horror movies and stuff like that (p.7)

TL: Aku tidak mengerti mengapa Mom dan Dad perlu repot-repot melarangku menonton film horor dan yang sejenisnya (p.7)

From the data above, the word of protect has a meaning to keep or save

someone or something from harmed, lost, injury, damage etc.6 If we translated

literally then the TL will be different meaning, but the translator intends to deliver the message or the meaning of TL as it is supposed to ban, prevent, or avoid from doing something; it is like the message of SL. Modulation on the other hand

5Frans Sayogie, Teori dan Praktek Penerjemahan, (bahasa Inggris kedalam bahasa

Indonesia. (Tangerang: Pustaka Anak Negri, 2009), p. 70

6 Merriam-Webster, accessed July 3 2014,



involves alteration of semantic categories or process by which thoughts are conveyed.

The aim of this analysis is to know a purpose of meaning transformation in diary novel of Wimpy Kid in fourth series with the title is Dog Days which are translated into Indonesian language to be Diary Si Bocah Tengil with the title is

Hari-Hari Sial. Even though this is a series story, the story of each title is

different with each other hence we do not need to read all of the series. In this analysis, the writer would like to explore a translation procedure of modulation in this Jeff Kinney’s novel. Besides, the genre of this novel is comedy so it eases the writer to do analyses.

B. Focus of the Study

Based on the background of the study above, this research focuses on the translation procedure of modulation from English to Indonesia that used in the novel DIARY Si Bocah Tengil: Hari-Hari Sial. Specifically, the limitation scope in this translation discourse only the internal parts. The parts are:

1. To describe a cause of meaning displacement in a translation.

2. To analyze a translation procedure especially of modulation in DIARY Si

Bocah Tengil: Hari-Hari Sial from a language source to a target


C. Research Question

Referred to the focus of the study above, several questions will be analyzed: 1. What kind of modulations can be found in the novel DIARY Si Bocah

Tengil: Hari-Hari Sial?

2. How the modulations in DIARY Si Bocah Tengil: Hari-Hari Sial are translated?

D. Significance of the Study

The significance of this study is to learn significantly the modulation of translation procedure in the novel DIARY of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days into DIARY

Si Bocah Tengil: Hari-Hari Sial. Specifically, significance of this study are:

1. To understand kinds of modulation in translation procedure in the novel

DIARY of a Wimpy Kid and the transformation of meaning this occurs

due to different culture and tradition.

2. To know the translation of DIARY of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days into DIARY Si Bocah Tengil: Hari-Hari Sial.

E. Objective of Research

Theoretically, the objective of this research is to enrich our knowledge relates to the understanding of culture transformation and communicative skill of English in translating a source language into a target language. Besides, this research is expected to contribute in translating the language like a connotative language by using the translation theory of literature. This research also gives



more suggestion to other reseachers and might become a reference for other writers to understand the modulation which in DIARY of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days.

F. Research Methodology 1. Method of Research

The method used in this research is qualitative and descriptive research. This research is to describe the procedure of modulation analysis in translation in DIARY of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days novel from English to Indonesia.

2. Data Analysis

The analysis process done by the researcher uses the theory of translation by Newmark and theory of modulation in translating procedure by Vinay and Darbelnet. First, the researcher reads the story from source language and compares it with target language. Second, the researcher defines what kind of suitable modulation such as abstract for concrete, cause for effect, active for passive, part for the whole, space of time, reversal of terms and free modulation for the story. Later, the researcher explains the question stated in this chapter about what the dominated modulation which is used in the story.

3. Instrument of Research

The instrument of this research is the researcher herself to collect qualitative data about popular works in target language. After collecting data, the writer does some activities like: reading carefully the story to


find the meaning displacement and search kind of modulation used in the story. Then, the writer notes some examples of modulation to analyze.

4. Unit Analysis

The unit analysis of this novel is a series novel by Jeff Kinney and published by Amulet Books USA in 2009. The novel with the title is

DIARY of a Wimpy Kid has been translated to be DIARY Si Bocah Tengil

and published by PT. Serambi Ilmu Semesta in 2010. In this analysis the researcher takes the fourth series with the title is DIARY of a Wimpy

Kid: Dog Days which has been translated into Indonesian language to be




A. Definition of Translation

Translation is a transformation process of a message from source language into target language. A simple purpose of this message transformation is to help readers of target language understand the meaning of message. As what Nida and Taber stated that it consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.7 So the point is that a translation is one effort to re-deliver a message or a language by using another language.

Generally, a translation involves substitution of source language (SL) into target language (TL), and considers a basic meaning of both texts by gaining a similar meaning, and also the source language (SL) structure is kept to be as well as the target language (TL) structure. “A translator is always trying to extend his knowledge and improve his means of expression; he is always pursuing facts and word”. 8 It means that in translating a text, we should focus on the meaning in source language (SL) into target language (TL).

“In the preceding methods, translation doesn’t involve any special stylistic procedures. If this were always the case than our present study would lack justification and translation would lack an intellectual challenge since it would be reduced to an unambiguous transfer from SL to TL”.9

7 Nida E. Taber, The Theory and Practice of Translation, (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1982), p. 12 8 Peter Newmark, A Textbook of Translation, (London: Prentice Hall, 1988), p.6

9 Lawrence Venuti, The Translation Studies Reader, (London and Newyork: Routledge


Besides, according to Hoed (23:2006), translation is a transforming activity a written message from a language text (English text) into another language (Indonesian text). Delivering message is a translating activity done at the first. In the other words, a translation is language transformation or spell transformation a written text of one language into another language without changing the original message which meant to deliver.

In understanding a translation definition, Catford defines that translation is the replacement of the textual material in one language by equivalent textual material in another language.10 It needs to remember that a good translation does not feel like a translation when being read. When translating a text, there is a different form of phrase, clause, source language sentence, and target language text has its own rule which is also influenced by its own different culture.

The most important before translating a text, a translator should find out and recognize what message meant to be delivered by the writer, hence a delivered message from target language is kept well, maintained and unchanged though the structure of phrase, clause and sentence changes.

B. Translating Process

In translating process edited by Nida and Taber, Kardimin states four theories of translating process

1. Analysis

10 J.C. Catford, A lingusitic of theory of translation, (Oxford: Oxford University Press.



In this step, a translator should study well a text of source language both its form and contain. A translator should also see meaning relation between a word and words. The aim of this analysis is to make a translator understands well the meaning beyond the text of source language and its way of delivering through language.

2. Transfer

In this step, it starts the transferring step after doing a complete analysis which involves grammatical and semantic aspects. This process occurs in a translator’s mind.

3. Restructuring

In this step, a translator restructures the text by using appropriate language style into target language.

