Steps of the Research

To obtain trustworthiness, I used a triangulation technique. Burns 1999:164 proposes four forms of triangulations, but in my research, I only chose two forms of triangulation. They were time triangulation and investigator triangulation. 1 Time Triangulation The data was collected at one point in time or in over period of time to get a set sense of what are involved in the process. In this study, the data were collected on October 2014. During that period of time, I would conduct my research in using animation movies to improve students’ speaking learning process. 2 Investigator triangulation More than one observer was involved in the same research setting to avoid the observer being biased and to provide checks on the reliability of the observations. In this study, there were two observers in this study, the English teacher as collaborator and I myself as researcher teacher.

H. Steps of the Research

To conduct the research, some steps were followed. Those steps were namely; reconnaissance, planning, action, observation, and reflection. Furthermore, those are discussed as follows: 1. Reconnaissance In this first step, what I did was finding the school problems and analyzing them. In this study, I observed the teaching and learning process, conducted an interview with some students of class VII D of SMP N 1 Kebonagung and the English teacher. Based on the observations, the interviews, and the discussions, the existing problems were classified. There were problems related to the teaching method of the teacher, the activities of the teaching and learning process; and the media given during the teaching and learning process. 2. Planning In this step, the results of the observation and interview were used as reference. Based on that data, I started to prepare all of the actions and the materials for teaching speaking by using animation movies. The preparation covered preparing the lesson plan, preparing the materials, preparing the media, and other instruments. 3. Action In this stage, I took action. After making some plans, animation movies were implemented as the main media to teach speaking for a certain period of time. The research was done in two cycles. Every cycle was done in 3 meetings. I taught the class and the English teacher helped me as collaborator. Scientific approach was used to teach the students. I recorded the students’ performance during the activities and did the interview with some students of VII D class of SMP N 1 Kebonagung after the class. Based on the observation, field notes, and interviews, the involved members discussed the implemented actions and analyzed the result. The result of the discussion was used as an evaluation that was used to improve the next actions. 4. Reflection In this stage, I made an evaluation. The reflection was done every time after the implementation of the actions. I and the collaborator made a reflection and evaluated the actions that were carried out. The successful actions were continued in the next teaching and learning process but the unsuccessful actions were modified into the ones that were more suitable. 56