Summary of Cycle II

d. Summary of Cycle II

Based on the reflection above, I and the collaborator agreed that the implementation of Animation Movies as interseting media in speaking learning process and its accompanying actions in Cycle II were successful. The summary of the implementation of those actions were as follows. 1 The effort to increase the students’ enthusiasm in speaking learning process was successful. The actions by giving rewards were very effective to interest the students in the teaching and learning process. They felt happy when they got rewards. The implementation of individual task also success in increasing students’ involvement toward the learning process. The students were more involved in the activity. The arrangement of group member also success in increase the effectiveness of group discussion. Each group was good in doing discussion. They could solve the problem by discussing with their teammates. The interaction among the members of the groups developed well. 2 The use of animation movies as interesting media in speaking learning process was successful in getting stude nts’ interest toward the material. The students enjoyed learning the material through the movies. The students also felt relaxed and not bored when learning speaking through animation movies. They are happy because they watched different movies and it made them more interested. It could minimize the st udents’ boredom. 3 The implementation of speaking performance as an interesting activity was effective in increasing students’ interest and involvement in speaking learning process. The students said that the activity was interesting because they got both knowledge and pleasure. Moreover, they could practise their skill in speaking. Some of them also stated that it made them challenged when doing speaking performance. Regarding the finding of Cycle II that all actions were successful in increas ing the students’ involvement and enthusiasm especially in speaking and the objectives of the research were achieved, I and the collaborator agreed to end this research in this cycle.

C. General Findings