4. Evaluation

In this step, the translator re-analyse her research. After getting the translate in the target language, the result will be rematched with the original text. If it seems not so equivalent, the translator will revise.11 The main point which underlies a translation is knowledge about two or more languages principles. A translation demands the understanding of both source language and target language and it is not only a matter of searching the harmonization of words. A translation is absolutely not an easy thing to do because each language has its own different system. In translating into Indonesian, a translator needs equivalence to appropriately and accurately transfer

11 Kardimin, Pintar Menerjemah Wawasan teoritik dan praktek, (Yogyakarta: Pustaka


the meaning of non-linguistic aspects of language, including language user’s cultural values and customs.12

C. The Procedures of Translation

There are some procedures of translation that exists. According to Newmark, while translation methods relate to whole texts, translation procedures are used for sentences and the smaller units of language.13 Those translation procedures are as follows:

1. Literal Translation

Literal translation is the most importance of the procedures. This is one-to-one structural and conceptual correspondence. It can conclude borrowing and word-for-word translation. Based on Vinay and Darbelnet, literal is the direct transfer of an SL text into grammatically and idiomatically appropriate TL text in which the translator’s task is limited to observing the adherence to the linguistic servitudes of the TL.14 Example: “President” is translated into “Presiden”.

2. Transposition

Transposition is one of the common procedures used in translation. It is translation procedures involving a change in the grammar from SL to TL. Vinay and Darbelnet confronted that transposition involves replacing one word class with another without

12ibid. p 206

13 Peter Newmark, A Textbook of Translation, (New York: Prentice Hall. 1988), p.81 14 Basil Hatim and Jeremy Munday, Translation an advanced Resource Book, (London:



changing the meaning of the message.15 According to Newmark, transposition consists of four types of grammatical changes, those are: a) Automatic transposition and offers the translator no choice. For

example there are two types of it. First, the change from plural to singular, as ‘a pair of shorts’ translated into ‘sebuah celana pendek’. Second in the position of the objective, examples ‘beautiful dress’ translated into ‘gaun yang indah’ not ‘indah gaun’.

b) Transposition which is required when an SL grammatical structure does not exist in the TL. Examples; SL: Kelas itu harus kamu ambil. TL: You should take that class. The translation above shows that the object (kelas) in SL is located forward. Although it is passive voice but this form is not exist in English language (TL). Another example that the adjective of the sentence is located in front of the subject. SL ‘Bingung aku’ translated to TL ‘I’m confused’.

c) Transposition which is the one where literal translation is grammatically possible but may not accord with natural usage in the TL. For instance the SL adverb can be shifted into a TL adverbial phrase, as follows: SL: I’m here for the recognition of H1N1. Translated to TL: Aku disini untuk mengenalkan virus H1N1. d) Transposition which is the replacement of a virtual lexical gap by a

grammatical structure. Examples, SL: He is very pleasant, but his


wife is arrogant. Translated to TL: Ia sangat baik (sekali) tetapi istrinya sangat sombong.16

3. Modulation

Vinay and Darbelnet coined the term ‘modulation’ to define ‘a variation through a change of viewpoint, of perspective and very often of category of thought.” In the other words, modulation as a procedure of translation occurs when there is a change of perspective accompanied with a lexical change in the TL.

4. Adaptation

Adaptation is used to recognize equivalent between two situations. This is a matter of cultural equivalence. In adaptation the translator works on changing the content and the form of the source language in a way that conforms to the rules of the language and culture in the target language community. Based on Vinay and Darbelnet, adaptation is a situational equivalence or the type of situation being referred to by the source language (SL) message is unknown in the target language (TL) culture.17 For example: on the beginning of the letter, English used to word ‘Dear Sir’, in Bahasa it is translated to ‘Dengan Hormat’.

5. Borrowing

Borrowing is to adopt SL text when the TL text has no equivalent for the SL text. It is a case where a word or an expression is

16 Peter Newmark, A Textbook of Translation, (London: Prentice Hall, 1988), pp.85-87 17Basil Hatim and Jeremy Munday (2004), op.cit. p. 151



taken from the SL and used in the TL, but in a ‘naturalized’ form, that is, it is made to conform to the rules of grammar or pronunciation of the TL. Borrowing or usually called loan translation is an adoption of a linguistic expression from one language into another, when no term exists for the new objects, concepts, or the state of affairs. For examples,

vitamin and formula still used on its original form.

6. Reduction

Reduction means the decrease of the SL text. In reduction procedure the translator is more likely to reduce in the number of element that from the SL. An example of reduction is in ‘science politique’ is translated just into ‘politics’ while ‘science’ is not translated.

7. Explication

Explication is to express the explicit terms what is unclear in the source language. It also considered as an addition. Explication is also defined as the act of making clear or removing obscurity from the meaning of a word or symbol or expression, the act of explaining, making something plain or intelligible.

8. Oblique Translation

Oblique translation, by unacceptable we mean that the message, when translated literally gives another meaning, has no meaning, is


structurally impossible, does not have a corresponding expression with the metalinguistic expression, but not within the same register.18

Translation is an attempt to transfer the meaning which contained in source text to target text. Therefore, translator is expected to cope both source and target language. Besides, a good translator must be ready to understand the cultural background of source language and target language as well.

D. Definition of Modulation

Modulation, specifically, indicates a change in the angle from which something is seen. Equivalence is the replacement of an SL situation by a communicatively comparable TL situation.19It means that modulation is a transformation of a translation angle from source language into target language in a text.

According to Vinay and Darbelnet, modulation is ‘A variation of the form of the message, obtained by a change in the point of view. This change can be justified when altough a literal, or even transposed, translation results in a grammatically correct utterance, it is considered unsuitable, unidiomatic or awkward in the TL.’20 In order to get a good translation, a translator should grasp the contain, meaning, and message in source language. It is started by reading a text and analyzing from words level, phrases level, clauses level, and sentences of the text. By reading and analyzing the source language, there will appear a

18Basil Hatim and Jeremy Munday, (2004), op.cit. p.150

19 Wolfram Wills, The science of Translation: problems and method, (stuttgart: Gunter

naar Verlag,1977), p.99

20 Vinay, J.P and J.Darbelnet, Comparative Stylistics of French and English: A



question about how to deliver the contain, the meaning, and the message into target language. For example: ‘Sandi menendang bola’ translated ‘The ball is kicked by Sandi’, in this case the translator face of a change point of view from active (menendang) into passive (is kicked).

The point of view is changed, but similar message in the text. Hoed explains that modulation is giving equivalence by a translator semantically different in the meaning point of view, but the related context gives similar intention. As an example:

SL : The laws of Germany govern this Agreement TL : Perjanjian ini diatur oleh hukum Jerman21

In the example above, the passive meaning is translated the active meaning or the passive point of view is translated into passive.

Gerard Hardin explains that ‘a change in point of view that allows us to express the same phenomenon in a different way.’22 It means that a translator can translate a source language text by adjusting a different culture or a language style itself. Hence, in delivering a target language, it will be easily understandable for its readers. Another example is as below:

SL : Anthropologist have reacted to the diversity of cultural arrangements in two ways:

TL :Terhadap keragaman pengaturan buadaya reaksi antropolog dapat dibedakan menjadi dua corak

21 Benny Hoedoro Hoed, Penerjemahan dan Kebudayaan, (Jakarta: PT DuniaPustaka

Jaya, 2006) p. 74

22 Gérard Hardin & Cynthia Picot, (1990) Translate: Initiation à la pratique de la


Modulation occured in the translated text above into ‘dapat dibedakan menjadi’ in SL is hidden. The feature of SL Modulation which becomes hidden in TL classified into free modulation.23

Hoed classifies a meaning transfer or modulation into two groups: (1) An angle transfer (2) A meaning transfer.24An angle transfer occurs if the elements of source language get their harmonization in a source language with different angle, like the example below:

SL : By the will of God.

