Definition of Translation A Modulation Translation in DIARY of a Wimpy Kid Dog Days Novel by Jeff Kinney

Besides, according to Hoed 23:2006, translation is a transforming activity a written message from a language text English text into another language Indonesian text. Delivering message is a translating activity done at the first. In the other words, a translation is language transformation or spell transformation a written text of one language into another language without changing the original message which meant to deliver. In understanding a translation definition, Catford defines that translation is the replacement of the textual material in one language by equivalent textual material in another language. 10 It needs to remember that a good translation does not feel like a translation when being read. When translating a text, there is a different form of phrase, clause, source language sentence, and target language text has its own rule which is also influenced by its own different culture. The most important before translating a text, a translator should find out and recognize what message meant to be delivered by the writer, hence a delivered message from target language is kept well, maintained and unchanged though the structure of phrase, clause and sentence changes.

B. Translating Process

In translating process edited by Nida and Taber, Kardimin states four theories of translating process 1. Analysis 10 J.C. Catford, A lingusitic of theory of translation, Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1965, p.20 In this step, a translator should study well a text of source language both its form and contain. A translator should also see meaning relation between a word and words. The aim of this analysis is to make a translator understands well the meaning beyond the text of source language and its way of delivering through language. 2. Transfer In this step, it starts the transferring step after doing a complete analysis which involves grammatical and semantic aspects. This process occurs in a translator’s mind. 3. Restructuring In this step, a translator restructures the text by using appropriate language style into target language. 4. Evaluation In this step, the translator re-analyse her research. After getting the translate in the target language, the result will be rematched with the original text. If it seems not so equivalent, the translator will revise. 11 The main point which underlies a translation is knowledge about two or more languages principles. A translation demands the understanding of both source language and target language and it is not only a matter of searching the harmonization of words. A translation is absolutely not an easy thing to do because each language has its own different system. In translating into Indonesian, a translator needs equivalence to appropriately and accurately transfer 11 Kardimin, Pintar Menerjemah Wawasan teoritik dan praktek, Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2013, p.16