SL: When the last “li’l cutie” comes out, me and dad will have throw a

The word of menemukan means get something we are looking for so this form is active. The word ditemukan is a passive form because it has prefix di- . F. Space for Time Space for time is changing point of view from SL into TL in a time. According the data there is one example of free modulation in DIARY of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days novel, they are :

1. SL: Mom had printed out some pictures from the Fourth, and she left

them lying on the kitchen table. p.143 TL: Mom sudah mencetak beberapa foto yang diambil pada tanggal empat Juli lalu , dan dia meninggalkannya diatas meja dapur p.143 In this case, the words of from the fourth changed into tanggal empat Juli lalu . In english dictionary the word of fourth means number four in the series . 61 The translator changes the point of view into tanggal empat Juli . In Indonesia- English dictionary the word of tanggal is date and the word of bulan is month. 62 That is different meaning. As we know, the amount of date are 30 up to 31 and the amount of months are 12 per year. In literal translation, from the fourth should be translated into dari yang keempat while here the translator changes it to be tanggal empat Juli lalu . On the SL text, there is an SL text which does not explain a date or a 61 Merriam-Webster , op. cit 62 Steven M.Alan and Schmidgall, op.cit. p. 955 month but the translator used a context of time. This is transformation of meaning which is used by the translator to equivalence the sentence on SL. G. Negated Contrary Modulation of negated contrary or positive double negative or double negative for positive is a concrete translation procedure which can be applied in principle to any action verb or quality adjective or adverb. According the data there are 3 examples of free modulation in DIARY of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days novel, they are : 1. SL: I thought about it, though, and I realized there’s only so much ground a muddy hand can cover in a day. p.31 TL: Namun, setelah aku memikirkannya panjang-lebar, aku sadar bahwa sepotong tangan berlumpur tidak bisa berkelana terlalu jauh dalam waktu satu hari . p.31 In the case, it is classified into kinds of negated contrary. The translator translated the muddy hand can cover in a day in the SL that is changed into tangan berlumpur tidak bisa berkelana terlalu jauh dalam waktu satu hari . The word of can is positive and changed into negative meaning in TL into tidak bisa. In the sentence above, SL text defines positive meaning but the translator changed it into negative. The sentence of the muddy hand can cover in a day should be translated into tangan berlumpur bisa berkelana terlalu jauh dalam waktu sehari . But it is changed to be tidak bisa, so this is a kind of negative