TL : Diluar kemampuan manusia.

By the example above, there is a difference of angle between source language and target language in a translating text. We may translate the sentence above to be ‘atas kehendak tuhan’ however it is translated according to the translator point of view. The context here can break the problem between two languages to figure out the right equivalent.

Besides, Suryawinata and Hariyanto state that modulation is a strategy to translate a word, a phrase, or a sentence. It is impossible to do if the literal words translation cannot produce a flexible translation. As the example:

SL : Tiada banding

Tl : There was no comparison25

As the example above, a translator sees a sentence meaning entirely and it is different with the writer. The sentence in SL focuses on the object of being talked

23 Rochayah Machali, pedoman bagi Penerjemah, (jakarta: PT grasindo,2000), p. 70 24 Benny Hoedoro Hoed, Penerjemahan dan Kebudayaan, (Jakarta: PT DuniaPustaka

Jaya, 2006) p.24

25ZuchridinSuryawinata and SugengHariyanto, Translation: Bahasan Teoridan Penuntun



to or commanded, however the translation focuses on the reality which being talked that no comparison. The verb phrase here is changed into noun.

E. Kinds of Modulation

According to Vinay and Darbelnet’s cited in Newmark theory, there are eleven kinds of Modulation procedures26 :

a) Abstract for Concrete

Abstract for concrete is changing a point of view from abstract in source language (SL) and changed into concrete in target language (TL).27 For example: ‘sleep in the open’ translated to ‘tidur diluar rumah’ in the example before, the literary meaning of word ‘open’ is ‘terbuka’. However, the translator translated it to be ‘diluar rumah’, so the meaning becomes more concrete. Another example is ‘No vacancies’ translated to

‘Kamar penuh’.28 In that example, if we look up a dictionary, the meaning of the word ‘vacancy’ is ‘peluang’, hence the word ‘No vacancies’ means ‘tidak ada peluang’. It is what we call an abstract to be a concrete.

b) Cause for Effect

Cause for effect modulation exists in a sentence that shows a relationship between cause and effect. For example: SL: ‘We all suffer from the consequences of environmental degradation’ translated to TL:

26 Peter Newmark, A Textbook of Translation, (London: Prentice Hall, 1988). P.88 27ibid. p. 89


‘Kita semua menderita karena (adanya) penurunan mutu lingkungan’ in the sentence before, the word ‘karena’ shows the meaning of cause while the word ‘adanya’ shows the meaning of effect.

c) One part for Another

One part for another modulation is a changing point of view from one part in SL and changed into for another in TL. For example: SL; ‘from coast to coast’ translated to TL; ‘dari tepi kembali lagi ketepi’. The word ‘to’ change one part of the sentence into another in TL. So it can be translated to be like an edge by changing the point of view.

d) Reversal of Terms

Reversal of terms is also a distinct procedure, usually for making language sound natural. In the other words, reversal of terms is changing of terms in between SL into TL express the term in formal way, the TL can be changed into both formal and informal ways and when the word in SL translated literal and in TL can be changed into match with a sentence and can show the correct meaning. For example: Buy – Sell: jual –beli/ Lend– Borrow: meminjamkan – meminjam. another example:‘health insurance’ translated to ‘Asuransi kesehatan’

e) Active for passive

Active or passive is changing a point of view when SL in active form and TL are changed into passive form. For example: ‘the problem is hard to solve’ translated to ‘masalah itu sukar (untuk) dipecahkan’ in



that sentence, the word ‘to solve’ shows an active meaning which is ‘memecahkan’. However, it changes to be ‘dipecahkan’ which shows the passive meaning.

f) Space for Time

Space for time is changing point of view from SL into TL in a time. For example: ‘a quarterly magazine’29 translated to ‘majalah tiga bulanan’ another example: ‘I will come at quarter 11’ translated to ‘Saya akan datang pada pukul 11 lewat 15 menit’

g) Interval and Limits

Interval and limits is changing point of view intervals in SL and changed into limits in TL. For example: ‘He is the one’ translated to ‘Dialah satu-satunya’

h) Change of Symbols

Change of symbol is point of view from SL into TL in a symbol. For example: ‘The White House’ translated to ‘Rumah kediaman di USA’ which symbolically the word ‘White House’ has shown the possessive of the US.

i) Negated Contrary

Modulation of negated contrary or positive for double negative (or double negative for positive) is a concrete translation procedure which can be applied in principle to any action (verb) or quality (adjective or adverb). This kind of modulation is trying to find the


anonym of the word in negative in SL to be positive in TL or vice versa. For example: ‘it isn’t expensive’ translated to ‘ini murah’ and ‘it isn’t impossible’ translated to ‘mungkin’.

j) Part for the whole

Part for the whole is rather misleadingly describes or alternatives. It occurs changing point of view from a part in SL and changed into for the whole in TL. For example: ‘man is a thinking creature’ translated to ‘manusia adalah makhluk yang berpikir’

k) Free modulation

Free modulation is used by translator when TL rejects literal translation, which, by Vinay and Darbelnet’s criteria, means virtually always. However, free modulation does not actually become fixed until referred in dictionary and grammar.30 For example:

SL: By the will of the God TL: Diuar kemampuan manusia

In translation, a point of view transformation is a process which involves language structure aspects. The equivalence between SL and TL is something that deserves to analyze. A translator has a same function as a language that is to communicate all ideas and opinion.



A. Data Description

In data description, the researcher finds the modulation in translating meaning in the text of the DIARY of a Wimpy Kid novel. These consist of 6 kind of Free Modulation, 2 kind of Abstract for concrete, 1 kind of cause for effect, 1 kind of part for the Whole, 2 kind of Active for Passive, 1 kind of Space for Time, 3 kind of Negated contrary, and 1 kind of Interval and Limits. The researcher analyzes those modulation one by one observing the sentence, phrase or word, exploring the meaning and the message text, and analyzing the meaning between the source language and target language.

The researcher analyzes these kind of modulation based on Newmark concept of translation theory and Vinay and Darbelnet of Modulation theory. Explaining the meaning occurred modulation in source language to target language. The data will be described in the table below:

Table I

The Data of Modulations Form in Diary of Wimpykid : Dog Days novel By Jeff Kinney

No Source Languange (SL) Target Languange (TL) Kinds of


1 Rowley's family belongs to a country club, and when school let out for the summer, we were going there every single day. (p.3)

keluarga Rowley adalah anggota sebuah janapada, dan ketika liburan sekolah pada musim panas dimulai, kami pergi kesana setiap hari (p.3)

Free Modulation

2 I don’t see why Mom and Dad bother to try and protect me from horror movies and stuff like that (p.7)

Aku tidak mengerti mengapa Mom dan Dad perlu repot-repot melarangku menonton film horor dan yang sejenisnya (p.7)

Free Modulation

3 When the last “li’l cutie” comes out, me and Dad will have to throw a party (p.12)

Saat “li’l cutie” yang terakhir dimuat nanti, aku dan Dad akan mengadakan pesta (p.12)

Active for Passive

4 Even though me and Dad see eye to eye on “li’l cutie”, there are still a lot of things we butt heads over. (p.13)

Walaupun aku dan Dad sependapat dalam urusan “li’l cutie”, Masih tetap ada banyak hal yang membuat kami beradu pendapat. (p.13)

Abstract for Concrete

5 And later on I saw her bury them in the sand for manny to “discover” (p.16)

Kemudian aku melihat dia menguburnya di dalam pasir agar bisa “ditemukan” oleh Manny. (p.16)

Active for Passive

6 I think Mom’s starting to regret taking me to get my hair cut the other day. (p.22)

Aku rasa Mom mulai menyesal karena telah membawaku potong rambut (p.22)

Cause for Effect



7 I asked Mom when Dad was out of the room, because Dad doesn’t like it when I have sleepovers on a ‘work night’. (p.25)

Aku memastikan Dad berada diruang lain ketika aku bertanya soal itu pada Mom karena Dad tidak suka kalau aku

mengundang teman menginap pada hari-hari sekolah (p.25)

Free Modulation

8 The special effects was really cheesy, and I wasn’t even scared until the very end. (p.29)

Efek khusus film itu norak, dan aku bahkan tidak merasa takut hingga bagian paling akhir. (p.29)

Part for the whole

9 I thought about it, though, and I realized there’s only so much ground a muddy hand can cover in a day. (p.31)

Namun, setelah aku memikirkannya, panjang-lebar, aku sadar bahwa sepotong tangan berlumpur tidak bisa berkelana terlalu jauh dalam waktu satu hari. (p.31)

Negated Contrary

10 Well, the membership of the Reading Is Fun Club took a big hit Overnight. (p.39)

Yah, keanggotaan ‘Membaca itu

Menyenangkan’ menyusut drastis dalam waktu semalam. (p.39)

Free Modulation

11 I’m not talking about some average, run-of-the-mill lawn care service, either. (p.49)

Aku tidak sedang membicarakan jasa potong rumput yang biasa-biasa saja. (p.49)

Interval and Limits

12 But get this: The Yellow Pages people told us a few

Tapi coba dengar: orang-orang di Yellow Pages bilang pada kami harga

Free Modulation


thousand bucks to put our ad in their book. (p.50)

untuk memasang iklan dibuku mereka adalah sebesar beberapa ribu dolar. (p.50) 13 My birthday’s coming up this

weekend, and it can’t get here quick enough for me. (p.73)

Akhir pekan ini adalah hari ulang tahunku, dan rasanya lama sekali bagiku. (p.73)

Negated Contrary

14 I like to cut to the chase on my birthday and get right to the gift. (p.88)

Aku tidak ingin terlalu bertele-tele pada hari ulang tahunku dan hendak langsung membuka kado. (p.88)

Negated Contrary

15 Because today she said we could go to the mall and get a “makeup gift” (p.91)

Karena hari ini dia mengatakan kami akan pergi ke mal dan mendapatkan “hadiah pengganti” (p.91)

Free Modulation

16 Mom had printed out some pictures from the Fourth, and she left them lying on the kitchen table. (p.143)

Mom sudah mencetak beberapa foto yang diambil pada tanggal empat Juli lalu, dan dia meninggalkannya diatas meja dapur (p.143)

Space for Time

17 Nobody bothered to check on how I was doing after falling off the bed onto my face. (p.169)

Tidak ada yang repot-repot bertanya mengenai keadaanku yang terjatuh ke lantai. (p.169)

Abstract for Concrete



B. Data Analysis

In this chapter, the researcher uses some references to analyze the collected data by using some dictionaries, namely Webster dictionary, English – Indonesia dictionary by Jhon M. Echols and Hasan Sadily., A Comprehensive Indonesia – English Dictionary by Alan M. Stevans and A. Ed. Schmidgall – Tellings and Kamus Lengkap Bahasa Indonesia by Amran Chaniago. Additionally, the researcher chooses two novels as my corpus. For English form, the researcher use

DIARY of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days novel by Jeff Kinney and its Indonesian

translated form DIARY Si Bocah Tengil: Hari-Hari Sial novel by Ferry Halim. Then, the researcher analyze the kinds of modulation occured in translating of the novel by using Vinay’s theory.

A.Free Modulation

Free modulation is a translation procedure that is supposed to explain the meaning, to obtain the relation meaning between SL and TL and also to achieve the equivalence meaning as natural as SL. It occurs when a word or phrase is translated differently as word as a meaning itself. Free modulation is used by a translator when the TL rejects literal translation. According the data, there are 6examples of free modulation in DIARY of a

Wimpy Kid: Dog Days novel, they are:

1. SL: Rowley's family belongs to a country club, and when school let out for the summer, we were going there every single day. (p.3) TL: Keluarga Rowley adalah anggota sebuah janapada, dan ketika


liburan sekolah pada musim panas dimulai, kami pergi kesana setiap hari (p.3)

In this case, the free modulation occurs the translation of country club into janapada. In English Indonesian dictionary by Jhon M. Echols the meaning of country club is perkumpulan, biasanya diluar kota yang

mempunyai gedung pertemuan dan perlengkapan untuk olahraga.31 In

Webster dictionary the word country club means a private club where

people go for social events and play golf, tennis etc.32

However, the translator translates this word to be janapada. It makes the readers confused. The word janapada is an example of transformation in point of view classified into free modulation, because it explains hidden message on SL. If the word country club is translates literally, the message delivered on SL might be different with TL and not included in this type of modulation. Hence, the translator should have changed the point of view on TL.

2. SL: I don’t see why mom and dad bother to try and protect me from horror movies and stuff like that (p.7)

TL: Aku tidak mengerti mengapa Mom dan Dad perlu repot-repot melarangku menonton film horor dan yang sejenisnya (p.7) In this case, the free modulation occurs the translation of protect me into melarangku. The word protect has a meaning from melindungi/

31 Jhon M.Echols and Hasan Sadily. Kamus Inggris Indonesia. (Jakarta : Gramedia, 2003)




menjaga/ memelihara.33 While in this case the translator translated into TL

to be melarang. In English dictionary the word of protect is to keep or

save someone or something from harmed, lost, injury, damage etc.34 The

word of Melarang in Indonesia dictionary means mencegah agar sesuatu

tidak dilaksanakan.35 The translator intends to deliver the message or the

meaning of TL as it is supposed to ban, prevent, or avoid from doing something; it is like the message of SL. Maybe the translator uses the word

of melarang to make the readers easily understand the meaning. The word

of melindungi on SL meaning has different understanding in point of view,

so the translator uses free modulation as the kind of translation to make readers catch the delivered message.

3. SL: I asked Mom when Dad was out of the room, because Dad doesn’t like it when I have sleepovers on a ‘work night’. (p.25)

TL : Aku memastikan Dad berada diruang lain ketika aku bertanya soal itu pada Mom karena Dad tidak suka kalau aku mengundang teman menginap pada hari-hari sekolah (p.25)

In the sentence above, the words of work night changes into hari-hari sekolah. In literal translation, the word of work night should be translates into kerja malam. It is a clear example of free modulation because if it is translated literally, it would be kerja malam hari. In English dictionary the word of work means activity in which one exerts strength or faculties to do

33 Jhon M.Echols and Hasan Sadily. op cit. p. 453 34Merriam-Webster, op ci t

35 Amran Y.S.Chaniago. Kamus Lengkap Bahasa Indonesia, (Bandung: CV.Pustaka


or perform something. And the word of night means the time from dusk to

dawn when no sunlight is visible.36 The word of work night might be used

by the writer as an idiom which shows the prior words meaning.

The translator translates to hari-hari sekolah that is different point of view. If translator translates literally, the readers probably do not understand the meaning of contents and it might be confusing the readers, because in SL it is sufficiently clear that Gregory is asking for his mother’s permission to stay and he is asking when it is still the day of school activities. So that translator works around this by changing the point of view on the TL.

4. SL: Well, the membership of the Reading is Fun Club took a big hit Overnight. (p.39)

TL: yah, keanggotaan ‘membaca itu menyenangkan’ menyusut drastis dalam waktu semalam (p.39)

In the sentence above, the word of took a big hit translates into menyusut drastis. In English dictionary the word of took/take/taken means to get something into one’s hands or into one possession, power or

control. The word of big means large in size number or amount involving

or including people, things, etc. The word of hit means to move your hand,

a bat, etc, quickly so that it touches someone or something in a forceful or violent way or to cause something to move by hitting it forcefully with a



bat, racket, etc.37 In English-Indonesia dictionary the word took/take/taken

means mengambil.38The word of hit means memukul so if it is translates, it will be mengambil pukulan besar.39 The translator changes the point of view of TL it might be supposed to understand the meaning of the story.

Hence, the translator translated it by changing the point of view of SL into TL to be menyusut drastis. In Indonesia dictionary, the word

menyusut comes from the word susut which means menjadi berkurang/

mengerut/ proses, cara menyusutkan.40 Hence the meaning of the sentence

above is an extremely decreased condition. The words menyusut or

penyusutan are usually related to income/outcome in certain percentage.

The translator’s use the type of modulation is intended to explain the derivation of reading interest in club members.

5. SL: But get this: the Yellow Pages people told us a few thousand bucks to put our ad in their book. (p.50)

TL: Tapi coba dengar orang-orang di Yellow Pages bilang pada kami harga untuk memasang iklan dibuku mereka adalah sebesar beberapa ribu dollar. (p.50)

In this case, the free modulation occurs the translation of get this into coba dengar. In English dictionary the word of get/got/gotten means to

gain possession of or receive a return.41 In English-Indonesian dictionary,


i bid.

38 Jhon M.Echols and Hasan Sadily. op.cit. p..577 39ibid. p.299

40 Amran Y.S.Chaniago. Kamus Lengkap Bahasa Indonesia, (Bandung: CV.Pustaka

Setia, 2002), p. 514


the word get/got/gotten means memperoleh/ menerima while the meaning of the sentence of SL above is to explain people about the price of advertisement.42 But the translator translated it by changing the point of view on TL to be coba dengar. In Indonesian-English dictionary, the word of dengar is hear/listen to.43 In Indonesia dictionary the word of dengar means menangkap bunyi dari telinga untuk mendapatkan kabar yang

belum jelas tentang sesuatu hal.44

The word might have a meaning about the people in Yellow Pages to inform about the price of making an advertisement. The translator changes the point of view to make readers easy to understand because there are different meanings between SL and TL if the translator does not change the point of view.

6. SL: Because today she said we could go to the mall and get a “makeup gift” (p.91)

TL: Karena hari ini dia mengatakan kami akan pergi ke mal dan mendapatkan “hadiah pengganti” (p.91)

In the sentence above, the word of makeup gift is translates into hadiah pengganti. In English dictionary the word of makeup means the way in which something is put together or arranged: the pyhsical, mental and moral character of a person: substances (such as lipstick or powder)

42 Jhon M.Echols and Hasan Sadily, op cit. P. 266

43 Steven M.Alan and Schmidgall, Kamus Lengkap Indonesia Inggris, (Bandung: PT.

Mizan Pustaka, 2009), p. 236




used to make someone’s face look more attractive.45In English-Indonesian

dictionary the word of make-up means dandanan/ memakai dandanan

pada muka/wajah.46 In Indonesian dictionary the word of dandanan means

mengenakan pakaian/ berhias atau memakai alat-alat rias dan

menjadikan rapi while the translator changes the point of view to be

hadiah pengganti.47

The translator changes the word of makeup to pengganti. It is possible to make the previous sentence becomes clearer. It might be meant to make the sentence easy to be understood by readers because if it is translated literally it will mean hadiah dandanan and it makes the readers confused. As we know the gift is giving something to someone in the form of good. So the translator changes the point of view of TL using free modulation method.

B.Abstract for Concrete

Abstract for concrete is changing a point of view from abstract in source language (SL) and changed into concrete in target language (TL). According the data, there are 2 examples of free modulation in DIARY of a

Wimpy Kid: dog days novel, they are :

1. SL: Even though me and Dad see eye to eye on li’l cutie, there are still a lot of things we butt heads over. (p.13)

TL: Walaupun aku dan Dad sependapat dalam urusan “li’l cutie”,


Merriam-Webster, op. cit 46

Jhon M.Echols and Hasan Sadily. op.cit . p. 371



masih tetap ada banyak hal yang membuat kami beradu pendapat. (p.13)

In this case, the word of we butt heads over is changes into kami beradu pendapat. This kind of form is abstract for concrete. In English dictionary the word of butt heads means to come into conflict.48 Which means to start a conflict on an issue or any problem. In English-Indonesia dictionary the word of butt means puntung/ obyek/ ujung; bertubrukan

kepala.49 The word of bertubrukan kepala aims to explain the word of butt

heads over . If the sentence above is translates literally, the sentence

means ujung atas kepala which means something on the edge of head or it can be something like the edge of head. In Indonesia dictonary the word of

adu/ beradu means berlanggaran, while the meaning of this sentence is

beradu lidah which means berbantah-bantah atau bertengkar mulut50.

The words we butt heads over aim to argue about the differences or disputes between one person and another. So if the translator does not change the point of view of TL, readers will have difficulty to understand the story of the novel. So the translator changes it to be ‘kami beradu pendapat’ to ease readers understand the story. The sentence shows a debate between one and another. The change of point of view here is clear to show kind of abstract modulation for concrete.

2. SL: Nobody bothered to check on how I was doing after falling off the bed onto my face. (p.169)


Merriam-Webster, op. cit


Jhon M.Echols and Hasan Sadily. op.cit. p. 90




TL: Tidak ada yang repot-repot bertanya mengenai keadaanku yang terjatuh ke lantai. (p.169)

In this case, the words of onto my face changes into ke lantai. In English dictionary the word of onto is preposition on-to which means to a position that is on (something, such as a surface, area or object): in a

direction that allows to get to or see (something). The words of face means

the front part of the head that has the eyes, nose, and mouth on it; a facial

expression.51 In English – Indonesia dictionary the word of onto means

diatas, and the words face means muka/ wajah.52 In Indonesia dictionary

the word of wajah/ muka means bagian depan kepala dari dahi atas

sampai dagu/ sisi bagian depan.53Later, if we literally translate it, it will

be diatas wajahku. This sentence becomes abstract if it is only translated

literally; the translator changes it to be ke lantai. Because on SL this sentence explains about someone who falls off his bed while fall here means going slide down, so the translator changes it to be a more concrete sentence to make readers understand.

C.Cause for Effect

Cause for Effect modulation exists in a sentence that shows a relationship in between cause and effects. According the data, there is one example of free modulation in DIARY of a Wimpy Kid: dog days novel, they are :

1. SL: I think Mom’s starting to regret taking me to get my hair cut the


Merriam-Webster, op. cit 52

Jhon M.Echols and Hasan Sadily, op.cit. p. 405



other day. (p.22)

TL: Aku rasa Mom mulai menyesal karena telah membawaku potong rambut (p.22)

In the sentence above, SL and TL has a cause and effect form. The word of taking me to get my hair cut the other day translated into karena telah membawaku potong rambut. In English dictionary the word of

taking means to get into one’s hands or into one’s possession, power or

control.54 But the translator changes the point of view. Translator uses the

word of karena to explain about the sentence that Greg whose mother regrets taking him to cut his hair off, however the model is not like his mother expects to be. So the sentence I think mom’s starting to regret is kind of effect, while the word karena classifies about the cause that states his mother’s regret. The translator changes the point of view the TL using conjunctive words are intended to explain the sentence before.

D.Part for the Whole

Part for the whole is rather misleadingly described or alternative. It changes point of view from a part in SL and changes into for the whole in TL. According the data, there is one example of free modulation in DIARY

of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days novel, namely:

1. SL: The special effects was really cheesy, and I wasn’t even scared until the very end. (p.29)




TL: Efek khusus film itu norak, dan aku bahkan tidak merasa takut hingga bagian paling akhir. (p.29)

In this case, the word of was really cheesy changed into film itu norak. In English dictionary the word of really is used to refer to what is

true or real without question or doubt and the word of cheesy is

resembling cheese especially looking or smelling like cheese; of poor

quality lacking style or good taste.55 In English – Indonesia dictionary the

word of cheesy means buruk.56 However, the translator here changes the meaning on TL to be film itu norak.

In indonesia dictionary the TL norak means udik/ dusun/

kampungan.57Udik or kampungan is usually used to describe someone’s

condition that is out of the date and lack of knowledge about certain information or news. It is usually pointed out to a villager who moves to one big city. Meanwhile, the word buruk usually explains someone’s trait (both character and physic) or a not-good condition. However, on the TL, it is changed to be film itu norak. On the SL above, the sentence defines that the film is not interesting at all. The translator changed it to make readers easy to understand.

E. Active for passive

Modulation of active for passive is changing point of view when SL is active form and TL changed into passive form or vice versa.


Merriam-Webster, op. cit 56

Jhon M.Echols and Hasan Sadily. op.cit. p.110



According the data, there are 2 examples of free modulation in DIARY of a

Wimpy Kid: Dog Days novel, they are :

1. SL: When the last “li’l cutie” comes out, me and dad will have throw a party (p.12)

TL: Saat “li’l cutie” yang terakhir dimuat nanti, aku dan Dad akan mengadakan pesta (p.12)

The sentence in SL is active form and the sentence in TL is passive form. In this case the word of comes out in English dictionary means

become visible. In English-Indonesia dictionary the word of comes out

means menjadi terlihat/ keluar/ muncul while the word dimuat nanti on the TL is a passive form.58 In Indonesia dictionary the word of dimuat comes from the word muat which means dapat diisi.59 The word dimuat is transformation form of passive which intended to explain the next publishing on a magazine.

2. SL: And later on I saw her bury them in the sand for many to “discover” (p.16)

TL: Kemudian aku melihat dia menguburnya di dalam pasir agar bisa “ditemukan” oleh Manny. (p.16)

The sentence above can be classified into active for passive. The sentence of SL is an active form while SL is passive. In English-Indonesian dictionary, the word of discover means menemukan. 60 However, the translator changes the form into passive to be ditemukan.


Jhon M.Echols and Hasan Sadily. op.cit. p.127


Amran Y.S.Chaniago. op.cit. p.406




The word of menemukan means get something we are looking for so this form is active. The word ditemukan is a passive form because it has prefix di-.

F. Space for Time

Space for time is changing point of view from SL into TL in a time. According the data there is one example of free modulation in

DIARY of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days novel, they are :

1. SL: Mom had printed out some pictures from the Fourth, and she left them lying on the kitchen table. (p.143)

TL: Mom sudah mencetak beberapa foto yang diambil pada tanggal empat Juli lalu, dan dia meninggalkannya diatas meja dapur (p.143)

In this case, the words of from the fourth changed into tanggal empat Juli lalu. In english dictionary the word of fourth means number

four in the series.61 The translator changes the point of view into tanggal

empat Juli. In Indonesia- English dictionary the word of tanggal is date

and the word of bulan is month.62That is different meaning. As we know, the amount of date are 30 up to 31 and the amount of months are 12 per year.

In literal translation, from the fourth should be translated into dari

yang keempat while here the translator changes it to be tanggal empat Juli

lalu. On the SL text, there is an SL text which does not explain a date or a


Merriam-Webster, op. cit 62


month but the translator used a context of time. This is transformation of meaning which is used by the translator to equivalence the sentence on SL. G. Negated Contrary

Modulation of negated contrary or positive double negative (or double negative for positive) is a concrete translation procedure which can be applied in principle to any action (verb) or quality (adjective or adverb). According the data there are 3 examples of free modulation in DIARY of a

Wimpy Kid: Dog Days novel, they are :

1. SL: I thought about it, though, and I realized there’s only so much ground a muddy hand can cover in a day. (p.31)

TL: Namun, setelah aku memikirkannya panjang-lebar, aku sadar bahwa sepotong tangan berlumpur tidak bisa berkelana terlalu jauh dalam waktu satu hari. (p.31)

In the case, it is classified into kinds of negated contrary. The translator translated the muddy hand can cover in a day in the SL that is changed into tangan berlumpur tidak bisa berkelana terlalu jauh dalam waktu satu hari. The word of can is positive and changed into negative meaning in TL into tidak bisa. In the sentence above, SL text defines positive meaning but the translator changed it into negative.

The sentence of the muddy hand can cover in a day should be translated into tangan berlumpur bisa berkelana terlalu jauh dalam waktu sehari. But it is changed to be tidak bisa, so this is a kind of negative



statement that changed by the translator using the kinds of modulation negative for double positive and vice versa.

2. SL: My birthday’s coming up this weekend, and it can’t get here quick enough for me. (p.73)

TL: Akhir pekan ini adalah hari ulang tahunku, dan rasanya lama sekali bagiku. (p.73)

In this case, the word of can’t get here quick enough is the negative statement, and then changed into rasanya lama sekali is the positive statement. In English-Indonesia translation the word of quick is

cepat and the word of enough is cukup. If we translated literally the word

of can’t get here means tidak bisa di sini. It has different meaning between

SL and TL because the translator changes the point of view. In Indonesia dictionary the word of rasanya means kiranya or sekiranya.63 If the translator does not change the point of view the message of SL can not be understood by the reader.

On SL sentence, it is a negative form, but the translator changes it to be positive. The translator changes the point of view on TL into different perspective but it still has same meaning. The word can’t get

here quick enough can be translated as tidak cukup cepat ada disini, so

with another word, we can find the equivalence between SL and TL. 3. SL: I like to cut to the chase on my birthday and get right to the gift.




TL: Aku tidak ingin terlalu bertele-tele pada hari ulang tahunku dan hendak langsung membuka kado. (p.88)

In the sentence above, the word of like to cut to is the positive statement and changed into tidak ingin terlalu bertele-tele is negative statement. In English dictionary the word of like is to get pleasure from

something or enjoy being with someone.64 On TL, there is a different

meaning transformation from SL, because the sentence is positive and the translator changed it into negative. But the meaning is still the same. The word of cut means memotong/ memutuskan but here the translator changed the point of view on TL into negative meaning to make the readers understand the context. If the SL is translated literally the meaning on TL will be different and it makes the readers confused.

H. Interval and Limits

Interval and limits is changing point of view intervals in SL and changed into limits in TL, which also sounds more natural in TL. According the data there is one example of free modulation in DIARY of a

Wimpy Kid: Dog Days novel, they are :

1. SL: I’m not talking about some average, run-of-the-mill lawn care service, either. (p.49)

TL: Aku tidak sedang membicarakan jasa potong rumput yang biasa- biasa saja. (p.49)




In this case, the translator translates run-of-the-mill lawn care service into jasa potong rumput yang biasa-biasa saja. In English dictionary the word of run of the mill is average or ordinary.65 The translator changes the point of view. In English – Indonesia dictionary the word of run-of-the-mill means biasa saja and changes into biasa-biasa saja.66 In Indonesia dictionary the word of biasa explains something normal or something usually happens. But here the translator changes it to be biasa-biasa saja.67

The word of run of the mill is the limits and the translator changes into biasa-biasa saja is interval. The sentence transformation on text SL and TL above is one example of interval and limits. The translator changes the meaning of translation to make the sentence clear.


Merriam-Webster, op. cit 66

Jhon M.Echols and Hasan Sadily, op.cit.p. 495



43 A. Conclusion

The translation of modulation procedure is one of the most important to be considered in translation process. As a consequence, a translator should understand language usage structure on each word or sentence. Modulation of translation is a shift of point of view from source language into target language. A translator should understand the method and procedure entirely. Kinds of modulation in this novel DIARY of Wimpy Kid : Dog Days consist of eight. Because both novels contain a meaning shift and a changed point of view.

The novel used by the researcher has two different culture whereas the language used is English and translated into Indonesia. Because of the language difference in both novels, the researcher uses modulation to compare the words, phrases, clauses changed from SL into TL. Modulation is an option concept for the translator to deal with words or phrases especially. The researcher expects all translators to understand the meaning of modulation use in this research.

Finally, the researcher chooses the topic of Modulation procedure as a topic of the research, to find out the meaning that change from the difficult words in this DIARY of a Wimpy Kid Dog Days novel.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, the writer’s suggestion for this research is that in translating a text, the translator must consider the translation procedure



especially the modulation to produce a good translation. Someone should understand how to deliver a message or meaning of source language to be applied on target language. At least, the translator should use some dictionaries to compare between SL and TL hence it is easy for readers to understand the contain and purpose of the translation.



Brislin, R.W. Translation: Application and Research. New York: Gardner Press Inc, 1976.

Catford, J.C. A Linguistic of Theory Translation. London : Oxford University Press, 1965.

Echols, Jhon M. and Hasan Sadily. Kamus Inggris Indonesia. Jakarta: gramedia, 2003.

Hatim Basil and Ian Mason. The Translator as Communicator. London : Routledge, 1997.

Hatim, Basil and Jeremy Munday. Translation an Advanced Resources Book. London : Routledge, 2004.

Hardin, Gerard and Chyntia Picot. Initiation à la Pratique de la Traduction. Bordas, Paris: Aubin Imprimeur, 1990.

Hoed,Benny H. Penerjemahan dan Kebudayaan. Jakarta: pustaka jaya, 2006. _____. “Modulasi Sebagai Teknik Pemadanan Melalui Penyesuaian Semantis”

Jurnal Lintas Bahasa No 26/XII/8. Jakarta : Pusat Penerjemahan FIB

UI, 2004.

Kardimin. Pintar Menerjemah Wawasan Teoritik dan Praktek. Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar, 2013.

Machalli, Rochayah. Pedoman Bagi Penerjemah. Jakarta: PT.Gramedia Grasindo, 2000.

Newmark , Peter, A Textbook of Translation. Hertfordshire. Prentice Hall International Ltd, 1988.

Nida, E.A. and Charles Taber. The Theory and Practice Translation. Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1982.

Sayogie, Frans. Teori dan Praktek Penerjemahan : Bahasa Inggris kedalam bahasa Indonesia. Tangerang : Pustaka Anak Negeri, 2009.

Steven M. Alam and Schmidgall. A. Ed. Kamus Lengkap Indonesia-Inggris. Bandung: PT. Mizan Pustaka, 2009.



Suryawinata, Zuchridin & Sugeng Hariyanto. Translation: Bahasan Teori dan

Penuntun Praktis Menerjemahkan. Yogyakarta. Kanisius, 2003.

Vinay, J.P and J.Darbelnet. Comparative Stylistics of French and English : A Methodology for Translation, trans. And eds. J.C. Sager and M.-J.

Hamel, Amsterdam : Benjamins, 1995.

Venuti, Lawrence. The Translation Studies Reader. London and Newyork : Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2000.

Wills, Wolfram. The Science of Translation Problems and Methods. Struttgart : Gunter Naar Verlag, 1977.

Y.S Chaniago. Amran. Kamus Lengkap Bahasa Indonesia. Bandung: CV.Pustaka Setia, 2002.


Merriam-Webster. http://www.merriam-webster.com/ (accessed Agustus 18th,



APPENDICES Novel Synopsys

English Novel Indonesian Novel

The story begins withGreg Heffley explaining how his mom wants him to get some sunlight in the room while Greg is playing video games. Greg also explains how he andRowley Jefferson invitedTrista, a girl they met in the ending ofThe Last Straw to the latter's country club, but she met a lifeguard and hung out with him, so Greg and Rowley started hanging out without her, but within a few weeks, Rowley's dad becomes sick of Greg's constructive criticism about the quality of service of the club and bans him from entering the club with Rowley. The beach trip that they've planned is also cancelled due to the lack of money, so Greg's family goes to the town pool which he dislikes because of older, hairy men showering in the open shower stalls.Susantakes Greg to get a haircut, but instead



of his regular place, she takes him to Bombshells Beauty Salon, where Susan and her mother get their hair done.

While he is there, he reads a tabloid and remembers that Gramma reads tabloids. One tabloidGrammaread said cordless phones erase the memory of the elderly, so she didn't answer her phone, causing Mom to get worried and come to her house. Gramma said the information was from The New York Times. Greg fishes a tabloid out the trash can and "learned" North America will be underwater in six months, which takes the pressure out of him to do well at school. The barber also tells Greg about the town gossip. Susan picks him up in the middle of a story of Mr. Peppers and his wife who was twenty years younger than him.For Greg's birthday, all of his relatives come over. Unfortunately, his mom confiscates Greg's birthday money to pay off the $83 bill for Rowley's father.

Greg is also frustrated that his relatives have not given him a single gift that he wanted and received all gifts he loathes. Greg also gets a "Ladybug" cell phone but it is far from what he expected, as he views the Ladybug cellphone as junk and that it is not a real cellphone, in which the Ladybug only allows him to call home and 911. Greg goes to the next room to cut the cake, but becomes even more upset when Uncle Joe's dog eats his cake and vomits it in front of Greg, thus ruining his birthday. Manny, Rodrick and Greg try to give the dog a legit name, but Susan names the dog "Sweetheart" and shortens to "Sweetie.", much to the boys dismay, as Greg views that the dog is actually male not female. Frank sends Rodrick to the mall to buy a dog bowl with Sweetie's name printed on it but Rodrick comes back with Sweetie's name misspelled "Sweaty". Even though Greg



especially the modulation to produce a good translation. Someone should understand how to deliver a message or meaning of source language to be applied on target language. At least, the translator should use some dictionaries to compare between SL and TL hence it is easy for readers to understand the contain and purpose of the translation.


46 Inc, 1976.

Catford, J.C. A Linguistic of Theory Translation. London : Oxford University Press, 1965.

Echols, Jhon M. and Hasan Sadily. Kamus Inggris Indonesia. Jakarta: gramedia, 2003.

Hatim Basil and Ian Mason. The Translator as Communicator. London : Routledge, 1997.

Hatim, Basil and Jeremy Munday. Translation an Advanced Resources Book.

London : Routledge, 2004.

Hardin, Gerard and Chyntia Picot. Initiation à la Pratique de la Traduction. Bordas, Paris: Aubin Imprimeur, 1990.

Hoed,Benny H. Penerjemahan dan Kebudayaan. Jakarta: pustaka jaya, 2006. _____. “Modulasi Sebagai Teknik Pemadanan Melalui Penyesuaian Semantis”

Jurnal Lintas Bahasa No 26/XII/8. Jakarta : Pusat Penerjemahan FIB UI, 2004.

Kardimin. Pintar Menerjemah Wawasan Teoritik dan Praktek. Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar, 2013.

Machalli, Rochayah. Pedoman Bagi Penerjemah. Jakarta: PT.Gramedia Grasindo, 2000.

Newmark , Peter, A Textbook of Translation. Hertfordshire. Prentice Hall International Ltd, 1988.

Nida, E.A. and Charles Taber. The Theory and Practice Translation. Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1982.

Sayogie, Frans. Teori dan Praktek Penerjemahan : Bahasa Inggris kedalam bahasa Indonesia. Tangerang : Pustaka Anak Negeri, 2009.

Steven M. Alam and Schmidgall. A. Ed. Kamus Lengkap Indonesia-Inggris. Bandung: PT. Mizan Pustaka, 2009.



Suryawinata, Zuchridin & Sugeng Hariyanto. Translation: Bahasan Teori dan Penuntun Praktis Menerjemahkan. Yogyakarta. Kanisius, 2003. Vinay, J.P and J.Darbelnet. Comparative Stylistics of French and English : A

Methodology for Translation, trans. And eds. J.C. Sager and M.-J. Hamel, Amsterdam : Benjamins, 1995.

Venuti, Lawrence. The Translation Studies Reader. London and Newyork : Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2000.

Wills, Wolfram. The Science of Translation Problems and Methods. Struttgart : Gunter Naar Verlag, 1977.

Y.S Chaniago. Amran. Kamus Lengkap Bahasa Indonesia. Bandung: CV.Pustaka Setia, 2002.


Merriam-Webster. http://www.merriam-webster.com/ (accessed Agustus 18th, 2014).


APPENDICES Novel Synopsys

English Novel Indonesian Novel

The story begins withGreg Heffley explaining how his mom wants him to get some sunlight in the room while Greg is playing video games. Greg also explains how he andRowley Jefferson invitedTrista, a girl they met in the ending ofThe Last Straw to the latter's country club, but she met a lifeguard and hung out with him, so Greg and Rowley started hanging out without her, but within a few weeks, Rowley's dad becomes sick of Greg's constructive criticism about the quality of service of the club and bans him from entering the club with Rowley. The beach trip that they've planned is also cancelled due to the lack of money, so Greg's family goes to the town pool which he dislikes because of older, hairy men showering in the open shower stalls.Susantakes Greg to get a haircut, but instead



of his regular place, she takes him to Bombshells Beauty Salon, where Susan and her mother get their hair done.

While he is there, he reads a tabloid and remembers that Gramma reads tabloids. One tabloidGrammaread said cordless phones erase the memory of the elderly, so she didn't answer her phone, causing Mom to get worried and come to her house. Gramma said the information was fromThe New York Times. Greg fishes a tabloid out the trash can and "learned" North America will be underwater in six months, which takes the pressure out of him to do well at school. The barber also tells Greg about the town gossip. Susan picks him up in the middle of a story of Mr. Peppers and his wife who was twenty years younger than him.For Greg's birthday, all of his relatives come over. Unfortunately, his mom confiscates Greg's birthday money to pay off the $83 bill for Rowley's father.

Greg is also frustrated that his relatives have not given him a single gift that he wanted and received all gifts he loathes. Greg also gets a "Ladybug" cell phone but it is far from what he expected, as he views the Ladybug cellphone as junk and that it is not a real cellphone, in which the Ladybug only allows him to call home and 911. Greg goes to the next room to cut the cake, but becomes even more upset when Uncle Joe's dog eats his cake and vomits it in front of Greg, thus ruining his birthday. Manny, Rodrick and Greg try to give the dog a legit name, but Susan names the dog "Sweetheart" and shortens to "Sweetie.", much to the boys dismay, as Greg views that the dog is actually male not female. Frank sends Rodrick to the mall to buy a dog bowl with Sweetie's name printed on it but Rodrick comes back with Sweetie's name misspelled "Sweaty". Even though Greg


wanted a dog for a long time, he quickly becomes annoyed at Sweetie, who drools on his pillow, sleeps on his bed, interrupts his privacy time in the bathroom and won't stop barking at the television unless a certain advertisment comes on. Sweetie finally kissed Frank.

When Greg gets to Rowley's beach house he notices that theres nothing fun to do and he also finds out about how great the dinner was compared to dessert. He had a nasty suprise when he notices about Rowleys "chicken dreams". Then Greg fiddles with Mr. Jeffersons computer, then sending an email to his mother that said "HELP HELP GET ME OUT OF HERE THESE PEOPLE ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY". Mr.Jefferson is angry at Greg for Sending that message. Later on, Greg went on the Cranium Shaker, and then went pranking people with a one dollar bill but then a random kid caught it. Greg went to bed with Rowley before 8pm (and before the sun goes down). Greg shocked Rowley with a zap. Rowley got revenge by zapping Greg back. Then later, he got Rowley again, and then the Jeffersons called Greg's parents.

The book ends with Greg stating that his summer would have been better if he stayed in the house, and also claims that Rowley was never seen by him since Rowley beat Greg in the competition, and his father hasn't spoken to him yet since Greg almost got him arrested. Despite Greg's father being mad at Greg, they find a common ground through mutual dislike for a newspaper comic strip, in which the writer had passed down to his son and made the comic even worse. Greg realizes that summer is over when he sees a photo album titled "Best Summer Ever!" The photo album incorrectly records most of the summer pictures.